How do we make Wolfenstein great again?

Serious discussion only, please.

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Make the nazi the good guys.

honestly by letting it die with what tiny shred of dignity it has left

Good multiplayer like RTCW.

By doing a ww2 focused one again. The opening of new order was great. Its fine to make the allies losing and give them desperation. But they've kinda run their course with the alternate history bit.
Have Bj just be a soldier again.

That fucking beta or demo or whatever it was on that beach map. I played that shit for HOURS and it was only 1 level. So fucking fun.

Step 1: Pretend the last 3 games never happened. [TNC, YB, and CP] Keep German tech as Space Kraut Magic, not Space Kike Magic.

Step 2: Swap out the Onions vending machine at Machine Games for one that's only stocked with whiskey and beef jerky.

Step 3: Return to the 90's metal album cover aesthetic of RTCW.

Step 4: Make Wolfenstein 2, but triple the length, and limit the story to 2 whole hours of cutscenes, the rest is pure gameplay. Go beyond fighting Nazis. Let us shoot Commies and Zionists, too. Making Mecha-Hitler the final boss is mandatory, and needs to receive the same technological testosterone boost as the Cyberdemon in DOOM 2016.

3: Remake YoungBlood, B U T :

3a: Include Arthur Kenneth in the main cast.

3b: Make the twins less insufferable. Fix up their faces, and give them nice ass and tits to go with their form-fitting suits.

3c: Ditch the looter-shooter elements ENTIRELY. This was one of the things that killed the game, even for NORMIES.

3d: Get somebody to do a synthwave version of Erika. I'd recommend Xurious. [Though I don't know what Bethesda'd think of hiring anv ACTUAL National Socialist to compose for them.] If that doesn't work, just get Mick Gordon to do an Industrial-Metal version with samples from actual WWII footage.

4: Profit.

jesus dude

*Step 2: Swap out the Onions vending machine at Machine Games for one that's only stocked with whiskey and beef jerky.

Goddamnit, why do PCs now have autocorrect?

What the fuck is left at this point? It's a total mockery of its formal self.

Total reboot, back to basics. Fighting nazis and slaughtering them horribly without feeling the need to pander to minorities and Leftists. Christ, you'd think brutally slaughtering Nazis is enough to score you some points with the Twitter mob

Not possible, devs are too far up their asses and their "consumers" egg them on. Not to mention their social bubble consisting of only people who agree with them, so yeah, it's pretty much impossible.

Good post newfriend. Welcome to Yas Forums.

Just make a game where you shoot this butthurt nazi weenie in the face

Damnit! It happened that time TOO? What I meant to say was Onions-based drink for liberal elites that tastes like the milk equivalent of La Croix.

Fuck it.


the utter incompetence of tripfags never fails to amaze me

Remove commies, add secret passages

Set during WW2. Give the game to any team but the retards who have been making Wolfenstein games since 2013.

More niggers and commies

I'd play it desu.

Option 1:
>retcon Old Blood and everything past that
>actually make id Software work on it instead of machine gaymes
>make a sequel to RtCW in the style of both that and nuDoom
Option 2:
>retcon everything past RtCW
>hand over development to id
>sequel to OG Wolfenstein 3D in style of nuDoom
>mutants, bats with guns, Angel of Death and all that shit

Honestly yeah, if you want to do a reboot of the series, remake spear of destiny.
Id seems to be trying to tie doom in with quake. Use spear of destiny to tie Wolfenstein into Doom if you want (but please keep the shooter mechanics like Wolfenstein and not nu doom)

are right wingers really so dim that they are angry about milk for some reason now?

Soi milk gives you breasts. That one speedrunner used it instead of birth control to transition. There's a reason it's filtered

This, at least give some Waffen SS soldier a campaign against zombies, demons, creatures and/or allies with the name ''Wolfenstein: The Forgotten Fighter''.

>it gives you breasts
haha wut. I gotta hear the explanation behind this one.

Same formula of RtCW, but modern graphics
>fast and fluid movement
>light, but fun story with horror and mystery
>thoughtful level design, not just arena-like stages
>have a wide variety of missions so it's replayable
>make it moddable so fans can create their own map packs
>lots of secrets and gold hunting
and last, but not least
>a solid objective-based multiplayer with all the old classes in the same vein as Team Fortress. Maybe add some vehicles like in Enemy Territory Quake Wars as well.

It'd be a dream come true.

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Soibeans are one of the only plants in the world where its hormones are synthesized as estrogen in large quantities. Odd that they chose it to feed people

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Keep in mind this is all bullshit, but: the idea is there's something in plants that mimics oestrogen in the human body (it doesn't) and soi has a lot of it.
It's been a staple of various Asian cuisines for centuries because it's a nutritious high-yield crop

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>It's been a staple of various Asian cuisines for centuries because it's a nutritious high-yield crop
It also possibly plays a part in why they're so androgynous.

it contains phytoestrogens. Lmao. that has literally nothing to do with the human sex hormone estrogen. They are literally defining the molecular shape and right wingers are so insecure they see the word "estrogen" and get upset hahahahahahah

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It has one of the highest quantities of phytoestrogens that are synthesized as estrogen during digestion of any natural occurring substance on the planet.

Honestly? You can't. Wolfenstein's ceiling is too low. DOOM 2016 and showed us what an actually great reimagining of an old-era shooter could be, and Wolfenstein just doesn't have the same potential.

New Colossus lost me after like 3 levels it was so mediocre. They should just let that series die. Le punch a nazi meme is tired.

