

Attached: Cacodemon_sprite.png (183x208, 8.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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how does cacodemon taste like?


Attached: 1569780603654.jpg (905x1280, 183.85K)

Attached: GULP POP.webm (1920x1080, 2.53M)

I really wish there were a few other frontal glory kills for it
I got tired seeing that for the 100th time


Tasty Cacodemon

Attached: 782330_20200323195146_1.png (1920x1080, 2.69M)

Bloated Cacodemon

Attached: 782330_20200330004524_1.png (1920x1080, 2.25M)

>Mfw NuDoom ruined the entire franchise for me and now nothing Doom-related is comfy to me now

Yep. This is me. You're probably wondering how I got into the situation.

Attached: Arch.png (1917x1017, 2.2M)

Based poopoo poster

Attached: Coach.gif (480x270, 708.74K)

>Filtering on
Fucking cringe

Kinda hate how they are a free kill if you shoot a sticky bomb/grenade into their mouths.

I'm going to flick it right in its eye.
Dumb attack orb.

Look at him go :D

Attached: look at him go!.gif (75x75, 19.23K)

>Purchased Doom Eternal

Attached: A37FADDD-B930-4091-8C29-98A07F0A257E.jpg (866x838, 160.56K)

More like CACAdemon!

Huh? These shitposts are just bots right.

Mr saxobeat

>he paid for a game that includes a drm-free exe
user how small is your brain?

Can Archviles revive each other?

Attached: 782330_20200403234331_1.png (1920x1080, 2.6M)

Wh cares about how he obtained it
Poin is, this retard actually got suckered into playing a soulless Zenimax reboot of the once-beloved Doom franchise, presumably all the way through
Though honestly as stupid as he may be, finishing a NuDoom game is an Olympic feat of endurance so that at least is impressive.

Thank god

Okay, but when are we getting some friendly Eudemons?

The can't revive cyberdemons, spider masterminds, lost souls, other archviles, and pain elementals (unless killed by a crusher)

No he bought it ironically you fat retard


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Mr cacobeat

The next time I cast a hell wave, I know it will be contained!

Attached: eMU1ps5j_400x400.jpg (269x269, 14.02K)

Attached: rolling cacodemon.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

How do you do, fellow Cacodemons? It sure is nice to be a Cacodemon and not one of those loser Pain Elementals, which I am not.

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This happened the first time I played that mission, but I haven't seen it since. What gives?

>caco appears out of nowhere
based caco
hello not a pain elemental

No they cant you zoomer

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agreed. i don't always go for it, 2 shotting it with the ballista is sometimes more ideal depending on the situation, but I don't like how they simplified it so much. it's a waste to kill it any other way.

What them hands do

>textures didn't load

jesus christ shut the fuck up already you unfunny subhuman


The BFG 10000 is firing

More like cockdemon


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LOL umad? XD

its annoying that you pretty much HAVE to glory kill it like this, or you waste ammo.

pretty much everything that isnt a fucking zombie thing you HAVE to glory kill it or you just spend too much ammo.

They made the Cyber Demon a fucking joke in Eternal.

Attached: 1554870216936.jpg (400x400, 25.49K)

I love Cacodemons.

Attached: EUvBQbxUEAAQbwC.jpg (1280x720, 108.71K)

it was a joke in 2016 too tho

Good go kys now please

Attached: ERluk1BWoAIplOa.jpg (828x1081, 114.72K)

At least the 2016 version didn't have insta kill blades lying around before the fight.

I don't like how they made this a one shot kill enemy, it basically puts them in the same tier as a zombie, where in the original doom games they were a pain in the ass you had to focus on

i hate that they designed the entire game around epin glory kills and NOT FUCKING UNLOADING YOUR WEAPONS, christ, you're basically using a berserk pack the whole way through


they where female the entire time

>not using frags on clusters of fodder

Imagine trying to bait like this when the game is already out, everyone knows how great it is, you can't pretend like it's a mario platformer with fortnite effects anymore


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