Is this really the worst 3D Zelda Yas Forums? So many people hate this game

Is this really the worst 3D Zelda Yas Forums? So many people hate this game.

Attached: The Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker.jpg (800x1141, 152.03K)

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If by worst you mean top 3 then yes

Skyward Sword is far worse

no, TP is, followed by botw.

If by top 3 you mean best then yes

it was until twilight princess
which in turn it was until skyward sword
skyward sword is still unbeaten however

Yes that is correct

Attached: 1574013016618.webm (640x360, 2.52M)

It is, but it's still like a 6/10 which is really disappointing for a Zelda. Still playable by all means, though.

TP by a landslide. WW and SS at least had neat stuff going on for them.

TP is like 80% neat stuff.

all the 3D zelda games have prons and cons, I can't decide which is my favorite or least favorite.

How does this make the entire game bad again?

only zelda fans hate it so you can be assured it's the best game in the franchise

Wonder why they made it like that, can't think of any other places in the game where this happens.
It's right at the end of the game too

All the 3D games went downhill post MM.

>TP is like 80% neat stuff.

Everything else was just OoT done again.

probably from playtesting
they realized they were too retarded to figure it out so they had to make it more obvious

I was so pissed when it was announced, then I borrowed it from a friend and it totally won me over.
It's probably my favorite Zelda

TP had tons of cool dungeon gimmicks and many of the OoT callbacks were completely reworked.

I don't remember this being in the original version

Pretty sure that's only in the remaster and they probably did it because Nintendo thinks their fanbase is retarded. Either that or it was too hard for Aonuma the first time around and he saw fit to "correct it", like how he did with MM3D. It's a toss up, really.

Did one of the higher-ups bring their retarded 6 year old one day and lose their shit when he couldn't figure it out?

I think Skyward Sword is ignored so much because it's the only one that can't be freely emulated. Not saying everyone who bashes it hasn't played it, I just think that's why everyone only focuses on TP and WW.

Just parts without being a whole. TP is lacking in every department that also has some good stuff that end up not getting the spotlight. It was uneven.

Twilight Princess sucks (Barring some nice dungeon design) until around Lakebed, gets pretty good then becomes boring again right before City in the Sky when you run out of shit to do.

God I wish Rupees were useful for anything besides powering the Magic Armor. All those useless rupee chests EVERYWHERE.

TP starts out so beautiful though
the small village
the younger kids looking up to link
the towns folk all knowing he's a good guy
goat herding
the village hot chick not buying your shit and caring more about the horse

also had the best fishing in all zeldas

Absolutely not. It's tied with OoT as the very best Zelda game period. Incredible game.

And then you realize it was a fucking tutorial with pointless stuff. Then the shittiest Fishing side stuff ever made. Items that lost all use after the dungeon they're found if not right before the dungeon boss.

>also had the best fishing in all zeldas
Fishing was super comfy in TP. I think everyone can agree it got fishing right.

That card...

If you say so. It's my favorite Zelda and I love damn near every part of it. I just think the first third's a little slow and the game is too damn easy.

I think that title belongs to Skyward Sword
The highest rated terrible game in history

>I just think the first third's a little slow and the game is too damn easy.
You don't think that; it's a fact.

Pretty sure SS can be emulated, people just don't like motion controls and, even if you can look past that, how incredibly linear and handholdy the game can be. WW and TP aren't terribly different in that latter regard but SS doesn't even try to hide it. It does have its good parts for sure but the shitty parts REALLY rub people the wrong way, it's basically the Spirit Tracks of 3D Zelda.

"emulated freely" as in "i don't have to go buy a wiimote+ and whatever hooks it up to a computer"

I don't really do much emulating but can motion controls not be bound to controller/mouse inputs?

Yay i never get to post this!

Attached: 1581601402937.png (973x357, 84.93K)

The Wii-U one shat the bed with graphics what were they thinking? Excessive bloom does not make HD!

>Skyward Sword
>The highest rated terrible game in history
That's not BotW.

The Zelda fanbase is split in two: those who play for the exploration and those who play for the dungeons.
This is the reason why many people hate SS (No exploration but best dungeon in the series) and why many people hate BOTW (Best exploration in the series but shit dungeons)

Both are real Zelda games.

