People unironically thought that current year Nu-Sqeenix could recapture the magic of late 90s peak SQUARESOFT

>People unironically thought that current year Nu-Sqeenix could recapture the magic of late 90s peak SQUARESOFT.

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We didn't think it would be possible to fuck up this bad

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>Lvl ~17 Could leving Midgar already displaying AC tier powerlevels.
Where are they going to go from here? Step it up to DBZ tier shit?

This. This makes MGSV look tame.

They only needed to copypaste the story into the new engine. Maybe change the "not-proper" lines of the actual times like Tifa calling the nigger a retard.
That's it.

So, you don't approve of this?

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Holy fucking shit, I've heard some people complain here but I never thought it would be THAT bad.

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Remember this classic moment from the original?

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Dude, FF7 Remake isn't suppose to be a shot for shot remaster of the original. Remakes in general aren't a substitute of the original.

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What the fuck is this shit?

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By all the marketing, it was supposed to be a retelling of the same story, not a 1:1 copy, but not an entirely different game either.

The Changebad ghosts trying to not allow anything to be different because "LOL that would ruin the original" despite Square Enix giving people access to the original FF7 on PS4, Xbone and Switch on cheap.

MGSV was fine. This shit is god awful.

>people will pay full price for this
>at least twice

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The more I see, the more I get pissed off
Do these fucking CHANGEBAD ghosts interrupt every God damn scene?

It's misleading propaganda.

good lord why does sephiroth even have screen time this early

He shows up as soon as the first reactor blows up, you have a five minute sequence where you slowly walk after him

Wait, let me get this straight:

They included a meta-narrative about how change is bad by CHANGING the fucking game?

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Because he pulls the party through a time portal into midgar during zack's fight with shinra and causes them to kill zack's arbiter ghost so he can survive his standoff.

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thanks i hate it

The changebad ghosts are suppose to show that the game being a 1 for 1 remaster isn't what they are aiming for.

A Remake is suppose to deviate from the original, it is NOT A SUBSTITUTE for the original. Like I said, the original is still playable on PS4, Xbone and Switch.

Wait, that's not from the fucking movie? Holy shit.


This looks fucking amazing and I wish I had a PS4 to play it

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>Sephiroth boss fight
>Straight up saying Cloud wasn't in SOLDIER
Fucking hell guys, save something for the later parts. Seriously, a lot of the original story beats are going to lack any impact after this.

maybe they should just fucking make shit different then without having ghosts every 10 minutes reminding the player things are gonna be different this time.

the best part about this is that sephiroth fucking casts meteor

and that this is all happening in a pocket dimension so the midgar that cloud and co are from isn't really destroy lmao

so everything you just saw didnt mean anything

>>People unironically thought that current year Nu-Sqeenix could recapture the magic of late 90s peak SQUARESOFT.
Both Nier and DQ are currently better than anything Square did back in the day, please don't throw the whole company under the bus due to Nomura

i'm playing this game for the first time on my vita and it's the first final fantasy that's kept my attention for more than 10 minutes

>A Remake is suppose to deviate from the original, it is NOT A SUBSTITUTE for the original.
Did they really have to ruin the remake to drive that point home though?

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Remake or the Original?

So why not just make a slightly different story this time? Why shit all over it with some dumb plot device like alternate timelines and lore fixing ghosts? Why not just MAKE IT DIFFERENT instead of making this weirdo half-commentary half-bitter narrative thing where you have to have played the original to even understand what's going on or why the ghosts are stopping cloud from killing reno. etc
It all makes no sense. They could've just done a remake where cloud fucking cuts off reno's head. Done. BAM shocker moment. People are gonna talk. Instead they went for that ultra weird and gay timeline ghosts route.

original PS1 game

Is he really implying he thinks this fanfiction tier shit will surpass the original?

Enjoy it bro
FFVII was the first Final Fantasy that managed to keep my attention too and that was after I had tried VI and X
FFVII is a rollercoaster of a game, you should leave now before people spoil plot points

>animeshitter has to give his shit take nobody asked for
Wow, that's a new one.

nomura didn't just recreate it, he surpassed it.

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cope, seethe, dilate, have sex, etc

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Because fanservice, they just had to find an excuse to put Sephiroth in the game and have an epic Advent Children fight with him.


It's the same guy that won't touch characters designed by other people and shits on KH to give Squeenix the middle finger.
So yes, Nomura is a delusional moron.

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So they are going with a sort of parallel universe, probably created by Hojo?
Hojo's grin frame was pretty cool at least.

its nomura dude, look at the other stories he's come up with. FF7 was too simple and straightforward for this guy. Don't be surprised when the next part of the FF7 remake expects you to have played half a dozen mobile games set inbetween the ending of this one and the 15 minutes later when the party finds the giant dead snake.

