Post something from your Yas Forums images folder

post something from your Yas Forums images folder

Attached: away.png (116x51, 4.69K)

>he doesn't have a mega folder with subfolders for types of reaction images, comics, infographics, folders for specific games etc

step up

Attached: 1567356169694.jpg (800x802, 94.07K)

I used to do this but then I'd have images that could go in multiple folders and wouldn't know what to do, I just name images with keywords I'll be likely to search

Same. I have the download folder cluttered with 4.486 files mostly porn and reaction images.

Attached: Send help.png (3234x1202, 3.5M)

delete pepe and wojack

Attached: EACB1EDA-CDAD-437A-9EB4-1D60C95F0033.jpg (1024x738, 67.27K)

shitcan the whole folder user it's pozzed


Attached: 1565808079290.jpg (1208x1117, 75.6K)

I can tell you've been here for 6 months to a year at best

that feel when we can no longer quarantine you

Attached: 1445044073400.png (381x464, 256.14K)

Attached: God of Soi.jpg (700x417, 52.26K)

Attached: 1544508599959.jpg (1242x1218, 273.34K)

Fucking kill yourself

Attached: 1576000580183.jpg (426x960, 54.36K)

this is ugly even for a twitter tourist
that's why reaction images feel so cringe nowadays

>having an entire folder on your pc dedicated to an indonesian pottery board

Attached: Your doing great.jpg (1280x720, 53.35K)

Attached: 1564013546298.png (216x211, 94.79K)

Give me a break, I'll promise I'll sort it out some day

Attached: 1578616792808s.jpg (250x250, 7.08K)


go back to Yas Forums

Attached: 1525555853930.png (599x796, 24.1K)

How did you know I had a Yas Forums folder?

Attached: V.png (636x896, 102.26K)

Attached: 57louf.jpg (425x267, 36.6K)

This works the same way if you replace the dude with a tranny, and the everything else with Yas Forums

Attached: der absolute verrücktmann.jpg (4608x3456, 3M)

>y-yes, but the other side...
Every time

Attached: epic.png (350x408, 118.4K)

Attached: Wrestling RPG.gif (200x150, 2.12M)

Attached: The day Vergil saved v.png (700x1480, 904.71K)

Attached: isis cute.jpg (960x960, 514.18K)

Attached: 1583020983758.png (321x200, 59.65K)

Attached: 4chan writes Gabe Newell an email.jpg (1350x1600, 398.92K)

I miss when reaction images were more than just shitty fucking wojaks and pepes.

Attached: 1465717007452.jpg (1078x1348, 197.79K)

Attached: ugl.webm (1024x576, 414.11K)

Attached: 1584233257293.png (1000x1080, 459.86K)

Attached: 1571300339088.png (764x796, 86.44K)

Attached: yore ugleh.webm (1120x816, 2.46M)

Attached: 158987687654.jpg (1037x1246, 1.25M)

Attached: 1571313369221.png (684x982, 61.15K)

No you don’t user. It’s much better the way it is now. The various evolutions of Wojack and Pepe have soul. The pre meme approved history of this board is embarrassing frankly.


Attached: 1583499277240.jpg (1275x1881, 336.71K)

This was me but much much worse built up over years of mindlessly saving porn there. I cleaned it up last night and it took like an hour and a half to organize everything
I've never had the folder load so fast and it feels fucking amazing

Attached: 1585872231277.png (339x298, 50.9K)

can we go back now tf2 in 09 was peak

How can yennefer fags even compete.

Attached: 1578761206542.jpg (400x516, 26.44K)

Attached: 1581454584167.jpg (350x350, 89.67K)


Attached: mayjasmine dev.png (650x104, 13.71K)

You're right, user. I've seen the error of my ways and learned the truth of the matter. Thank you.

Attached: 1578639286092.png (420x390, 79.75K)

Attached: rearu tablet.jpg (292x1053, 192.42K)

Attached: 1564341831719.jpg (750x823, 89.52K)

Attached: 1550158172505.png (566x405, 454.35K)

Attached: 1571308017235.jpg (1274x954, 108.52K)

Attached: 1565603474477.jpg (720x405, 28.39K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1024x576, 24K)

Attached: caa.jpg (480x588, 33.42K)

Thanks Doc.

Attached: 1524329199667.gif (500x281, 277.97K)

What game?

Attached: virgins.jpg (703x720, 40.82K)

yeah, is it wrong?


>these people

Attached: 1561352940586.webm (360x294, 2.23M)

>images you can hear

Attached: 1584387739969.jpg (574x972, 128.21K)

Fucking hell...

Attached: 1538346387921.png (500x358, 240.15K)

Attached: 1576793799136.png (1252x971, 311.21K)

Attached: 1571293807242.png (900x1177, 736.72K)

Heartbeat. Also as a response to this controversy the developer put the game up for sale at 41% off as a reference to the tranny suicide rate.

Attached: Gun_Hammer.gif (368x265, 1.71M)

Attached: 1513372438153.png (1644x1006, 771.94K)

Do you guys remember when Kojima was Your Lad?

Attached: Kojima_50th_Birthday_1386(...).jpg (690x691, 104.09K)

Attached: ntr.jpg (600x545, 175.65K)