If you assume that Midgar was about 1/3rd of the first disk that means the game will statistically require 9 episodes...

>if you assume that Midgar was about 1/3rd of the first disk that means the game will statistically require 9 episodes to come out
>Midgar will be the only episode that can be heavily asset-flipped throughout, while the only thing that's salvageable from episode to episode will be the character models
>with every direct sequel to any IP there is a natural drop-off of about 20% depending on the quality of the title
Unless FF7RE1 (fuck that's a dumb acronym) is so revolutionarily good that it has 0 drop-off between episodes, and manages to print money you are a downright moron to not expect a massive drop in quality by the later episodes or the later episodes not just being canceled all together.

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Other urls found in this thread:


It being episodic makes me not want to buy it until the entire original game has been remade.
I don't wanna get really into it and then get blue balled when it ends early.

>expect a massive drop in quality by the later episodes
That already happens in the first game

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It's literally never being finished and they think people are retarded, its so obvious, its why they went balls out with the seph fight

This shit is never going to work because it's going to take years for episodes to come out
The fuck are they going to do as hardware changes?

>another 7R butthurt thread

Attached: same shit different day.jpg (991x968, 212.89K)

It is the smart thing to do. Though if you want to enjoy the story of the remake then it is not. The reality is that it is very unlikely you are going to be able to go unspoiled on whatever stupid shit they glue on for what will be the next decade.

>1/3rd of the first disk that means the game will statistically require 9 episodes
how to tell someone never played ff7

Oh haha, oh god that's pathetic.

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>1/3rd of the first disk
Are all doomposters fucking zoomers now? Holy shit, you clearly did not play this game.

it's just another XV-kun spam thread where he posts the same shit over and over

What worries me is just the raw time this will take to complete (assuming the company, the industry or the IP doesn't burn by that time). This shit originally announced in 2015. It's taken them 5 years to get out the first and most asset-flippable episode?

Assuming OP is right in the 9-episode-estimate there is a very good chance that people ITT will not live long enough to see this series complete. How the fuck does this make business-sense again?

I'm more worried about save games. How long are they going to be able to "effectively" convert FF7RE1's savegames effectively?

And they better pray to God the format (combat style, stat-progressions, materia, etc) don't need a ton of re-balancing between episodes and that the underlying systems can be kept as-is or moving save-games between episodes will be a nightmare. Not to mention between systems as the FF7RE8 will probably be released on the PS7.

The reason it took so long was because of the retarded idea to outsource it, then they came to their senses 2 years in. I don't think the next part will take more than 3 years.

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It's never going to be finished, that's what people have to understand about this multiple chapter crap.
They have the biggest budget for the first one and will probably sell the best, following chapters are going to have decreasing sales as the hype and novelty wears off and at some point it's the budget and profits are not going to line up right and it will become a financial drain to continue this series.
It's very concept is doomed to fail.
But if people want to invest hundreds of dollars into a project that is never going to finish they can always just donate to Star Citizen.

Thanks consoles.

That's still 20-30 years assuming everything goes smoothly for that fucking long. And people thought FF15 was blueballing.

Not to mention Nomura had to finish KH3 first, which was still ultimately rushed.

The disillusionment is strong. Maybe if were the only bad decision and terrible mistake Square has made with one of its IPs, then you might be forgiven for thinking they'd snap out of it, but only people who have been living under a rock for two decades can honestly think SE can fix any of its problems.

>That's still 20-30 years


fuck are you babbling about

So has the game released in the US yet?

I'd actually go as far as to say that this FEELS like crowdfunding. You know how Yas Forums always bitches about not giving money to Kikestarter, not giving money to Greenlit/Early Access (or whatever Steam calls that mess now) and so on: this just feels like the corporate version of that. Putting money and faith into something that isn't done in hopes of it one day becoming done.

It's retarded and it's downright worrying how many people are going to fall for it. If this works (and it will, FF7RE1 is going to sell 10 million) we are looking at a whole new way to scam conszoomers out of their money with even less effort than ever before.

They can skip place now because this is reboot.

They're already working on Part 2, and they've got groundwork to go on now.

Don't forget there is 0 chance the last episode is on ps4

I'm confused, are you expecting them to 3D-render the entire city from every walkway/vista in the game?

You're retarded if you think that there will be more than three. They made Midgar its own episode because it is the best part of the game and should have been heavily elaborated on in the original. The rest will be significantly trimmed down because there are far fewer memorable moments the longer that the game goes on.

it's just nitpicking

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nice JsPErG

>8-9 more episodes
>3ish years to make each
That is conservatively 24 years of development user. And again, assuming that everything flows as smoothly as you predict.


At best import copies from europe if you're lucky in the pandemic, Australia is even getting the game early. For us burgers, not until this next Friday.

>8-9 more episodes

Only a fucking retard would actually think this.

