Modern shooter with anime girls = trillions of dollars

modern shooter with anime girls = trillions of dollars

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yeah honestly idk why this isn't a thing yet. Literally just like COD/Halo/CSGO/UT/Insurgency/Rising Storm style shit with anime girls and titties but with real good gunplay. Would print money.

legit true, even more so if it has blood/gore

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well they are trying this shit with valorant, i hate csgo so i prob wouldnt like it

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I wouldn't play it because i don't want to shoot cute anime girls

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paladins does this too to a degree, i just dont care for the western style art direction honestly

You'd get nude mods from day one and people fapping furiously to sexy dead anime girls riddled with bullets like people keep doing with Blade and Sorcery.

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>no army or historical strategy game comprising solely of anime girls with futa cocks that can rape each other for historical accuracy

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I'm simultaneously glad that this weird niche of extremely tactical girls exists because there is so much good art for it, but also because there are no actual games to satisfy this desire and no games will ever match the level of customization these artists put into the guns or the girls' gear.

You'd think there'd be ARMA 2 mods or something by now.

That's the dream.

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>modern shooter
No, give me MW2 with anime girls.
Valorant is ugly and has [redacted] in it. I want all my anime girls to be Japanese or blonde.

What ever would we do?

Japs are shit at programming and don't like FPS much, so it has to be created by some weeb with too much time and money .

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The only thing that's been able to even remotely scratch this itch has been that Girls' Frontline RUNNING WITH RIFLES mod, but even then I kinda wish they had outfits that looked more militaristic than what they usually have on.

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>trillions of dollars

Maybe as a gacha targeting the same handful of coomer gamble-addicts over a period, sure.
Otherwise say goodbye to most of the normie crowd.

It's totally possible as well. They made a fatal bullet game and weebs like me gobbled it up.

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I saw an image of somebody in Arma 3 that replaced the head of their soldier with a Mokou head from Touhou, it looked great. Apparently it didn't work too well though and the helmet applying would be a problem too I guess.

>Bullet Girls 2 was a vita TPS game where girls shoot fake bullets out of real guns to shred clothes off each other
>But no gun customization
>The character customization was dressing up girls in a variety of 50+ sets of underwear you could strip and a variety of generic clothes non of which had a tactical option.
Please.... devs...


thank you so much

Would people really be okay seeing their cute, customized girl getting gunned down and blown up though?

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I mean, Counter-Strike Online 2 has them.

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Eliminator Kaede-san was pretty niche but a bit of fun.

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We already have anime girls in CoD.

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Anime/gatcha fans dont want gameplay. They just want anime girls. What you are asking for would not do well. What you probably would want and would do well is just military themed gatcha.

I don't understand kaide
why bother making the shooter part if there's not even any ryona?
I understand the scat even less

>why bother making the shooter part if there's not even any ryona
Because some people like seeing cute female operators, but don't like seeing them getting beaten or killed.

>I understand the scat even less
Game creator's fetish.

Lots of Korean shooters have playable girls but that's not even close to what we're talking about.

>but don't like seeing them getting beaten or killed
well that's just odd
>Game creator's fetish
no I get that, I don't get why it's part of the game. Like, it doesn't tie into any gameplay, there's not even any negative effects if you don't shit after spamming the vending machine

also, short-sleeved and legged bodysuit>full cover

That game is utter crap though.

>Generic western anime girl OC slapped onto a gun
>You can't even see her because of the way the player holds the gun
Only ironic weebs bought this trash, but unfortunately there is enough of them that they will keep making more.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves and your shit taste.

Girls frontline TPS when

>no pants

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>I don't get why it's part of the game
It's a doujinshi game, user. He can put whatever he wants in it because he isn't making it to make money.

Where do you think you are?

Most people are already fine with getting their custom characters killed in video games, why would this be any different?

Australian Soldiers wore shorts too.

But they were guys so it was really gross.

Wearing pants to combat has been far less common in the history of mankind than wearing a skirt.

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>there's a beach mission

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>make army men style tps with little girls running around the neighborhood shooting each other with water guns
>make a sequel where the girls are all grown up and are fighting in WW3, fighting across war-torn versions of the maps in 1 maiming, killing and burning each other


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Good movie

I can tell you were hoping to get a bunch of (you)s with your shit take. A real shame.

Just like that Hearthstone ripoff themed after WW2, right?

its impossible for there to be a pure anime girls shooting game. the people that are passionate about anime girls are like the complete opposite of people passionate about making good and functional shooters

What about that one H-Left 4 Dead-esque FPS that came out a couple years ago? That had pretty solid gunplay and good H-scenes.

>Eliminator Kaede-san
Any more games like this? There's also that Morityu middle school shooting game but I prefer FPS/TPS

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Closest we'll have will be Girls Frontline 2 as long as King Chink Yuzhong decides to go with his idea of anime X-Com

The ideal mix of aesthetics.

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Insurgency sandstorm would be good with this kind of mod, but unfortunately it's hard to make anime girls look good in 3d without specific lighting effects that games like blazblue uses

I’m working on it but still nothing to show
I’m a good programmer and 3D modeller but shit at drawing, and it’s hard to model stuff without concept art. So I’m on a long detour learning to draw from Japanese text books so I can crank out concept art that will make making assets easier and then give me something to play around with while programming

Nips are too incompetent to make a good shooter besides vanquish.
Western devs hate anime.

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>dudebros, normal adults and kids won't play it because anime girls don't appeal to them
>japs won't play it since they are genetically incapable of playing FPS
>still makes trillions because the chinese love anime girls and shooters
Make it happen, become the first trillionaire.

>anime X-Com
Still waiting on more word for Codename Bakery. It's still listed as 'Coming Soon' on Steam.

more like trillions of cringe

Fallout 4 made it happen though. Isn't it just proper cel shading or something?

>Solid gunplay
My man, did we play the same game? It's not terrible, especially considering that it was made by some dudes that are clearly very amateur devs, but "solid" is an overstatement. What you're describing is even more niche tho.

Insurgency 1 had a bunch of mods replacing models, but most of the models were just lazily ripped MMD models that's why it looks bad. You don't have to fuck with the lighting as much if the original model you're using has enough quality to it like actual eye movements and such instead of a static head. Also Blazblue is literally 2D sprites.

Weebs are not human. You can not tell me these things are the same species as me.

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>anime girls don't appeal to them
user, it's normal for normalfags to watch anime and shit. Why do you think Chaturbate Vtubing is a thing now?

I say this all the time. If I had any programming experience or gfx design I'd already be fucking rich.

Will we ever get the 2 to reconcile and give us what we want?
>tfw it's up to China to carry through and make even 1(one) decent quality anime FPS
What an odd feeling.

>as he posts in a anime site

>Will we ever get the 2 to reconcile
I'd place faith in indie gaming development rearing its head toward a 90s-esque FPS renaissance once everyone stops fapping over "PS1-esque graphics."


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He does it for (you)s and you gave him one, who’s the real idiot?

Huh, shitposters do it for free.

>it's a school episode

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Anyone? I just wanna play anime TPS or just give me good fucking TPS game where the gameplay is so good nothing else matters So far RE^ and LP2 are the only games that did this to me

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This. Most of it is just budget games or doujin games.

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Did Y'all see that Mountain Blade rip off game with base building and tanks?
Also all the characters were Anime girls?

I’d prefer if they made a mod for butter lord instead but then they can’t charge I guess