Worst game you've ever played

No "popular game I don't like" bullshit.
Genuinely awful games only.

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I cant remember the name, but it was a PC game about a cop driving into a city which had a zombie outbreak. It was an FPS too. Now that was a genuinely shit game.

Styx: Master of Shadows
Very bad, very limited stealth game.

Torchlight 3 hands down

no, try again.

Superman 64 probably.

I owned Superman 64 as a child, but that's such an expected answer.
Either Bioshock Infinite or Lords of the Fallen, but it's late and I'm tired and I can think too hard right now about other games I've played that I just fucking hated and thought were horrendous.

Watch dogs 2
Is so fucking bland

This garbage. One of the worst pieces of shit JRPGs I ever played. Thankfully, I was able to trade it for TWEWY, so I got some value out of it at least.

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do you not know how to read?

Golden Eye on 64. Most overrated piece of shit.

Literally poundland oblivion

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Gunrox. Blows my mind it's still alive.

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Condemned 2.

Mcpixel. I bought that crap because my friend found it funny and pushed me to get it too. Its a youtuber bait minigame collection with "le random" humor all over it. That was when steam didn't had a refund system and greenlight was a brand new feature.

I used to know a guy who adored this game and claimed it was teh best RPG evar. He also bought ever sequel and expac on release.

I'll never understand what happened there.

I only bought it because some retard kept telling me how amazing it was.

I literally threw it in the bin after dying and getting sent back hours.

The fact that Two Worlds has an unironic fanbase is more mystifying and strange than ever weird cartoonist fetish that began on the internet.

Condemned 2 was good though. You are probably thinking of a different game retard.

Carmageddon 64 is easily the worst game I’ve ever played and maybe the worst game anyone has ever played.

Is not even that popular, have you ever played it?
The driving feels like shit, stealth and shooting is very generic and the story is very retarded

It's odd that people either seem to love it for eternity or hate it so much they destroy their disc. Was close to buying a copy but watched the laughably bad 2 minute speedrun and decided to go with chad Kingdoms of Alamur

Yeah probably this, unless you start counting shitty Steam "indie simulator" shovelware games.

revelations 2012 or one of the early particularly shit ARK games

Both Styx games, actually. I agree a 50% answer does not deserve full marks.
That Eurojank game Chrome comes to mind

Don't call him a fucking retard, dude.

EDF Iron Rain.

Gothic 4. Truly a life-changing experience.

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty

I even bought the Collectors Edition

Buck Bumble.


KoA is shit though.

Yes I've played it and yes it pretty generic in many aspects but it's not a bad game and certainly not the worst.

>winston churchill dies
>western civilization collapses
based and anglopilled

Not trying to stir shit but:
Mount & Blade (specifically the very first one)
Just a really janky game with mechanics that arn't immediately clear

Yooka Laylee. Shits fucking awful and I genuinely mean that. There wasn't a single redeeming factor of that piece of shit and it's the only game I actually regret spending time on. It truly the only game I have ever played that I really hate.

TW2 is actually a pretty decent game

No, fuck you. Sludge people and gay fucking beam powers. GO fuck yourself. You fucking piece of shit. You dumb faggot. You stupid nigger fucking faggot little dumb bitch. Your a bitch dude. your a baby bitch dude fucking bitch. Blast you. Burn and blast you into a thousand hells you consarnit rogue. You miserable wabberjack. You wretch. You fool. Idiot foolish bandersnatching blackguard

Not my problem you have shit taste, retard
Thanks user

Fuck, is this Fugitive Hunter, user?

Ew, don't reply to me

Ape Escape 3

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The the hell is your problem pal? Keep it focused on games, this isn't the time to be a boyscout.


Ghost Recon Future Soldier

What? Why? I loved it as a kid

Omega based

Well it's either that or Thief on the Xbox 360


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I'm gonna have to go with Deus Ex Invisible War
I absolutely love the first game, and while I found HR a huge step down, it was at least decent enough for me to play though it, meanwhile I can't even bring myself to play IW

Probably the From Dusk Till Dawn PC game from 2001.

>Not the Move game
>Doge reaction image
Leave and don't return

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hey you shut up.
and you too. shut up
shut the fuck up, okay?

you all need to shut the fuck up. Everyone shut the fuck up for a second. Just quieten down. I don't wanna hear anymore of it.

Now that we're all settled. FUCK condemned 2.

No other game has better captured that specific aesthetic of a fake video game playing in the background of a film or tv show

>tfw no Chrome 2

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are people here incapable of objectively judging games?

It depends on who you ask

was this ever released?

I enjoyed it.
Jank as hell, but juggling dodges, traps, heavy weapons and spells on a Hard playthrough is probably the longest that a game has gone without becoming an easy joke outside of Gothic 2:NOTR.

Still eventually breaks to become easy as fuck, but up until then.

RDR2 and Witcher 3, Pathologic 2 and totally reliable delivery simulator.

They took an amazing RTS game series and turned it into a lock on based 3rd person shooter. Fuck 3DO

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lunar dragon song

Dungeon Siege.
It was so boring I was literally falling asleep while playing it.

Risen 2 was just awful in every way. Especially after playing Risen 1.

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>look at me guys aren't I funny?