FF7 Impressions

So after 20+ hours of playing this game these are my impressions.

Keep in mind FF7 was my first game on the PS1 back in 1997. I've completed the original a dozen times.


>Any scene that is remade and directly taken from the original game is excellent
>Highlights include the opening mission and both reactors
>Boss fights are a decent level of challenge and an interesting retake on the original combat
>The nostalgia is strong fighting Guard Scorpion or AirBuster
>Every character plays differently and has a unique style to switch between
>Key environments in general are kino
>Character models of the main cast are beautiful
>The VA for the main cast in English are decent, especially Barret
>The added content allows you to explore more of Midgar which was always lacking in the original game
>The panorama of Midgar in general looks great, the skybox with the plate above you rams it home
>The added scenes with Heidegger et al provides more insight into the machinations of Shinra
>Tifa remains best girl
>The added scenes with the cast of avalanche is nice fanservice, although Jessie has gone from bestgirl to slutfu


>Texture work is lacking in most things outside key areas/characters
>VA work for all of the side characters is atrocious enough to switch languages
>Combat outside boss fights/sidequests can be won with holding Square
>The padding is real, the sector 5 train section takes hours of grinding through samey corridors
>Sidequests are uniformly shit - go here kill this
>Sephiroth retcons are the badside of fanservice
>Sure I guess there are other Soldiers? Roche reminds me of AC but in a bad way
>Can't jump

It has most of the annoyances of modern JRPGs and would be a solid 6.5/10 in a vacuum. But honestly the nostalgia factor of getting to see a remake of a generation defining game adds a few points for me and I imagine fans.


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From the scenes which are posted all around now, seems like the girls are really hungry for some cloud meat sandwich

What's a 10/10 JRPG from recent years in your opinion?

He is an ex-soldier

Attached: cloud gets mad pussy.webm (1088x610, 905.47K)

>Sephiroth retcons
And dropped.
They won't do best boy like thay!

Unironically Undertale

>What's a 10/10 JRPG from recent years in your opinion?

Not very recent but Lost Odyssey is the last great JRPG I played. Although I haven't played FE:3H yet.

Persona 5 was solid

Are there some skins or smth because
>Tifa remains best girl
No she is fucked up in reeeemake.

DQ11s for me.

>No she is fucked up in reeeemake.

What's wrong user don't you like my new face?

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Who the fuck are all those new people in the trailer? Please don't tell me it's not more fan fiction inserts like Crisis Core

and everything else


Don't say it...

What's wrong user? Don't you feel the need


His VA made me switch to Japanese

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Best waifu!

>His VA made me switch to Japanese
Everyone's speech in Eng VA except Barret is doing it. I don't know how it works but English in most jap anime/games becomes Cringelish.

I have never finished a FF game. Should I play the original first?


>>Combat outside boss fights/sidequests can be won with holding Square

I don’t care about the game.
Just post pics of NuTifa please.

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>Tifa reduced to begging cloud for sex

Well? is it true?

To be fair you can just hold O for every fight in the original except bosses.

Generally I think this game is good and I enjoyed it, but I still think all the story retcons at the end are fucking retarded

Is the AI improved from the demo? Switching to Cloud or Barrett and seeing 1 HP enraged me.

Yes, remake takes place after

Because Japanese dialogue is so infantile that you don't want to hear it spoken in a more civilised language.

>AI improved

My impression is that they expect you to be micromanaging your party and switching often.

i.e. I can't expect Barret to do something useful and take out turrets with his machinearm unless I specifically switch to him to tell him.

But in general they don't die if you leave them alone.

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The AI does not any moves that utilize the ATB bar. There's only a few exceptions you can do with some materia.

You're expected to micro manage the whole party.

that's not tifa that's corona chan

jesus christ everything and everyone wants to bang Cloud in this game

Tell me more about the time ghosts OP.

holy shit even kunsel got mentioned

ive had tifa use aero a few times without it linked to anything, almost thought her shortcuts were being used through clouds like it was glitched

Is one of these OP? Opinion disregarded then.
Undertale is tranny cringe and Persona 5 is by far the worst written game of all time. You must be a completely tasteless retard to enjoy it. Maybe come to my house and I'll leave you a shit in my toilet bowl? You will love to munch on that if you though P5 was solid...


Who the fuck asked for your shitty retarded opinion? Go post on reddit. you piece of shit.

