Yas Forums plays Fire Emblem: Dorcas emblem

>In 2001, Dorcas released the Nintendo Dorcas
>one of the launch titles was the much-anticipated sequel to Super Dorcas Bros., Super Dorcas Bros. Dorcas!
>among the many, many new characters was the protagonist of a japan-exclusive franchise called 'Dorcas Emblem'
>as well, a character from the same franchise, included as an advertisement for the first fire emblem game on the Dorcas Advance: The Sword of Dorcas
>While Dorcas wasn't a very commonly used character, Dorcas was, and his popularity prompted Dorcas to consider releasing the Dorcas Emblem franchise worldwide.
>2 years later, the first internationally released Dorcas Emblem game was released to global praise

This is Dorcas Emblem, a game with poisoned mutton, plenty of Dorcas, and more Dorcas than you can Dorcas. I've got Rum, I've got all night, and COVID is terrifying everyone. Let's play!

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>What's going on?
I'm getting drunk tonight while playing Dorcas Emblem, a ROMhack that features nothing but dorcas. Which Dorcas i use will be up to you. If I lose a unit, I take a big drink. If I get a game over, I finish my glass.

I'll also take a small drink every time a Dorcas crits (except swordmasters, berserkers, and high-crit weapons)

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REMINDER: Dorcas was a whore and Severian was constantly in denial about her true nature as he desperately coped.

I rule that you cannot use the strongest Dorcas. The strongest Dorcas is too strong and would kill you.

Requesting you to use Isadorcas

These settings good for Dorcas?

Dorcas please! I am going into battle, and I need the strongest Dorcas!

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>Nigger FE thread
I'm ready for based

So if you don't immediately notice...EVERY SPRITE is dorcas.

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You guys think there's enough Dorcas here?

if you have better ideas for a shit romhack to stream, I'm all ears

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I always support Dorcas and Dorcas together. They make a great couple.

I prefer Dorcas and Dorcas.

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Alright, time to start this chapter. First, we have Dorcas. He's equipped with a Dorcas and his Prf weapon, the Dorc Beil.

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>All of the stats aren't labeled as "Dorcas"
I am disappointed

And here's Dorcas, who has a Dorcas and a Dorcas.

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for those curious, I'm still working on thracia. I don't think I can unlock the gaiden of chapter 14 or clear it without losing half my army, so I'm getting caught up again, replaying everything before I start doing threads again.

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and there's a game over.

...I have no excuse.

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it's okay bro this game can get pretty hard

For those interested, I'll be streaming. As per global rules I can't post a link or my stream name, but you can search by game.

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>Dorcas with mutton: I am growing stronger

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almost clear now

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No self-respecting Dorcas would stand by while a Dorcas was in trouble.

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I always forget how stupid stats got in elibe.

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looks like the thread is dying. I'm going to continue drinking, but switch to thracia after this chapter on the stream.

guess I started too early.

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Is the stream up? I can't get it to load.

...I forgot to hit the start button, holy shit I'm an idiot.

Try now.

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Nevermind, I can see it now.

oh fuck...I forgot about the dorcases at the bottom of the map.

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...I like this dorcas.

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oh lord

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Good thing you have some spare Dorcas in case you lose a few.

...this one is upsetting.

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christ these growths.

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Disappointingly, ALL of the lords, plus dorcas, are the same.

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time for hector to be a side character in his own adventure.

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I have a message from lord Dorcas: I await you on the Dread Dorcas

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though I think I'm swapping to thracia after the cutscene.

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Perfect. A Nigger thread is just what I need.


I'm up to chapter 5 now.

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Oh hey you're back

I never left. I just didn't have anything to play on Yas Forums because I got frustrated and bored with thracia for a while

Oh boy it's time again.

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game over

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Come on user just select you units and attack, its not hard

That's our nigger.

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I love that image.

should I update the thread as I struggle to clear with 0 deaths?

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