Risk of Rain 2

Vote for HAN-D.

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is the 10 man still going?

But I want all of them

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>Not even best bot

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OP, the other thread is still at page 6.

>all these interesting characters
>sniper getting the most votes
hopoo should also open a pol to ask what item they should ruin next

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Risk of Rain 1 > Risk of Rain 2

Risk of Rain 2 > Risk of Rain 1

Any vanilla hosts?

why open a poll for something they're already doing


Lets settle this. Both are good in different ways.

HAN-D, Miner, and Banditchads, let's face it;
None of you are gonna make it.
However, if you all combine your forces and vote for Enforcer today, he has a chance of at the very least dethroning sniper from his ill-gotten perch.
Do it for him.

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Hades > Hotpoo's steaming pile of shit

1 has decent gameplay and good design.
2 has good gameplay but bad design

yeah ror2 is good at being shit while ror1 is good at being not shit

US East Monsoon

>All these drizzlets are seething because Sniper is too hard for them

what the fuck
shitpost of the highest caliber

unironically this


You'd have my pickaxe if I weren't banned from the discord.

>adds parents
>creates unreleased granparent boss
>doesn't bother adding children first
I don't get it.
Actually the new survivor has the most at the moment (last poll update is April 1st).
I took a look at the vote discussion in the >discord. Most people for/against sniper don't even know how he played in RoR1 and it's depressing. Hopefully there will be salt about him not playing like some FPS sniper.

You get all of them except one. Who do you leave out?

what is this

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This isn't a hades thread. Shoo Shoo.
2's gameplay is a bit slow for me, but so far I'm enjoying the transition to 3d more than I expected to.

a Jnewt merchant

Yeah, I'm thinking this is kind of epic based pilled, maybe a bit of a coom moment??

Look man. I love Enforcer, and i'd kill to have a shotgun primary in this game. But the power gap between him and CHEF is so massive i don't think anybody but him, Sniper and Mystery Nigga have a chance at winning the poll.
All we can do now is hope post launch updates add them to the game and pray to God Gearbox doesn't turn them into paid DLC.

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the "parents" are the grandparent's children
there are no new children because they're all dead, what we see are the only survivors

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I don't understand why the nigger can't just add all of them

what do new altars do

what do new altars do

Reminder that if you didn't vote for ENFORCER you are a TOTAL FAGGOT.

based rexfag

Its scary to think that many of the people that play RoR2 haven't touched 1.
Thats not true. Sky meadow's log describes small ghostly figures, likey children.

What about the logbook text where a ship landed on what appeared to be children?

>last updated april first
>seven slots, seven choices
inb4 it's an april fool's prank and they're adding all 6 survivors from the original + paladin since he's the most fleshed out of the mystery niggas

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it was last updated the 4th you fucks

fuck whisps

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How useful would Enforcer's shield even be in a 3D space? In RoR, it was great because there were limited angles of attack and you always had an overview of the situation thanks to the perspective.

I feel like you'd just end up eating damage from behind when trying to block something in front of you. I'm not against adding him (I voted for him, in fact), but I feel like he would need a slight rework.

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Is CHEF easily the most based character in ror

the ship crushed the latest generation
didn't get the log yet, fuck my vaatividya lore I guess

>new survivor winning despite their attempts at new ones all being shit
>sniper so high
>enforcer too low to be added in anyway
>miner not standing a chance
>bandit never despite being 90% done

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Do americans really...?

based retard
it's ok, I thought the same too. the original post even said it'd be updated daily!

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hopoo would never ever be that based
fencer works just fine in EDF with shields

Nah, that title belongs to huntress. CHEF is a close second, though.

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Reminder to vote chef.

Fencer is also absurdly mobile

He's going to, just not all at once

>didn't notice the original had the date too
I'm a based retard too. here's the ORIGINAL original, the day it started.

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Sniper fags explain yourselves, why the FUCK are you voting for him.
Everything you liked about him will either have to be massively changed, or he will have to be entirely reworked.

Monkey's Paw: Everyone gets in but they're paid DLC. All the files are within the base game and can be unlocked with mods.
I can understand being too lazy to think of ways to implement some of them but why the fuck doesn't Hopoo finish bandit. If he released T W O characters with an update his discord fanclub would suck his dick.

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they never should have put new survivor on the vote to begin with because kiddies love the word new

ten mans are fixed now, but at what cost bros...at what cost....

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He could have the ability to raise the shield slightly but I don't think it would translate well in a 3D space. The most logical way to do it would be by having enforcer passively block any damage from the front and still allow him to fire from behind his shield.


Were they?

someone host 10 man pls

bandaged and held together by tape

Not looking forward to the new survivor. I would have preferred chef, enforcer, or miner over sniper, too.
What a sad reality we are graced with.

I kind of agree. Hopoo should have held seperate polls for the RoR1 characters and the mystery niggers.
Can you only speak in memes?

Yeah they could easily just add a damage blocking field.
I think the "Paladin" in the files had a shield prototype. Imagine if we get Enforcer but it's actually MED-E from the medkit log using his equipment.
The last update was 3-4 days ago, Chef could
have caught up.

Remember anons, if you play on Glass without the super broken free random item from Enigma, a wisp will literally shoot your mother in her sleep tonight. Completely unplayable!

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anyone got the one with
>you havent risked
>you havent rained

Before Han-d gets released, I just want to go ahead and say Mul-T best robot

>Can you only speak in memes?

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get on my level fag

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Now we wait for modders to fix the fucking artifacts that don't work properly with each other somehow

>Stage 3
>Over 30 minutes since you last posted
Yeah that wasn't hard for you at all you fucking loser lmao

waiting to see if the apparent 10 man fix works so people wont have to download bepinex to join

It doesn't. user was referring to the duct tape bepinex.

>no spite, no vengeance
Yeah nah, your level is beneath me.

People are voting for sniper because they don't understand that hopoo tried to implement sniper in the game before and quit before giving them any new assets outside of the overlay for the scope, because an archetypal sniper character doesn't really fit with the way the game flows, and if people really wanted a sniper in this they'd just play mul-t with Rebar punch, also sniper is being voted mostly because secondaries who watch woolie since IIRC he said that he wants to see sniper in the game.

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