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About half-a-week left I think? It bodes very strangely to me that they decide to not release in the Easter-holliday that would allow people to really dig into it...

Is there not as much content as we are led to believe, SE?

>1997 Sephiroth
>2020 Sephiroth
>Kadaj Sephiroth
>Kingdom Hearts Sephiroth
>Dissidia Sephiroth
>Super Smash Bros Sephiroth to be announced this summer
>Black Sephiroth
>Gay Sephiroth
>Woman Sephiroth
>Sephiroth Sephiroth (you niggas ain't ready for this one).

Can they though? Even if they skip half the "filler locations" people are going to expect the locations that "matter" to be as big as Midgar, aren't they?

I'm asking and not stating because I have no idea what standards people who buy Square games have anymore. Personally I signed off after 15.

>>if you assume that Midgar was about 1/3rd of the first disk that means the game will statistically require 9 episodes to come out
Disc 4 is nothing but the North Crater though. It'd be 7.

>Those huge jaggies on the left
oh no

Well that was 100% obvious to everyone from the word go. The PS4 will be dead by the end of the year, and will be in the ground by the end of 2021. You will be VERY lucky if this series ends on the PS6.

You're retarded if you think that there will be less than nine. They made Midgar its own episode because it is the easiest to stretch part of the game and was heavily elaborated on in the original. The rest will be significantly reinvented because there are far fewer memorable moments the longer that the game goes on.

Part 2 is already in development. Expect it in 1-2 years.

7 is still a pretty worrying number in my book.

So PS5?

If you honestly believe Square is going to give every ounce of detail for every area of FF7 like midgar then you're stupid.

Part 2 will probably be open world that will end after Temple of the Ancients. Part 3 will be more like an interactive movie covering both discs 2 and 3 of the original because at this point Square wants this shit to be over with.

The other option is Square to just shitcan the whole remake project after Midgar. It would anger a lot of people but they can just drop a FFXVI announcement (NOT A MMO) to shut everyone up.

reminds me of this

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>hmmm...... midgar was like 4 hours out of a 32 hours game.... that means the remake will be 8 parts!

This is the most retarded kind of post we can find about the remake. I would take nonsensical shitposting over it any time.
It's like some form of autism that can't comprehend things don't translate 1:1 lol

Nomura made the player kill the Watchers of Fate so he wouldn't have to do Disc 2 and 3 anyway. Now Nomura can do whatever he wants with the world of FFVII and he made player do it, it's freaking meta, just like Sephiroth fooled Cloud and his party to kill the Watchers of Fate and destroy the timeline, Nomura tricked the player into doing it as well.

Nomura is the new Kojima and FFVIIR is the new MGS2.

3? So you think they are just going to cut out 60% of the game?
Midgar lasts about 5 hours and another 2 on the return.

You're stupid.

Anons ITT speculating about how long each episode will take are silly. We have no idea how long this shit will take, and considering E1 took 5 years (minimum, that's when we got the announcement but who the fuck knows how much of a head start they actually got) we can only speculate on the rest of them.

It will heavily depend on what the other episodes will be like and how much content will be in them. Like, if E2 is just "the rest of disc 1 with 0 expansions on anything" it will take 3ish years I imagine (that's a lot of new assets to make). If E2 is something like "everything up to and including Juno" that might still be 2 years in my head.

What will be really interesting is how invested Square will remain in the format. OP is a mong assuming there will be 9 episodes but he's not wrong about the drop-off shit. I will be very surprised if we don't see a 10-20 % drop-off every game, and I wonder how long exactly this will be economically viable? How long until they start "re-allocating funds into other projects"?

>The other option is Square to just shitcan the whole remake project after Midgar. It would anger a lot of people but they can just drop a FFXVI announcement (NOT A MMO) to shut everyone up.
This is an interesting option. 16 will only pull attention off FF7R if it actually looks good, but shitcanning after Midgar might literally not be an option at this point. Square is a public company and have investors to please.

It is very possible you are right that they will storm to finish it. I would not be surprised if the last episode is the shortest one as they really can't afford to put more time/manpower into this crap. There is no way it's going to keep selling as well as the first one does.

>So you think they are just going to cut out 60% of the game?
Yes. Do you think that they are going to spend millions of dollars remaking all of the meaningless padding that no one remembers? Second game will end around the time that Cloud falls into a catatonic state, third game will go all the way up to the end.

>Watchers of Fate
This shit is going to be so fucking retarded I swear to God. He's going to go full Organization XIII on us again and it's going to be completely unrecognizable by the end.

Still the most based game ever made. Is that Solaris?

where does the FFVIIR finish? when you leave Midgard after the highway chase?
will they charge $60 per episode?

>(fuck that's a dumb acronym)

you're the one using it

what does that make you?