That's like emulating a Time Crisis with a mouse. That's like emulating Punch Mania with a keypad. That's like emulating Dance Dance Revoltuion with a DVD remote. I'm sure people have done it but we can swiftly ignore their idiot opinions because they're playing the game so wrong it hurts.

it was 1080p though

Attached: Wind Waker Graphics Comparison.webm (712x400, 2.92M)

>game i played as a kid is the best
>one i played as a teenager is second best
>one i played as an adult sucked

There, saved you a thread

Attached: 1506499636570.png (645x729, 69.93K)

For me it's breath of the wild. The weapon degradation, weather and health systems completely ruined the game for me. I didn't really find any joy in doing the repetitive shrines.
Minish cap holds a special place in my heart.

...So they can, then?

>Couldn't just do a simple camera pan along the candles to show they're different
>dramatically zooms in on each one in order

>played OoT/MM/WW as a kid
>played TP as a teenager
>played SS/BotW as an adult
>favorite is TP, least favorite is WW
>think SS is better than BotW


BoTW isn't a terrible game, it's a terrible Zelda game though and highly overrated

>Zelda NES
>WW, Zelda II & Minish cap
Wojack poster being retarded. I like all of these.

>The Zelda fanbase is split in two: those who play for the exploration and those who play for the dungeons
And those who play for both exploration and dungeons, like me.
People hated SS for a plethora of reasons, some obvious, some controversial. Handholding, motion controls, backtracking, empty overworld, all that jazz. But its core Zelda elements were solid.
But BotW didn't satisfy me in either regard. BotW's world design made you want to explore it, and at the start when everything is new and fresh it's great, but the actual exploration beyond that is rapidly undermined when you realize just how little there is to actually find or do and that's it's mostly the same things over and over again. I need more than just a big world for there to be a satisfying sense of exploration. I have no clue how anyone was satisfied with what BotW's exploration offered, let alone the "dungeons". People complain about OoT's Hyrule Field, but BotW's didn't feel any better than that to me, even if there was obviously more in it. It just took that and made it a thousand times bigger, making it take forever to get anywhere or do anything that felt meaningful.

>Post-2006 Nintendo dumbing down all their products for a more casual audience
Checks out.

What hurt TP more than anything was all the massive hype surrounding its development and release, and with all the delays it made the mediocrity much more noticeable

And the empty overworld. And all the sword moves that were extremely situational at best and outright useless at worst.

>it's a terrible Zelda game though and highly overrated
It's the most Zelda game since OoT.

Which ones were useless

Pretty much this. Zelda fans trying to sell you on their favorite game in the series will give you a laundry list of each game's flaws but will downplay their fave's flaws or just pretend they don't exist or are non-issues, it's retarded.

No, it just swung in the complete opposite direction of SS. SS was all dungeon and almost no exploration, BotW is all exploration and almost no dungeon. BotW did try with the divine beasts and the same way that SS tried with goddess cubes - an attempt was made, just not a very good one.

I mean, if we're being totally fair, SS isn't a terrible game either, just overrated. I concur about BotW being a terrible Zelda game though.

>And all the sword moves that were extremely situational at best and outright useless at worst.
That became more useless because the sword is OP as all fuck.

The real problem with TP was the capital sin of focusing your game on the story. You don't do that with Zelda, only a few times like WW but not on a regular basis.

Why? because Zelda's butt is more defined?
It's lacking in everything that makes a Zelda game.
The skyrim influence shines through the entire game

Zelda in name and skin only. Should've been a new IP.

I'm a TPfag and I'll be one of the first in the room to admit the game's failings. It just so happens that stuff like the bug hunts, situational item usage, middling sidequest game and dodgy character designs don't bother me when weighed against how much I love the game's world aesthetics, emphasis on swordplay, setpiece moments and dungeon gimmicks. Only thing that actually bothers me is how easy the game is but almost every Zelda game is easy so what else is new? Very much a "to each their own" sort of thing, I guess.

BOTW, unlike SS, was a step in the right direction despite its execution.

I actually think SS is terrible, I hated every moment of it, bored me to tears.
I'm baffled whenever someone talks highly of it.

The jump explosion one is good
The mortal draw is just borderline broken unless your opponent has a shield (And that's like just the lizalfos and Darknuts)
The Roll slash thing is pretty much required for darknuts
I never got the helm splitter to work on ANYTHING besides those armoured lizalfos
I never ever used the one you needed the full health for since the only situation where it would actually be useful is in the CoO after drinking a potion and wearing the rupee armor so you could do it multiple times

Honestly they shouldn't have been optional

In the grander scheme I would agree, however the things BotW gets wrong annoy me as much as some people hate SS's bad qualities. I think a sequel that gets its shit together would be fantastic but as is, I feel like it's merely a first draft effort.