This game is absolute, utter garbage.
Spoilers ahead

>the ghost things are Whispers of Fate that try to keep the characters in line with the original game
>Biggs and Wedge live. Jessie unsure.
>Sephiroth kills Barret, but the whisperers revert time
>after the highway chase Cloud and co. fight the Whispers of Fate and beat them, making it so they're no longer bound by the original FFVII's storyline. During the battle the party is shown the clip of an old Nanaki with his cubs running towards a destroyed Midgar, Red XIII guesses it's a vision of the future that awaits them if they fail. (Showing that the original ending, saving the planet, is now considered the bad ending.)
>Sephiroth shows up after beating them. Fight is basically AC-tier of anime bullshit with Aeris and Today joining in. Sephiroth gets a black wing mid-fight because of course he fucking does
>Sephiroth travels back in time to stop himself. After beating Sephiroth, Cloud and the gang must stop Sephiroth, who despite helping them stop Sephiroth was still evil (because he's Sephiroth)
>while this happens we flashback to Zack surviving his last stand in an alternate timeline
>after beating Sephiroth he teleports Cloud to the "edge of creation" and asks for his help in "defying destiny... together". He refuses and fight similar to their final omnislash duel ensues
>the party escapes Midgar. We continue Zack's scene with him walking to Midgar with a comatose Cloud holding on to him. Remake Aeris and alternative Zack sense each other

nu tifa sux, fucking gook alien bug

I told everyone the game would be padded as fuck with filler because its only Midgar and people got angry as fuck.

Saw this coming a mile away.

I still don't know why Yas Forums was so defensive of it. I don't mean everyone should have gone all out tortanic, but there were so many massive glaring red flags.

I'm 15 hours in and can agree with this. Im surprised at how engaging combat can be. Kh3 worried the shot out of me for this game. I like this because I actually have to think.

Redpill me on future Sephiroth ive been hearing about.

And jessie is a white trash man face nigger fucker

Wtf are you agreeing with? OP said combat is like FF15 where you hold a button to win outside of boss fights.

the sephiroth we meet is advent children sephiroth(as proven by the black wing and the lines he speaks) who has come back in time to change the course of history so that he doesn't lose

>Can't jump
fuck you for making me read all this.

It's shillpasta

Okay then who DONT want to bang Cloud?

>>VA work for all of the side characters is atrocious enough to switch languages
Why is English dubwork always so ridiculously inconsistent? It sucks because even when most of the characters are fine there are always the voices that aren't that ruin everything.

Please, tell me, why the FUCK did they see the need to put in some stupid alternate dimension time travel bullshit?




because it would be too boring to just make the same game all over again. Do you really think anyone would be hyped for part 2 if there was nothing new and unexpected in it?

>Playing game
>Caring about storyline
its like watching porn for story
Its fucking Nomura, if you expect story, you are stupid
Read book

Yes? People are 90% hyped because of the redone combat, side quest content and graphics.

No one asked for this stupid ass time travel dimension garbage and completely shitting on the story.

>doesn't like OPs opinion
>g-....give me an example of something you like!
>gives literally any answer
>heh so that's what you consider good? Opinion discarded

This is why when you give an opinion and someone asks what you like you never say because any answer you give, the autist will just say your opinion sucks to invalidate your OP. The amount of pathetic manchildren that do this on this site is insane

It genuinely worries me that you might actually like this lazy hack garbage.

>changes at the end means the ENTIRE game is garbage
It's like you're baiting for an angry response or something.


That Auto Cure was so fucking braindead of an addition. This is why I hate Square. Stop dumbing down your game for turn based faggots that only played turn based games to boost their shitty contrarian ego.

That's ludicrous. The entire hype around this game is the premise that it's a remake of the original FFVII. Everyone who is interested in it is because they are specifically not expecting something new. The game has never advertised that it is not a straight remake. In fact, they have gone out of their way to hide it.

Lmao this is so fucking wrong you won't believe it. Even the demo should have shown you as much, shitposter. Most streamers I've seen can't play this game and are constantly getting shit on.

Why do they were hoods?

Just because you want it different doesn't mean it has to be retarded. It could have been different, even significantly so, if they were upfront about it and did it in a tasteful, interesting way. This is shit.

When's the review embargo? How many hours to go?

RE2 should stand as the example for how they fucking should've done it for all time.


in about 20h

There's being different and being retarded. Being gay is being different. Being a tranny is retarded. Adding different stories to the game to expand on the game's worldbuilding and streamlining the story is fine. But adding multiple timeline bullshit that never existed in the old game that makes a mockery of the theme of moving on, and death. Who care's if people dies anymore. In the other timeline everyone's happy and living well.

How did you play 5 hour game for 20 hours?

>expanded midgar
when people say this i was hoping you explore all the top side sectors an do shit. wouldn't even have minded hunt 5/5 cats if i could do it on the top plate.


Whyyy nomura whyyy!!!

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