What's holding back anime fighters from having an active playerbase?

What's holding back anime fighters from having an active playerbase?

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A good start would be making an actually good game instead of another lazy anime arena fighter

>Arena fighter made roughly 4 years after it was popular
My first instinct would be make a good game while the iron is hot
It looked pretty good graphically though

This guy gets it.
Granblue seems to be doing alright.

The fact that non-NUNS 3D arena fighter tend to be low budget trash for one thing

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KLK if had a REALLY shitty story, and too few characters (the series didn't have enough characters to pull anyway).

Good online which never happens with Japanese devs

Thread should have ended here.

still miles above gureddit ledditan

All fighting games are shit and boring.

They are all designed around combos.

Remember when Yas Forums was shilling the shit out of the KLK game, with the usual "buy Ryuko / Nui / whatever's game!" and going as far as calling it the equivalent for arena fighters to what Street Fighter II was to traditional fighting games?
Good good times. I'm glad the shilling was unsuccessful and this game ended being forgotten.

It's kinda of shitty anyways, better than the standard anime arena fighter but that's not really saying much

i love my wife ryuko!

But Americans love combos. Trust me I work at Mcdonalds.

KLK could have actually been decent if they bothered to support it properly. Not announcing two dlc characters and releasing them months after release and not even letting us play as final form Satsuki or Ryuko outside of the story.

Big 3:
>Arena fighters
>28-40 second bnb combo autism
>Not relevant to present trends/popularity.
You bet your ass a My Hero Academia game made by Arc System Works would sell fucking gangbusters if it was a 2D fighter even if it'd be booty ass

There's like some sort of mental blockage in fighting game player's minds that prevent them from understanding most people don't want to get locked into a 30 second combo, doesn't matter if they're dealing it or receiving it.

Also truth. Find an anime game without combos.

the price
arena fighters are trash
the price
anime fighters have too much shit on the screen
the price

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Koihime Enbu

A distinct lack of good games.

What is FighterZ? For $400 Alex.

>my wife

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Keyword: active playerbase.

Because Non-NUNs seem to not be made by CC2

even the fucking switch version of fighterz still gets lobbies filled daily.

Fighterz is active because it's Dragon Ball.
Pull that same game with a lesser anime and it wouldn't have the Clout to save itself.

>Its a "Yas Forumsirgin thinks any game without 10,000 people playing it at any given moment is dead" episode

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What the actual fuck even is that? Can that even be considered wojack anymore? I can’t honestly even anymore.

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All that does is show the problem with the modern market, It's all about brand names rather than gameplay.

>It's all about brand names rather than gameplay
Not really, if it all about brand name recognition then why do games like jojo EoH, my hero one's justice, and KLK if die off in a couple weeks while Dbfz has lasted for 2 years~ and shows no signs of stopping?
Because Dbfz is the only one of the games that I listed that's actually has good gameplay and has more to offer than just fan service like those other games

A good start would be to have ASW stop shoveling out garbage and focus on supporting one for more than a year
Granblue versus will die in less than a year

anime game = shitty cash grab
can't think of one anime game that's good, at least I've never played one.

The Super Robot Wars games.
The aren't deep strategy but they're very polished and fun to play.

>A good start would be to have ASW stop shoveling out garbage
But they stopped supporting KLK IF

Will her game become the first successful anime game?

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>"buy Ryuko / Nui / whatever's game"
>shilling was unsuccessful
That's supposed to be shilling? The only thing worse than those threads is the idea that there's a single person who's ever been interested or taken a second look at a game because it had X girl in it, assuming it's not a game about fucking them.

some dragon ball and naruto games.

A KnY fighting game would suck because it would no doubt a cheaply and hasty made cash grab made by a company that has never designed a fighting game before

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damn demon hunters look like THAT?

A magazine crossover fighting game like Sunday VS Magazine but with deeper input combos and more characters would be cool.

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CC2 should just make the game like Asura's Wrath.

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First you need to make a good anime, which isnt possible

the funny part is KLKIF really tried hard to make a competitive arena fighter whit mechanics imported of real fighting games and it failed once again arena fighters are just destined to be mediocre games no matter what no wonders power stone is still the champion in the genre a game that is only ok at best

Because when the general populous thinks of anime. They think of Dragon ball. Not KLK or JoJo.
MHA got a second game because of it's popularity.

No it didn't. It just imported One piece Burning blood's bullshit. Which nobody liked.

>They think of Dragon ball. Not KLK or JoJo
>Not KLK or JoJo
> or JoJo
lmao you couldn't be more wrong
like seriously dude you visit any other websites other than Yas Forums?

Dragon Ball FighterZ was simply a happy combination of an anime franchise bigger than Jesus and the game itself being competently made and supported by an experienced fighting game developer. That's it.

Only Yas Forums(nnel) and a couple websites give a shit about Jojo. It just happen that they're loud as hell.

As much as I'm a fan and so is most of Yas Forums.
Most people actually don't care for JoJo outside of japan.
Just like how even though I think Giant robots is the shit. Gundam and other giant robot anime and video games will never take off in the west because the general populous doesn't like it.

It's too bad because this was one of the few decent arena fighters out there. Nobody ever talked about the game itself in those threads, it was just waifu bullshit.

Because contrary to your delusions there was no good game to discuss about so people just talked about the waifus.

>arena fighter is the same as anime fighter

It requires anime to stop being a fucking embarrassment.

A good fucking game, you weeb retard without taste or standards.

If you say so. It had some semblance of depth and characters actually felt different, unlike most arena fighters.


I'll put it this way: had it been a good game it would had been successful on its own.

FighterZ, and Pirate Warriors.

They're bad games cashing in on the popularity of their shows, they're like the comeback of the licensed garbage we got during the PS1-2 days.

The fact that you're putting those together tells me you shouldn't be commenting on this at all.

Or maybe if the launch was better. The ports were fucked and people had to wait months for characters. Garbage lip-sync and an unsatisfying story mode didn't help either. Mechanically, it was fine.