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Faggot Fantasy 7

The original game is still there faggot, suck cock.

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Time ghosts.

Is it not good? I never played a FF game, and I wasn't going to buy it because of Denuvo.

They realized consoomers buy anything you throw at them and took advantage of it, nothing personnel kid.

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Nomura and the guy who wrote the novel where Tidus kicks a bomb thinking it's a Blitzball and blows his head off were in charge of it, and now we have this shit.

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Fuck off. This game spoils the shit out of the entire FF7 plot within Midgar alone, so anyone playing it with the expectation that they're getting the full FF7 experience is going to have both this game AND the original ruined for them. And you can't understand what's happening in the ending unless you've played the original.

It's the worst of both worlds.

>defends nomura fan fiction story
>posts kingdom hearts
lmao go hang yourself zoomer

Only zoomers hate on kino hearts, end yourself underage

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Aint nothing to spoil if there was nothing to spoil there to begin with.

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denuvo on ps4?

Retarded zoomer.

What the fuck are you talking about, it spoils that Cloud's not a member of SOLIDER and that Zack even exists. That's the vast majority of the biggest plot twist in the game ruined right there - and no, Aeris dying isn't the biggest plot twist in the game by a mile.

It also ruins Sephiroth's menace by having him out in the open pulling off Advent Children shit. Are you telling me that the party goes from fighting fucking Sephiroth at the end of Midgar straight into running from a snake of unusual size, then be impressed by how Sephiroth killed it with ease because he's so much stronger than the party is?

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it already ruined Aeris dying by having cloud see that moment in a vision. this is like some Saturday morning cartoon tier writing. aeris death has already been ruined even if it still happens

Aeris dying is babbys first plot twist akin to princess is in another castle.
Everybody in the fucking world knows about it.

everyone knowing it has nothing to do with it significance to the story. it means nothing to the plot now. but clearly you are 15 and can only appreciate zoomer anime dragon ball z set pieces

>newfags forced to play the original

>dem nips

God the girls in this are SO FUCKING CUTE

I almost want to buy it just for them

sorry user, sony bought a year of exclusivity

>everybody knows about it so it’s a bad twist

Kek, just stop talking you idiot

>Tidus kicks a bomb thinking it's a blizball and blows his head off
uhhhh what?

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>he doesn't know about ffx-2.5

I never said it was a bad twist.
It just loses any meaning it had. There is no shock value, no reason to even pay attention to it after it has happened.

you're in for a wild ride kid

>he doesn't know

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The original game is the only final fantasy not to receive a remaster specifically because of this project. This project was sold to us as a faithful remake of the original game. Fuck you, retard.

I'm guessing this isn't going to happen, or will happen differently. It seems that the end setpiece is a literal case of trying to condense things. I also don't believe that those ghosts are necessarily time shenanigans, it probably has to do with the lifestream.

>>The original game is the only final fantasy not to receive a remaster specifically because of this project
Do the PC releases not count as a remaster?

>The original game is the only final fantasy not to receive a remaster specifically because of this project.
Hol up, I thought ff7 already had a remaster. On pc too.

No it's called Final Fantasy VII Remake
Technically the game's plot is about Sephiroth trying to remake Final Fantasy VII so that he wins ;^)

It's "called Remake" but it was specifically advertised as a faithful retelling. Nomura is a sperg.

>tfw no ghost blow job

That's a port, not a remaster on the level of the one that FF8 got. All the 2D games got remasters (to...varying results, they kind of just gave up when they got around to doing 5 and 6), 10 and 12 have remasters. I'm not sure if 9 has one, but 7 is conspicuous for not having any kind of HD remaster, just various ports.

God I just looked this up

What the fuck m8

Kingdom Sharts is literally a zoomer series you ironic weeb teen. Grow the fuck up and let go of your Disney shit.

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And you've got the idiot who wrote that joining forces with Tetsuya fucking Nomura to do a Final Fantasy 7 remake. Is it any wonder that it turned out to be a disaster that immediately buried itself up it's own ass as soon as it freed itself from the constraints of the original narrative?

FFVII came out in 97 so the idea of spoilers is a fucking joke. It's like the plot for the original Star War series where none of the twists are spoilers anymore because everyone already knows about them.

>It's like the plot for the original Star War series where none of the twists are spoilers anymore because everyone already knows about them.

So Episode VII

>Kingdom Sharts is literally a zoomer series
Zoomers were 7 when the first game came out, most of its original fans were millennials. You're right about them needing to grow up and let go of Disney shit though.

