People will call Shadow an edgelord and then not know who this is

People will call Shadow an edgelord and then not know who this is.

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a non-character who exists purely to excuse shadow being an edgelord

Hey Ursula is a very difficult time for me to be a beast marking people not to be a beast marking people who have been infect the planet more than I will have to do with the anti-interest of the franchise and I will not be able to give them candy irl and I just got back in fact I am a little shabby and the whole situation is a very difficult time and the holocaust was the most beautiful thing to do with a man who is a clear example of an American dream

muhria!!!!! Nooo Maria don’t shoot her you can’t fuck just Samaria!!! Noooo the government can’t just cover up the secret weapon my mafia!!! Don’t shoot Mari!!! No I’m a ruckus latehc cuck that would lose etogemman instankt Maria!!! No don’t shoot Marisa!!’

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Regardless. Shadow is not even edgy to begin with. People just say so without thinking and because of his color scheme and voice.

>named Shadow because a shadow leads the way to the light
>arranges flowers to make people happy
>donates all his rings to charities that help sick kids
>likes kittens and wants to open a cat orphanage
>the only thing he regrets in life is not giving his life for Maria's instead of vice-versa
>weeaboo gamer who likes hot pockets
>Arnold Schwarzenegger fanboy
>owns and cares for a Chao
>uses the pronoun "boku" in Japanese
>described as "pure" by his creator
Reminder that all of this is canon. People just don't understand the character.

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What the fuck is even Sonic canon anymore. Shadow lost his memory at the end of SA2, so he shouldn't even have any first-hand memories of Maria anymore. It seems like the characters are based a lot more on their twitter personas than their actual game continuity now.

No, he gained most if not all of them back at the end of his game.

The only part that can be considered canon in Shadow the Hedgehog is the last story, I want you to tell me where in here it says that he regained his memories.

Shadow was an edgelord in his solo game. Prior to that he was just an introverted loner until he gained life experiences. He had friends in team Dark. Even in the 2006 game where he learned eventually he'll be betrayed he chose to stick with people and Omega who was programmed to eventually deal with him.

Sega for whatever reason decided to go with his edgy amnesiac personality after 2006, making him an asshole. Blame Sega's inconsistency.

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>Shadow is not even edgy to begin with.
Not to begin with, but by StH he was. There's no reason for him to use human guns and other weapons other than pure edge.

Uh one of the main points in the intro was Maria getting shot and Shadow determined to find out who she was. He succeeded.

Motherfucker that's like me saying I knew Robert E. Lee because I read about him one time. He found out who she was but there's nothing that suggests he has any memories of her besides of her getting shot. In fact, the ending heavily implies he's letting go of the old shadow since he says he's putting the past behind him like 3 different times.

"Letting go of the old Shadow" does not mean letting go of his promise to Maria, lol

>"Shadow wasn't edgy to begin with"
Meanwhile, his concept art.

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His whole shtick is being misunderstood. He's a pure character behind an "edgy" appearance.

>pure and misunderstood
He used Robotnik so he could power up and fire the Eclipse Canon at Earth and kill literally everyone.

Because he was brainwashed by Gerald, you dope. Learn your lore.

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Explaining why someone is an edgy mother fucker doesn't magically make them no longer edgy, you fucking retard.

>shadow allowed himself to be brainwashed by an astrologer

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It's Maria. Why?

Nothing in this blurb contradicts Shadow being edgy.

By the end of SA2 Shadow has completed his character arc and is no longer edgy. There's a scene where he cries for god's sake. Unfortunately yes AFTER SA2 they made the horrible decision of bringing him back and giving him "amnesia" which kept him in a perma-edge status from then on. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with his appearance in SA2

>Robotnik has a cousin
Why doesn't Robotnik ever mention his uncle
Was he touched by him

Dude it is literally not what HE wanted to do. Shadow trying to destroy Earth was what Gerald wanted.

He's not edgy after SA2 either. It's his game that fucked things up.

Attached: Gerald's wish.webm (440x294, 1.54M)

>"crying isn't edgy"
>99% of edgy kids can only take photos of themselves crying
You're just dating yourself.

Shadow is a pure boy. This was his creator's intention. It mentions it in his original SA2 bio, for god's sake.

How many times do you name-drop your uncle in conversations with your hedgehog nemesis?

They call him that because of his game, not because of SA2.

Even in his game he wasn't a total edgelord. English translation just fucked things up, as per usual.

>I don't even want to kill everyone, but I will
That's EVEN MORE edgy, retard

>He's not even edgy after SA2
My fucking retard, you have not played a game after SA2 and I question if you even played SA2 itself. I don't have the hours to list all of the cringily edged moments of ShTH, and that's not even starting with the blatant ones.

He literally tells Robotnik he's gonna beat him to hell and back for using the Shadow Androids.

Well he had no issue name dropping his "grand fatherr" at every opportunity.

It's against his will dumbfuck. Don't be braindead.
Go watch the translated Japanese subs. It's not nearly as bad.

Yeah because Gerald made Shadow. His uncle was probably a baker or something.

>EnGliSh tRansLatIon
It was developed in San Francisco with Sonic Team USA while Japan worked on Sonic 06.

It's like you just heard about this franchise yesterday and now you're "that kid"ding as hard as possible. You don't know fucking shit about this franchise, kiddo.

>Father is the world's greatest scientific mind across several fields and even designs a fucking space colony
>You bake

>I learned everything I know from Pewdiepie and Markiplier from when they recently played! I'm now the expert on these games.
This is what you honestly sound like.