First of all, they need to get rid of their tacky "NAZIS BAD" propaganda and show them in a more morally grey light like they would be in real life.

>synthesized as estrogen when digested
haha the retard is pretending he knows what he is talking about. phytoestrogens don't contain anything even remotely similar to the chemicals within the human sex hormone. Unless you're claiming the human stomach is some sort of wonderment of alchemy

Wolfenstein could have the same potential if it were made in-house by ID.

>Wolfenstein's ceiling is too low. DOOM 2016 and showed us what an actually great reimagining of an old-era shooter could be, and Wolfenstein just doesn't have the same potential.
I disagree. You give it movement like its supposed to have (RTCW), remove the gay hubworld, and cut down on the cutscenes, and its better than Doom

Remakes, alternative timelines are cool but making nazis a fucking non human monsters, they was just a brainwashed idiots monsters not demons.

When the body digests certain types of phytoestrogen it turns into human estrogen and is absorbed into the bloodstream

>brainwashed idiots monsters
And also evil.

I really really miss those times...

>turned out I had diabetes

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Nazis bad.

Remove swedes.
Go back to WWII.
Explore Nazi aliens.

that is absolutely false.

Nazis was demon necromancers in Wolfenstein.

Actually that's wrong you're right, some phytoestrogens, like the ones found in soi, are so chemically similar to human estrogen that it tricks estrogen receptors to activate just as if it was human estrogen. Albeit at a decreased efficiency.

Nah, though. They thought it could be, so they tested it, and it wasn't the case.

They could use the Magitek doorknob established in New Colossus and Youngblood to soft reboot the series. Have BJ go back in time to reset the world so the Nazis never gain power. and then end up making it so Imperial Japan or the Italians take over the world instead.

Lefties hate milk cuz it's racist that most people can't drink it

Why was Return to Castle Wolfenstein so fucking good for its time? I really hope whoever produces the next installment takes it in that direction again.

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>phytoestrogens don't contain anything even remotely similar to the chemicals within the human sex hormone
True, but they activate the same receptors as genuine estrogens, mimicking their effect.

>they tested it

Wolfenstein has literally never been even slightly good.

You are telling lies. An abundance of research exists that confirms that phytoestrogens mimic the effects of estrogen.

Make it interdimensional exploration by the Nazis. These beings (be they alien or demon) enable them to increase their tech at a rapid pace leading to the allies being on the edge of losing the war.
BJ is basically on a suicide mission to find out what is going on in Fortress Europe. Have him go in, uncover plans, and eventually go to other dimension to fight these beings.
Its basically spear of destiny, but you can of course have mecha hitler in it, and Doom references to tie it in

It is my understanding that the abundance of research shows the opposite.

Japan wasn't supernatural fanatics, just cannibal rapists. And Italy saved sanity, and can not be shown as monsters.

Rebbot ET and NOT fuck it up, somehow.

Factually and subjectively wrong

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And that somehow excludes aliens? Nazis had very broad interests in occult and supernatural stuff.
>BJ hijacks nazi flying saucer in Antarctica base
>travels to Shambala thru the the Hollow Earth
>smonk wead with ayys

yeah, nazis being comically evil is so...boring? Evil in the real world is never that simple. If BJ had to destroy a ton of public infrastructure that helped people have good lives in order to stick it to the nazis, that'd be way more interesting.

Your understanding is incorrect.


i'm not tho


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Different genres? Like Dead Space didn't jump to magic it was just ancient aliens.

By removing all the lefty propaganda

Am I alone in thinking Wolf 2 did so many thing better than the first game and even likes it, but was still really disappointed with how short it was and lacking in bosses it was.

The DLC didn't even fix anything, it was all recycled content.

google it

They experimented on living people. Though, should show some zombie story.

Make ET2 in the nuwolf setting, but with no SJW bullshit or a total reboot

>Explore Nazi aliens.

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Yes, you are. That game was shit.

Nazis was satanists and occultists as fuck, dude. They wasn't normal people.

Honestly, I thought it would be kinda cool if we had a Wolfenstein game where Blow Job, Simo Häyhä, Lyudmila and Heinrich Severloh formed a ragtag team of nazi space zombie hunters.

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more arcadey wolf3d/spear style
but with more mystical/occult elements a-la rise of the triad / wolf 2009 / RTCW, nazi experiment type shit.
cooler weapons
no hub world
good level design

cant believe i'm saying this but maybe a bit closer to the nu-doom in weapon design (NOT ENEMY DESIGN OR ENGAGEMENT THOUGH)


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Lets not joke. The Chinese aren't people.

Everything that goes against God rules is bad and leads to humankind death.

I kinda liked that you could duel wield any gun you wanted and I thought the idea of setting in the US in places that the germans nuked was cool. But man they crammed a ton of crap that wasn't needed in there

Are you sure?

Say one good thing about it

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Annenerbe and Hitler was a satanists. This is a fact.

It was definitely a lot more violent and gruesome too. But nothing really has any weight in the story outside of the whole segment with BJ and his dad.

TNO had you go to a fucking concentration camp. TNC has you go to...Nawlins

It does secret hunting better than RtCW.
>that first one that's hidden behind a small waterfall

Hmmm the gore? the weapons upgrades?

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also yeah, the treasure actually means something in Wolf 09.

Well it written in the book, if you are gay you get aids and nuke. You are batshit insane evil scum and also evil giant, you will get flood.