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Oh absolutely. He's going to rape the timeline so hard calling it FF7 at all will leave a sour taste in your mouth. Remember how everyone joked that FF13 Versus and FF15 don't even feel like they originally came from the same idea?

FF7R is going to be that feeling concentrated into its purest form.

Part 2.1 will be for mobile phones, part -3.5 for ds and they'll skip part 4 for some reason.

>Nomura made the player kill the Watchers of Fate so he wouldn't have to do Disc 2 and 3 anyway. Now Nomura can do whatever he wants with the world of FFVII and he made player do it, it's freaking meta, just like Sephiroth fooled Cloud and his party to kill the Watchers of Fate and destroy the timeline, Nomura tricked the player into doing it as well.
He could have done that all along, without that dumbshit plot about having to kill ghosts of christmas past.

Who will get Final Fantasy VII Remake Episode 1 Remastered for Playstation 5?

>60 bucks
>highway chase

The end-of-episode boss will most likely be Rufus though, landing in his helicopter or some silly shit after the highway chase. They can't end the first episode on fucking Motor Ball (normalfags have no idea who that is) so they have to at least end it on someone "named" like Rufus. They might, however, go full retard and end it on a shit-tier version of Sephiroth for the name-recognition. I wouldn't put it past them at all.

Logically and objectively correct. The acronym of "Final Fantasy 7 Remake Episode 1" is "FF7RE1". What OP should be complaining about is the silly name in general, not the acronym it happens to make. Though I do agree it looks like a car plate.

It's not meaningless though, they have to include every characters introduction, hometown and backstory and questlines that alone would fill up 3 chapters if not more.
The only place they could reasonably cut is Fort Condor most every other place has key story elements in it.
How are they going to fit every single new character and good chunk of their content in one chapter along with all the content of Shinra, Sephiroth, Zach and Cloud, Ancients, Weapons, Turks?
You're insane, the only way they could fit the game in 3 parts is if they make the second one 4 times the size of the first and the third like 3 times the size, that defeats the whole point of creating smaller more manageable chapters.
I think you have no idea how briskly and jam packed VII was, I do because I just replayed it back in December.
If they cut all the stuff you think they are then the game will be an incredibly, empty, linear and rushed piece of crap that lacks everything that made it stand out.

Final boss video leaked. It's some dark shadow giant monster.

>Part 2 will probably be open world that will end after Temple of the Ancients

Not, it will end after crossing the continent. The final boss for that episode will be Jenova.

>He's going to go full Organization XIII on us again
You motherfucking know it.

nothing will carry over other than some small trinkets you get for having beaten the previous game and they will have overhauled the entire combat system by the last one to the point it doesn't even resemble the first game. Think mass effect, only worse, because this shit will come out at half the speed best case scenario.

>highway chase
How do you know?

It is, at best, presumption, but it was data-mined from the demo that the scripted loading of assets stops not long after loading in Cloud's bike, so it's reasonable to assume. And hell, it even makes sense thematically as that's when Midgar is essentially "over".

Final boss is shown in the final trailer.


I saw the ending on Twitch, you probably don't even wanna who is the final boss...

Then don't show it

>8-9 more episodes
What the fuck are you on about?

>they have to include every characters introduction
They absolutely do not. I will remind you that this is the company that released anime to cover the 3 fucking companions in FF15, and you think they're going to bother with giving Cait Sith his own story-town? Are you high?

>Shinra, Sephiroth, Zach and Cloud, Ancients, Weapons, Turks?
Shinra will be kept vague. Sephiroth will (at best) get to keep what backstory he had. Zach will be talked about in E1 and then spoken of only in passing. Ancients will be "go read the wiki". Weapons will probably not make it into the game at all. Turks will require you to play the Turk-game on your iPhone.

>incredibly, empty, linear and rushed piece of crap
Yes, what a strange and foreign concept that would be to Square. Pic related.

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Thinking of the remake series like this is pointless. The next game is a sequel to this game. It won't follow the og game exactly, and will deviate heavily, so the plot could either be finished in the next game, continue indefinitely , or end somewhere in between. The OG game is no longer a metric to measure this by.

That's, from a lore perspective, silly as shit, and from a business perspective even worse. The hook-boss for the next episode is some black shadow no one has heard of?

>disc 4

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>It won't follow the og game exactly, and will deviate heavily, so the plot could either be finished in the next game, continue indefinitely , or end somewhere in between. The OG game is no longer a metric to measure this by.

This. Copefags are really hoping they will visit Nibelheim, Costa Del Sol and make a boat trip to Junon. None of this will happen anymore, only Episode 1 was faithful because of the ghosts.

>Think mass effect, only worse, because this shit will come out at half the speed best case scenario.
Fuck you. You made me sad.

Well he decided to use the ghost of christmas past to do it anyway, so it is what it is

I don't think you understand.
Final Fantasy 7 is a service, now.