WHY THE FUCK CANT YOU CRAFT FROM STORAGE? You mean I have to carry all my resources to craft the only 3 items i can before my inventory is full?

Did any thought go into the crafting system or did they just implement it last minute?

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yeah it's baffling, games from over 10 years ago like Rune Factory 3 have crafting from storage, and a 2020 game doesn't. Ridiculous
Hopefully they add it with a patch

Because it's a shitty game

This is the only true answer

but you can access stored clothing form outside dressers. explain that shit to me PLEASE

Why is everyone angry with Animal Crossing? I don't play it and never have so I'm completely clueless about it.

ACfags are insufferable and they have no right to be

There is a lot that isn't user friendly with this game but if you're surprised or upset by it then you're clearly new to the current state of Nintendo. It would be great for crafting to recognize your storage, or to be able to deposit items into storage from a drop box at the front of your house or even a portable one, but again, you're dealing with Nintendo here. They likely won't patch things to make it easier because they are sincerely two generations behind with quality-of-life improvements compared to the rest of the gaming industry.

I would like to also be able to craft multiples of the same item at once (i.e. fish bait).

Then this thread isnt for you, is it really that fucking hard to figure out?

There is SO MUCH I hate about this game yet somehow its still addicting and a lot of fun.

It added a few annoying mechanics like the one in OP and this fucking bunny
Overall though the additions are great and really let you get creative

>Hey guys, I'm not an AC fan, but I was just wondering what all the hubbub was abou-

And people think the "ACfags are autistic" phrase is a meme.

When fully upgraded your pocket space is more than double what you could hold in previous games. They probably did, in fact, expect you to devote that extra space to your tools and materials.

How have you guys ever survived playing AC if stuff like this bothers you? The last game only had like 100 storage compared to this games 1500

Do you think they'll update it for that?
If you have your workshop in your house, you should be able to craft from storage.

I think workshops in general should just have your storage attached inside. Think the workshop from Fallout 4 except its the same storage that follows each workshop.

I think a bigger problem is the limited ability to pick a certain number out of a stack. Your options are usually one or the whole thing. You don't even get the option for just one when taking things out of storage. There really ought to be a dedicated button to bring up a numpad when selecting a stack so you can interact with a specific amount, or at least a dedicated "pick 1" button to make that process quicker.

Speaking of, the select multiple function of the R button during decoration should also work in your pockets/storage, along with a stack/sort button for your pockets.

>villager gives me a cute sweater
>on a public AC discord to look for clothes I need and get free nook tickets by opening my store
>see someone selling this sweater for 300k
>manage to sell mine for 300k, too
>can just order a new one for 1k and probably sell that for another 300k
People going full ham looking for specific items, huh? Not that I'm complaining. Shit, the blossom bags are being sold for like 200k a piece and I can make those from literally nothing.

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I'll buy one copy for every copy you don't.

I can understand it when you're outside the house but there shouldn't be any reason why you can't do it from inside. This too.

I was crafting those ring things today and had to keep mashing the A button while watching youtube to make a bunch. So annoying.

>can't craft from storage
>no crafting shortcuts, hurr make flimsy then normal tool instead of just having stick+iron make a normal rod
>having tool durability to begin with to justify the half baked crafting system when really you want these tools all the time anyways
>can't craft multiples of a thing at a time
I have no problems with the idea of making your own furniture, but they REALLY fucked it up. At least BotW's weapon durability had some purpose, here it's just catch bugs, net breaks, sigh at the tedium, make another net. Fucking retarded.

I haven't played every AC, but the devs really should have known better by now. It's not a minor oversight or glitch its obvious poor design

Probably because storage space has nothing to do with a new shitty system devised for a new game?

>nobody wants tool durability in the first place
>add it in anyway
>never indicates when tools are about to break, something BotW did 3 years ago
>gives you the option of extaneding durability, but still doesnt tell you when its about to break
>golden tools, the items that used to be the endgame of every game in the series, also break
>making them in the first place is pointless because you can use gold ore for actual furniture and items

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But doesn't it feel like a deserted island? Don't you like collecting hundreds of materials one at a time? Don't you like having to make the same tools over and over again using those materials? Don't you like most of the furniture sets being locked away behind RNG DIY recipes?

On top of that for some stupid reason you can only get the gold fishing rod and net by catching every single bug and fish again, so they upped the requirements from the last game but made them way shittier, it's baffling.

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>flimsy items are typically easy to make in bulk
>normal items take iron but can be customized to restore durability
>gold items are super hard to make, still break, and can't be repaired
You make one gold tool for completion's sake and put it up as a trophy somewhere. Actually using them is just throwing your gold away.

