Overpowered. Has no counters.
Overpowered. Has no counters
Congratulations, you figured out that CS is all about risk vs reward and economy managing and not personal skill
Scout is better in every conceivable way
>less than half the price of an awp
>still 1-shots no matter what
>more stability
>1 shots no matter what
I mean, I was about agree, but that line is just wrong.
>inb4 why you no headshot derp
That's not the definition of "no matter what"
>just smoke lmao
Ok and then what?
Are you implying that you shoot anywhere that isn't someone's head, ever?
Underpowered. Has no advantages.
get gud
that's the counter
>just smoke
Ok then the smoke runs out and you get fucked.
>just flash
doesnt work
you just have to hope they miss
>announce your position
What's the point of smoke grenades? What are they used for? I understand flashes but smokes?
>spray patterns
play a real shooter like tarkov
Denying line of sight, but really all it does is prolong the game. At best stealth defusing
Sorry, user, but I think you might just be bad then??
>learn smokes for the maps you play
>smoke off area where awp is
why is this so hard?
>damage is dependent on ammo brand
Suck the shit out of my ass loser, that's fucking retarded
90% of the maps have multiple angles to watch the same area, so it's not really feasible outside of a coordinated teams
just throw a fucking smoke jesus christ. or hell just throw a flash behind you facing the awp and just push. or push together so you can trade 1 for 1. this thread is retarded
>no counters
smoke counters it
>just push
>awp calls push
>kills the first guy
>rest of team gets mowed down by rotation
>not going auto
uh oh spaghettio!
>Get kicked for going Auto
a standard map layout is 2/1/2. if one person is awping and you are pushing with ur team getting 2v5'd is your guy's entire fault. alternatively you can set up roamers to push from different angles before even giving away that you are pushing either sites. just admit you don't play this game.
Not really though? Yeah there may be an alternative angle for a given spot, but theres typically only 1 spot an awper can watch from from any given point thats viable for them. And if they are in an off angle, chances are they will get cleaned up because off angles typically have multiple points from which you can be cleared from since it's not in cover.
The awp is the first weapon new players encounter with the "seemingly no way to defeat it" excuse.
B-hop across their LOS and pop them in the head.
Absolutely destroyed, will never recover, rip
calm down retard, Ts are always at a disadvantage
the auto snipers mop the floor with it
>smoke id on dust
>literally just backs up a few steps
>now he's shooting you fro the top of his hat and you have no idea
how long is your team just standing in one spot to allow for a rotation, and why is nobody watching the flank if you're all just standing there?
that is entirely not true and is completely map dependent.
No joke, whenever I use it for an extend period of time, my teammates fucking vote kick me.
>how long is your team just standing in one spot to allow for a rotation
Judging by the average comp game, long enough to all die
You can still see them, and why are you trying to midfight something which has been smoked? If you're trying to get to short, you can literally crouch under and the awper can't see you even if standing back.
>90% of the weapons are useless
Why is this a thing? No wonder this game is dying like League. Not even Shroud plays this shit anymore
I will now list all the ways you can counter the AWP by yourself without any help
>awp the awper
>scout the awper
>don't challenge the awp
>spam rifle to drive back awper
If you can get one guy to follow you
>nade stack
I am dogshit at CSGO I bet there are a bunch more ways
>Team mate calls it a AVP not AWP
Any map worth a damn is CT sided
>crabwalking down mid
shroud was banned and CSGO is consistently growing in players
Why are people okay with sniper rifles that 1-shot everywhere with near perfect accuracy, but everyone hates shotguns which do the same thing but only up close and not consistently?
>this game is dying
>exact same gameplay has almost 20 years
really? every game dies at some point
>no wonder that guy that shit his pants every lan doesn't play this game anymore.
>shroud was banned
jiggle peek
*another flash*
You run to short, crouch under the very small window the awper can actually see above the smoke on short, and continue running.
because tactics
what if two people rush into you? now you're at a disadvantage
>spray patterns
why is this a thing
>exact same game for 20 years
>has more players than any other FPS game ever
amazing how one weapon can make shitters seethe through 3 different installations in the series
>awping A site on mirage
>enemy team executes perfect smoke push onto site
>blind fire into smoke and kill their best player
even if you do everything perfectly there's still a chance an AWP is just going to shitwreck you anyway
Awp costs more, is only properly viable from a few spots per map, higher skill ceiling.
>haha nova go bang
>cat called
>b rotates through lower
>A sits on site and afks
ok r*ddit
simulates real life recoil but removes the rng associated with other games like cod where it just throws bullets randomly so it is a bit more skill based
not waiting out the obviously awp through the smoke is their fault though. they didn't do everything perfectly cause any average player knows people shoot through the smoke.
>tfw negev spray
Doesn't that case apply to a shotgun too? Either it shoots slow enough that a 2v1 will fuck you up anyway, or it's fast enough that it probably won't 1-shot them unless you're point blank.
Getting lucky with a gun doesn't make the gun inherently stronger. You could have also sprayed the smoke with ak/m4 and done the same thing.
>simulates real life recoil
t. hasguns
thanks bro
u too
Eternally OP AWP and having to learn smokes are the things that will make Valorant overtake CS for most people
*shoots you through smoke*
>real life
>point gun at ground and shoot at the sky
nigga what
because it gives depth to the gameplay while also not making it entirely rng.