If they want to change the story, change the fucking story. Don't do this retarded ass meta commentary shit.
People that haven't played the original are going to be completely lost, and people that have played the original are just going to get pissed off about SPOOKY GHOSTS interrupting every classic moment and scene.

>Don't be surprised when the next part of the FF7 remake expects you to have played half a dozen mobile games set inbetween the ending of this one and the 15 minutes later when the party finds the giant dead snake.
That's what I'm worried about the most. Nomura seems to have no concept of quality.
Same reason why he thinks all his retarded mixed to bad reception spinoffs for the ps2 should have more weight canonwise than the original game with perfect reception.

Wait a minute, this shit isn't fan made shit with ripped models?

This - so fucking much.

So it's less "Final Fantasy VII: The Remake" and more "Rebuild Of Final Fantasy VII" then?

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FF7 is literally peak JRPG, they got millions of ultra loyal fans where it took a streak of 3 bad games over 12 years to lose them.

wow they really know how to make your characters look powerful during the end game content

>Retcon ghosts revive Barret after he died because it didn't happen in the original

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from the descriptions other anons have given, it sounds more like sequel set in the second revolution of a time loop

Part 1 is going to sell like hotcakes because the majority of people don't know about the spoilers but it will be interesting to see what people think of the story changes and how well the next part sells.

Eh, not really.

The EVA movies are just being a reiteration of the original and then deviating like crazy because the director from the original was just making up shit because he thought it was cool.

This is Nomura and Co. showing people that making the game follow everything 100% will get annoying and if they wanted to play the original, then play the original. Don't ask for just "MAKE THE SAME GAEM BUT WITH PURTTY GRAPHICS!!!"

>take a rocket in the face during gameplay
>gets hold up from a pistol during cutscene

>Because he pulls the party through a time portal into midgar during zack's fight with shinra and causes them to kill zack's arbiter ghost so he can survive his standoff.

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why would sephiroth want zack to live?

It's less that Sephiroth or anything time travelled and more that there exists multiple timelines and the whispers exist because of the original's game timeline, so they're trying to make all the timelines like the original. It's stupid and makes no sense but there you go.

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It's coz gamers are retarded and don't bother learning about who makes the games they love. If they did, they'd know that nobody who made Squaresoft great makes games for Square Enix these days. They're all long gone.

Then why did they make remakes of FF1 FF2 FF3 FF4 and FF5 that weren't like this trainwreck?

No idea, but that's literally what happens.
Its straight outta fanfiction land.

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>This is Nomura and Co. showing people that making the game follow everything 100% will get annoying
no, it shows that they thought that making the same game would be boring for them
having to tell the audience "you think you do, but you don't" rarely goes over well
granted, it doesn't matter since it will sell, but still shitty

Why is there multiple timelines at all. Fuck. Just call mulligans on the whole thing like every other remake does.

It helps the teams were not let by a cunt like Nomura, probably.

because nomura fucking loves this shit

Asura's Wrath tier.

Whisper rubrum is the arbiter that was created when zack died during the standoff. So killing it made zack survive.

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Becaus Nomura wants Zack to live. Don't expect any logic from this new Fabula Nova Final Fantasy Seven compilation, rule of cool is the order of the next decade and Nomura is the man who decides what is cool.

FF1, 2 and 3 weren't good games at all. 1 was bare bones. 2 and 3 were BAAAAAAAD.

FF4 DS made things MUCH harder than they should and added 3D designs and voice acting.

FF5 didn't get a remake. It got a port on the GBA

Nomura said "play the original game on current gens if that is all you want"

Wait, are you making this shit up?
Because, and I'm not shitting you right now, that's literally the exact plot of Monster Girl Quest Paradox.

this shit is fucking retarded beyond anything I thought was possible

Why is people dying creating arbiters?

It turns out that Sepiroth is actually only one half of a split being, and the other half is a new character called Ajuk, but then when they fuse in the alternate timeline in part 4 of the remake they turn into a new being, but luckily after Cloud time travels and recruits himself from the future they beat the fused being, Sephiroth dies but it turns out Ajuk was actually backwards for KUJA and it's revealed that this actually wasn't a Final Fantasy VII remake but a Final Fantasy IX remake, bravo Nomura

Cloud is essentially out of the picture with Zack alive and well. He'll never establish the 1st Class SOLDIER persona and probably be the little puppy he was pre-Nibelheim. It also presents another issue with acquiring the Black Materia, because Cloud was the only person with the Jenova cells capable of doing his bidding, as the rest of the numbered clones could barely stand on their feet, let alone trek through a trap riddled, monster infested hellhole.

>FF1 not a good game

you are a humongous faggot

>Rest of the internet: loving it, enjoying discussion and generally having fun
Why is Yas Forums this way with almost every new release?

This render from Smash is more faithful to the original game than the entirety of 7R.

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