It has Tetra, so it's auto Top 5

Have you tried Twilight Princess with a damage multiplier gecko code? x6 will give you a good challenge. There's also codes for cutting the amount of rupees you collect in half.

Damn, user... How a game that focus exploration of a series that was made as an exploration game could not be representative of said game series?

And then, retards like

Well, if we're going purely off of whether we hated it or not, then I maintain that BotW is terrible aside from the plateau and eventide and I'm also baffled with the praise it gets. I was so hyped and I tried so hard to like it, but now it just scares me that this is what Zelda is going to be from here on out.

I don't even remember all of them because the only one that saw consistent use was the one that lets you finish off downed enemies, and I think it was the very first one.

I never thought about that, but you're right, Zelda stories tend to be pretty standard when you get right down to it. Majora's Mask had great worldbuilding and a lot of lore if you took the time to look for it, and Wind Waker made an aesthetically-unique world and filled it with charming characters, but they weren't narrative-heavy by any means. I think Zelda is one of those series where having too much story is a detriment; you need the story to be present, but you're there for the dungeons and the combat, and too much story detracts from that.

I like the x4 you can get on HD, you can definitely get one shot for like the first half of the game but on top of that Hero Mode removes heart drops, making potions actually useful in any capacity. Rupees are kinda whatever to me, I get why it's an issue and HD fixing the treasure chests is definitely appreciated but eh. Cutting them in half would be pretty good, though.

I remember the charge jump attack, the shield attack, and the dodge shoryuken, and i haven't played TP in years. Maybe you were just playing poorly.

I'd agree, Aonuma needs to be smacked in the head very often it seems.

I agree, but that 1 step came at the expense of everything that made Zelda great in the past. It's like they took all the criticism SS got and thought it applied to the entirety of Zelda, and not just the slow starts, handholding, and tacked on gimmicks.

Helm splitter and back slice definitely had enemies designed for them. The rest are definitely more novelty than they should've been, though the mortal draw is still pretty tits.

No although god damn does it have a lot of missed potential. I'd say Skyward Sword is overall worse but I like Skyward Sword more mainly because of its story and world, plus when the Wiimote doesn't fuck up the gameplay's pretty fucking solid.

Against the other 3D Zelda Games, I dunno I'd probably put TP lower than it as well but if you asked me on another day it might be the other way around, that's kinda it though. Wind Waker's pretty unremarkable outside of its artstyle and a few moments in the game (mainly the bosses).

Give one good reason why it shouldn't have been a new IP. Everyone would have been happier if it was. You'd still get BotW and Zelda fans would still get an actual Zelda game.

Damn, user... it's almost like there's more to zelda than just running around empty overworlds.

hot take

zelda games are just lukewarm mish mashes of several other genres, all done average at best. If you want better third person melee combat you have tons of other options, if you want better puzzles you have tons of other options, if you want platformers you have tons of better options

zelda games rarely get called out on this though because they are so charming visually and music-wise.

The only zelda worth a shit gameplay wise so far has been breath of the wild. The sandbox nature of how it was designed at least makes it feel unique.
Here you go. I originally found it on Yas Forums four years ago. It also makes transforming into a wolf faster and turns off the rupee get notification dialogue.

I wouldn't be happier, because it would mean Zelda was still stagnant, and using a formula from the 90's that doesn't work anymore.

Who the fuck plays Zelda Games if they want a platformer?

The thing that bothers me about WW is that it's not only relatively weak as a proper 3D Zelda with a thoroughly middling main quest from top to bottom, but it doesn't really make good use of its sea gimmick either. The game would be MUCH better if it took the Triforce quest, removed the chart translation gating, and just made that the main quest and let the player sail the seas like an hour in, after you got all the stuff you need. With WW you're still railroaded LONG after you get a boat, sail and the Wind Waker, and by the time it does open up it's not only too late but it feels rushed and inorganic when it does get there. As is, the King of Red Lions is more like a sea Epona than a proper seafaring vessel, and sailing is just less efficient than riding a horse so if you're not gonna actually use the sea to its fullest potential, why do it at all? I love the idea of what WW could be, I just think it falls terribly short of that ideal, it could've basically been Zelda 1 on water instead of a third rate OoT on water.

ITT: user learns what an action adventure game is.

What about items? you use the same few mechanics you learn at the tutorial area the entire game in mini dungeons scattered around the world.
Divine beasts are also very short dungeons where the goal is always the same, activate the terminals.
Other games had dungeons where it felt like you were unraveling some new mystery with each dungeon.
I agree with you about exploration, but there is not a whole lot to find other than weapons that break instantly and koroks