Nioh 2 thread

Mommy edition

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Post your Spear sets RIGHT NOW

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List of smithing texts and weapon skills.

Is that from Naruto?

Running full Sanada's Crimson Armor + Great Chidori Cross Spear for full-on HONORABLE SAMURAI set bonus.

>tfw your mom is more attractive than you are

It is possible to roll Imbue purity/corruption right? Just has an insanely low chance.

is this a user made character?

she looks so nice and inviting, like it would be nice to just sit down and have tea and talk to her.

Quick! Tell us your favourite armour set!

Did anyone think your twin was actually a twin and not just a fake monster illusion before mom had to say she had twins? The fact that they melted made it incredibly confusing.

How the fuck do you get tokichiro's gourd

Been farming him for 6 hours

Farmed charms with the abduction mission method for another 6 hours

Got 5 yasakanis and not a single divine tokichiro guard

>can't acquire Sarutobi's armor set
fucking dropped. most /fa/ ninja attire from the previous game

One Eyed-Dragon's Armor
Sanada's Crimson Armor
Samurai General's Armor
Governor's Armor
The Exceptional One's Armor (Shima Sakon)
Master Swordsman's Robes

Yo, what missions have Onmyo Mages in them? I need ten kills to unlock this fucking sub mission and I just realized that not encountering them is probably why I haven't killed ten yet.

Horse Guard and Yoshiie's Birthright

Full Golden Gourd, 2 Golden Boy, Tengen with Otake/Kasha/Oni-B

Swallowtail set for asthetics.

Yup, corruption is the only way to get more effects on your weapon too without orange transferable weapons

I don't think he drops it.
Your best bet is to just farm abduction (dawn mission).
If you don't know how it works you just go to the item right the start with the 2 gaki and one eye guarding it, kill them and see what it is, if it isn't tokichiros gourd then rest at the shrine and try again. You can only rest at the shrine once to reset it though and it will always be the same after that so if you don't get it then just divine branch out and try again.

The mission where you fight that mage guy boss that transforms into a two headed demon that can rotate its body. In the caves of that mission there are 3 omnyo mages you can kill and respawn with the shrine

Gotcha, so the Ryomen Sekuna level. Thanks man! Appreciate it. This shit's annoying. I've been doing 2kat as well because that's ANOTHER sub mission that needs done. Shit's weird.

Full Mataza for Triple Threat spam. Fun and flashy as fuck

yes or no people wtf.

Conqueror, I don’t know if it’s a lot or not but being able to get 7k off sword of meditation is fun.

no.. its a story character

Yeah that guy. I really don't get why they added a exclusive 2kat only sub mission.

finish the game

Shes your mother. Hint's in the name of the thread. therefore, premade.

How come talisman of the fist doesn't work properly if I don't have a guardian spirit?

>mommy edition
>female parent

she is the mc's mom you actual retard

How are set bonuses compared to the original? I'm wondering if I can ride the scorch train Red Demon set again.

Best tonfa armor set?

if I want a game with satisfying souls combat in a japan aesthetic that has some grindan, is this it? I didn’t like the over reliance of stealth in Sekiro

Master Swordsman for big tiddies

there are no tonfas armor sets

Well i mean best armor set bonus to use with tonfa

Oh user..

i don't have the game you morans

kingo or strategist sets for the +% ki damage

No bullshit just little QoL improvements. Plus I like matchlocks and it leaves the head slot free for some other one off helmet like trident vajra.

do you also not have eyes the read the fucking op with?

justice ministry set is /fa/ af

Kingo. The set bonus fits really well with my playstyle, and the Chest piece is swag.

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I think that drunk oni is my favorite boss in the game so far. Not in terms of difficulty but he just looks cool.

Are you sure it's temperable, like have you tempered it on before? I've rolled 200+ times now checking each umbracite and not gotten it.

Fucking KINO

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The one that didn't make it to the sequel

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Shuten doji is so fresh. I wish you would be able to fight him again really easy without going thru the whole fuckin level again

Golden Gourd set is a good generic set for any weapon. Has melee damage modifier and increased attack on amrita absorption.

Genryu for stats
Night Raider for looks

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Golden Gourd 7 piece.

what a shame. really wanted to go full on DEUS VULT. Now I have to resort to using Conqueror's armor + Horned Helm.

Yeah, Nioh 2 fits that description pretty well

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Maybe more attractive than your Hiddy.

Tonfas don't get a set because fuck them and fuck you for using them. That said you can have a set that boosts fire/scorched damage with tonfa guns.

What transformations cause new dialogue in the Interim? How come I can't come in as Shibata and tell Azai I banged his wife?

Trying to look into unique playstyles. Any ideas?
Looking into bow/rifle speed up and ranged attack debuffs so I can use ranged midcombat. Attempting to be Genichiro Ashina.

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Wtf do purity/corruption even do?

That wouldntt mean much since everyone had banged Oichi.

>hammers scale with constitution and stamina
>can remodel both to A scaling
>stack both so you have a billion HP and can wear the heaviest armor while doing insane damage and being unstaggerable
fuck the fucking axe is the best weapon in the game and retarded axgrugs cry and say it’s shit because “I-it’s short range!!1” or “lmao worse odachi”


Temper? Oh no, you can only get Purity or Corruption when a weapon is first crafted. Tempering can't roll those

Yeah that's what i was leaning towards, dammit.

So I just started a mission where I can choose to side with Aqua-Kappaman or another fat fuck, are there any differences?