I'll never understand people that want remakes of the same shit with no surprises. Why not just replay the original? It's still there and it's just as playable as it was back in the day.
Why would you go out of your way to consoom the same shit you already consumed, only remade in modern tech? What the fuck is wrong with people that do this? I seriously don't understand the thought process.
I was shitting on the remake for exactly being that and I'll unironically buy it now that it's actually trying something different and trying to be its own game instead of a creatively dead nostalgia jerkoff.

Nobody knows about the fucking Nibelheim spoilers. It's not like it's easy to spoil in the first place. What, are you going to tell people that the biggest twist in the game is that Cloud was in Nibelheim? Of course he was in Nibelheim, he tells you all about it at the start of the game. What do you mean none of that was true?

Yeah, nobody fucking remembers that shit. Or that the Sephiroth you interact with for most of the game was a shapeshifted Jenova. Or that Cloud beat the shit out of Aeris that one time because of his severe mental illnesses. Or that Cloud has severe mental illnesses in the first place.

Frankly, everyone just latches on to the Aeris death and forgets about the rest of the game.

>Sephiroth slowly floating away outside the window

I laughed my ass off.

You're right my bad. I'm thinking of FINAL FANTASY XV on PC and maybe some of the others that have Denuvo. I never played one of them so I don't keep track, though i'm sure the remake will have Denuvo also when it comes to PC. Square Enix loves putting that shit in their games to encourage piracy.

So why didnt the time ghosts change the honey bee inn back to being a homosexual stereotype?

Maybe because the changes are garbage?

I didn't want the exact same thing in HD either but I wasn't expecting Zero Escape: FF7

remake was a mistake.

So don't buy the remake? But shit on it specifically as its own thing instead of insinuating it somehow has to be as faithful to the original as possible or that it's changes somehow worsen the original experience in any way.
The real FF7 is still there and it always has been, best it could get is a less shit translation but that's about it. What's the point of making the same game but prettier, seriously?

VII is forever cursed by it's cult status. Just move onto VIII or IX

And I won't.

>or that it's changes somehow worsen the original experience in any way.
But they do. There's a ton of people who have held off on experiencing anything Final Fantasy 7 specifically because of this game, and because they're going to play this expecting to get Final Fantasy 7 (but instead getting Nomura's Wild Ride where he bitches incessantly about having to remake one of the most popular games of all time) they're going to have the original spoiled for them.

And that's shit.

>But shit on it specifically as its own thing
That's what everyone is doing for having a whacky time travel plot.

>this is real

LOL man... Nomura is a goddamn madman.

>There's a ton of people who have held off on experiencing anything Final Fantasy 7 specifically because of this game
lol c'mon son. No was going to do a playthrough of ff7 then saw remake and thought, might as well wait. it'll basically be the same thing anyway.

user is right. At least it's not what Blizzard did to wc3.

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If you genuinely believe this I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

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So how the fuck can cloud fight a time ghost if they can immediately correct him when he does anything non-canon?

>"Everyone look! What's that ghost creatu-"
>Ghost shuts his mouth so he cant speak any non-canon words

spoiling the plot doesn't just mean the player already knows you fucking retard. the plot is literally spoiled in itself. it fucking sucks now

I tried recommending the original game to someone, but he told me he'd rather wait for the remake. Even though I mentioned that the recent ports of the original have easy access to cheats if you just want to experience the story.


Not even joking. I played about 60% of FF7 a few years ago and never finished it. When the trailer for remake dropped I decided to wait until it came out to play the game

The time ghosts have to let Cloud beat them because Cloud never fought recurring time ghost enemies in the original timeline. They have no choice but to die and gtfo


>ff7 fans are cultists because they don't want time portals and time cop ghosts to be vomited all over a historically significant game

It's not a remake, though. It's a remix.

no it's worse. it's a fucking sequel

Is this true? The guy that wrote that is working on FF VII Remake? Why would Square Enix let that guy touch anything ever again after all the hate it got. The Japanese fanbase hated it.

I don't remember Sephiroth killing Barret in Midgar in the original game.

It's a fanfic.

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I haven't played ff7 in twenty years and was thinking about doing it before remake but decided to hold off do I could re-experience the story in the new game. well that won't be happening now so I canceled my preorder

it makes perfectly good sense for someone to wait for remake if they just want to experience the story for the first time but with voice acting and good visuals. that's what this game was advertised as