Speaking of iron, I can't wait until this damn easter event is over.
My luck is already bad with getting iron from hitting rocks but now it's even worse with the eggs.

Why is there gold ore but no silver ore, anyway?

>home decorating is so easy and intuitive
>island designing is clunky as shit
>constantly have to swap tools and cleanup trees and flowers and shit

Why can't it just put you into an overhead view and you can move things like the home designer?

>take great strides to improve indoor decorating
>introduce outdoor decorating
>no one ever goes indoors anymore other than to access storage

That's because home furniture was nerfed to shit. It's all appliances.

>no silver ore
>no gems
>no fake rock
I miss this shit like you wouldn't believe.

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nintendo is not good at general QOL/accessibility things. i imagine this and many other annoyances came up during play-testing but were ignored. the game doesn't even have any sort of options menu.

I love AC. Played the original, new leaf, and now NH. And I'm disappointed. Part of it is my age. It's definitely not going to be as immersed in this basic game as the original. And the crafting thing is totally zoomer/minecraft shit (Ive never been a fan of crafting in general, no matter the game).

The intro is so fucked up because by the time it ends I already began to lose interest in the game (little over a week). I usually just turn the game on to see what song is playing at that specific hour (fav part of these games).

It just became so much grinding for resources. I don't want to collect a bunch of wood to build things. It's just not fun. I love the aesthetic, music, graphics etc., but the gameplay loop this time around is just not what I wanted.

Not to mention the litany of QOL improvements that are obvious and should have been made. I had AC autists who say stuff like "it's how its always been" or "maybe this type of game just isnt for you". I've played the only two real ACs and i dont like this shit.

It feels unfinished in places too. No gyroids is fucking nuts and unacceptable. There's so much more they could have added and instead they literally just removed stuff (art work for example).

Because it is a shitty game. Stardew Valley is better and made by 1 person on a shoestring budget.

Sorry pal WW was the best. ML just was the best upgraded version.

>I usually just turn the game on to see what song is playing at that specific hour (fav part of these games).
Yeah and they even managed to fuck this up. You don't even get hourly music until the upgraded resident services building is complete. Hope you enjoy listening to the same song for days on end.

Yeah its nuts man. Terrible, terrible decision.

>kino cherry-blossom themed furniture
>can't get it because EGG
If I don't get the recipes I want I'm gonna time travel back, never ever done that before but fuck this Easter bullshit.

Crafting is a new mechanic retard

Maybe its just me, but theres only a handful of songs that are actually decent. Some of the music feels short in loop and just drives me insane.

>last minute
Wasnt crafting one of the first things they talked about? But yeah not being able to pull resources from storage is gay as hell also, why the FUCK cant we craft more that 1 item at a time? Why do i need to go through the animation for 30 clams to make bait? Fuck off. Lemme me 30 at one time.

>he updated
oh no lol

Yeah, it was a mistake. I hope time travelling doesn't make events restart, because I want the cherry blossom stuff and don't want another few days of eggs.

The new game is full of baffling, irritating, and sometimes downright infuriating design choices.

Is there a complete list of Cherry Blossom items?

just make a new tool

That and the hourly music fucking sucks. There's like two decent songs. And one of them is 5AM so I never hear it.

the game is for e-girls to meet up with their e-boys on and take cute pictures for twitter, if youre sincerely mad that the mechanics arent as good as X game then you're a massive faggot and should neck yourself immediately

I'm mad that it's worse than previous games and it looks like Nintendo is going to go full jew with the cut content.

>can't organize storage and inventory at the same time
>can only either be in your inventory and send things to storage or be in storage and send things to your inventory

15 years of touch and pointer UIs made nintendo completely forget how to design a passable UI for a normal controller. This game's UI is seriously crap.

>dude wtf why can't i craft with materials i don't have on me, why won't the game magically let me craft with storage items

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Yeah, it's actually funny considering games like Minecraft don't do that either.

Odd how I've never heard anyone whining about it there despite it being a far more popular game.

Nah, you have shit taste. Only 3AM is bad, thr rest are bangers.

>You mean I have to carry all my resources to craft the only 3 items i can before my inventory is full?
You can hold up 40 fucking objects, all you need normally are 7 slots (3 woods, 1 branch, 3 rocks).

Shittiest music in the series by far.

a game has soul when it forgoes quality of life features for asinine gameplay like that. it's the truth.

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It's a rushed, unfinished game. We already know this and are hoping they finish it through update.
>Brings back gold nugget
>Brings back aztec-themed gold wall and floor
>Literally none of the aztec gold furniture is in the game, just a few items like a gold toilet