>if op had tits

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muh ria

Holy lol no, it was written in Japanese first. And the Japanese dub is always the canon one.
>You don't know fucking shit about this franchise, kiddo.
Fuck I do, I know more than most retards on Yas Forums. Unlike you, I'm actually fucking aware of what the CREATORS OF THE GAMES INTENDED.

Why the fuck would I be telling you to watch the Japanese translations if I were gobbling up e-celeb trash? No, if I did , I'd think Shadow is a heartless edgelord. Y'know, like you.
Do your research. Go read some interviews, I'm begging you.

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You are no older than sixteen years old.

>literally no comeback
18, actually. Close though.

ACKSHUALLY Yuji Naka wrote the scripy to Shadow The Hedgehog back in 2002 with Shigiru Miyamoto in English while he was coding The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup for Peter Molyneux. He told Miyamoto, "We rearry need to make him the edgiest character of arr time." and nodding his head in agreement, Miyamoto dialed up his cousin and told him to start a boyband named M-Flo to make a Shadow The Hedgehog music video and they only had four years to do it. M-Flo barely got the music video done on time because it wasn't edgy enough and needed several reshoots. They finally ended with Shadow walking into that strip club dancing, but they removed a scene where he does a line of coak off of Jessica Rabbit's stomach before putting two bullets in her head and throwing a wad of cash at her corpse.

Pic related, it's Miyamoto and M-Flo

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>Was literally three years old when Shadow The Hedgehog released and not even born when SA2 released

>muh ria
Shadow is an edgelord and a deadweight on the franchise



ITT a literal child plays Sonic Adventure 2 for his first time and believes he has a deeper appreciation for its story than his nose-picking peers.

Kill normies and fuck bitches. That's how Shadow rolls.


Is it bad that I cried the first time I saw this scene where Amy tells Shadow to give the world a chance and he remembers what Maria really told him?

>is 18
Maria died 20 years ago, you literally couldn't have known her you fucking poser.

Maria died 69 years ago because SA2 turns 19 in a few months

You'll understand when you're older when underage faggots start talking at you with authority on shit that's before their time, too.

No, it's a really emotional scene. I feel bad for him still.

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>im gonna kill all of humanity
>not edgy
a shiggy diggit

Does being born after something somehow prevent me from doing research on it?
You still haven't proven me wrong btw. Jap dubs are canon.

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An 18 year old trying to tell us Shadow isn't edgy is just as obnoxious as "x wasn't real communism" arguments by college hipsters.

It's not my fault you didn't pay attention.

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Your research will always be restricted to the modern state of the internet. You didn't experience it leading up to and at release. It's twenty years old at this point, everything about it but the raw product itself is gone and done with. You have to rely entirely on your own ability to process older titles, how they were presented, and whatever shit wikis random retards have authoritatively sewn together with their personal head canons. Your research will always be considerably flawed compared to anyone who actually experienced it when it happened and you insisting otherwise is just self-defeating evidence of the fact. You can't know how much you don't know and can only flail and fail to make the connections based on your personal, biasef assumptions. And you will always be mocked and ridiculed by those who were there, because they can tell the moment you decide to open your ignorant mouth and not only announce what a fool you are, but double and even triple down on it.

Also, a fucking 18 year old in 2020 seething about how little he knows about Sonic Adventure 2. Why aren't you gaming with your online friends, you fucking loser?

Hoky fuck call 911 theres been a murder

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A plot device who existed just to die so Shadow and Gerald have a reason to hate all humanity.

Nothing wrong with children enjoying an older thing that released before they were born, it's just when the little snots pretend to have some sort of insight or expertice when they know jack shit

He's brooding for literally no reason. He has no tragedy in his life
He barely remembers that. He's cocky for no reason. He uses guns despite having magic. He's vegeta with even less back story or motivation. They literally just wanted to have a vegeta.

People call Shadow The Hedgehog an edgelord because he is literally an edgelord in the game Shadow The Hedgehog, only up until the last 10 minutes of the game where he ""redeems"" himself in the ending you can only see if you play through the game like 8 times.

You have zero rebuttal. You can't refute my points. I've experienced all of the content you did and more (not just from wikis, mind you) and all you can do is cry retard zoomer because I'm younger than you, you don't actually know shit.
Your favorite Youtuber said Shadow cuts himself and listens to Linkin Park and you've accepted it as fact, then sob when your incorrect interpretation of a fucking vidya character are destroyed by statements from the people who made said character.
Go screw yourself with a knife grandpa.

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Remember when Silver's character documents included the sentence "Essentially, think Trunks from Dragon Ball Z."

Nobody knows who maria is because she:
1. has no specific design
2. very shallow
3. mostly attached to a game thats known for being le edge

>Someone made a shithead black hedgehog tube grown being as a friend for a little girl

>t. kid can't handle the heat but keeps touching the stove top anyway
Thank you for re-enforcing every single thing I claimed of you, you literal friendless virgin.

>I've experienced all of the content you did and more
>I'm 18 years old and was born after these games came out

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Prove me wrong user.

His entire character when he is first introduced is centered around Maria. It's not like they added it years later to explain his behavior.

>child idolizes ow the edge and got mad about some bendilin youtube video having more sway than he ever will

You already proved yourself wrong swimmingly as is, and I don't like regurgitation.

>uses the pronoun "boku" in Japanese

What's the significance of this? Explain.