>俺たちが火を付けて 窓から落ちたよ
>translates to "We set fire to her, she fell out of the window"
>We gave her a light, she took the short way down.

Why are current translators in the video game industry such dubfaggots?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>playing Japanese games


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wasn't mgsv written in english first or something? was that just a meme?

>We gave her a light, she took the short way down.
That sounds so much better weeb.

The original is way too clunky and literal

The English uses slang well and has a sort of wry element to it

Once you learn japanese, then play with translated english text and japanese audio, you'll realize how garbage videogame translations are. Even ones fans think are supposedly good and accurate.

MGSV was written in JP first like all other MGS games retard. Kojima can't write good English for shit.
It's just that unlike previous MGS games, English voices were recorded at a higher priority than Japanese voices and thus translations were done much earlier.

>it's an N5 thinks his opinion matters episode
Tired of this rerun

>post a literal translation so that you can show the meaning that was supposed to be conveyed
>wtf that's too literal

The only games I am really interested in are Japanese, sorry

Probably because japanese is a shit langue cobbled together by a bunch of island bugs.

Remember though that Kojima personally handles the way the English localization done. It's nothing like the MGS1 English script.

Same here, Yas Forumsro. I was just messin' wit yo ass.

Kojima understands English well and he approves every translation personally, so there you have it, weebfag.

>the meaning that was supposed to be conveyed
Are you saying you don't understand the English version? Because that meaning is definitely conveyed by the English version

I don't understand either
There are much worse translations than this if you really wanted to start a thread about this user

The message is still conveyed in the english one, it's just a matter of putting your high school reading skills to good use and interpreting two metaphors.

>study japanese
>remain EOP
>continue lapping up the crumbs from the crumbs that translators graciously hand down to you
>pick every line apart for something that isn't a 1:1 correspondence to the original japanese and cry about it on the Internet in frustration

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>localizers are good at their jo-

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ESL shitters need to fuck off already.

Worst part is not only japanese translation are messed up but even some english translation get messed up in my native language.
12 years of vidya wasted....

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Why learn japanese?

>replying to esl-kun seriously

Sounds fine. What's wrong with that?

>localizers make only good changes to their gam-

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I actually prefer the EN version as it fits with Big Boss's person and not the legend.

Okay, so the first one makes the skin darker (and calls her fucking Melanie) but what's wrong with the other two?

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Imagine having this saved for a pretend internet feud to defend westacuck garbage.

nothing, they're accurate translation and some even improved the original and fits their personality

>Making something sound witty is "what Big Boss's person would do instead of his legend"
Schizo to the extreme. Venom is supposed to represent his legend and he makes witty one liners too
>I think you're barking up the wrong tree. But that was an interesting story. It'd make a good movie.

>projecting this hard

Enjoy your dead fish faces bruh, lmao

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It's not limited to videogames. Every single fucking translator thinks he's a fucking writer for some reason, but maybe 1 out of 20 fit to be one. It's true that videogames tend to get shittier ones tho.

Blow it out your ass, faggot.

All I said was facts. What did you mean by this?


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Somebody has no idea how translation works lol

>We gave her a light, she took the short way down.
The first time I heard this I was so confused, it doesn't sound like anything ever said in an MGS game, and certainly didn't sound like anything Big Boss ever said.

>'gave her a light' means setting her on fire
ok retard

>accuracyfags will NEVER EVER understand the sweet taste of altering translations to sound more suited to other cultures
The people that wrote the game-- nips, have little grasp of militaries with a bunch of MURICAN borns and how people actually speak in them. Even Kojima admitted it, and they left their faults in the nip version of the script to show how their culture truly sucks.

What INTAC, or BASEDTAC as I'd like to call them, was doing for the EN dub was fixing the mistakes of those brainlet nips so that Americans, who actually understand militaries with MURICAN borns, would think that a smart person was in charge of this game. That company is the Kojima that everyone other than Nips idolize.

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Given the context, especially after he set her on fire with a lighter, yes, yes it does mean that.

Why do MGS fans hate the narratives of 2 and V the most?

>[Kojima and the rest of his nip men] left their faults in the nip version of the script to show how [the nips'] culture truly sucks.
context for confused pedantic autists

Not going to look through that all, but at a glance Chisaki wanted a one piece, which somehow translates to Edith wanting a casual dress? It's less of a translation and more the translator just doing what they want. Which honestly in this case I guess isn't a big deal, you're not really losing anything narratively since there doesn't appear to be one.

>Losing out on casual dress
>not a big thing


Japanese is not a very good language for expressing subtle concepts or wry humour. There's a reason the most popular form of humour in Japan consists of repeating things in a loud voice.

now look at the profiles

How have you come to this conclusion?
Do you speak moonrunes?

Have you never seen Batman Begins or something?
>Sit down, have a drink.
>*Splashes alcohol all over Batman as he fight the hallucinations*
>You look like a man who takes himself too seriously. You want my opinion?
>*ignites lighter*
>You need to lighten up.
>*tosses lighter onto Batman*
>*Batman bursts into flames, and tumbles over the balcony railing*
I would not be suprised if the MGS V scene was directly based on this.

repeating things?

He's at least dead on about Japanese humor. The west got tired of the double act straight man/goof in like the 80s, 90s tops. But Japan is still moving along with that method of comedy. Don't fix what isn't broken I guess.

Shouldn't it be "the fast way down"? It's the same distance to the ground no matter how you get there.

Think about how British comedy, for example, is often heavily based on class conflicts.
Japanese comedy is almost entirely based on slapstick, puns, and REPEATING THE STUPID THING OUT LOUD, WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?

No, it's the short way down because the alternative requires taking the elevator or stairs. Short refers to length of time, not distance.

At this point I don't know if you're actually stupid or just pretending to be stupid.

Cillian Murphy has the most fuckable mouth.

>what the fuck I thought "glass him" meant I was going to give him a cup to drink

>actually give you a reason why they prefer dub over sub
Do weebs really?

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Why can't they just make some sort of computer algorithm that directly translates Japanese to English? Why waste money on having things translated by people who go out of their way to corrupt the original

kojima is a hack

Translation software already exists.
It's just the Japanese and English are too different for a machine translation to be any good.
Remember both languages evolved with zero contact for thousands of years.

Why can't they just make some sort of computer algorithm that directly translates urine into gasoline?