What's the Yas Forumserdict?

What's the Yas Forumserdict?

Attached: bannerlord-money-2.jpg (1280x720, 119.57K)



Total war but with sea raiders

Not playable at current state.

entirely playable now after five straight days of daily patches. they've fixed all major issues and now it just lacks content

I did the same thing might try it out again when it's more polished and doesn't run like shit on my 2070

Attached: 1568826826803.png (1156x1324, 570.11K)

memory leaks/10

No. It's an unoptimized mess. People playing it have top rigs or have some lucky compatibility.


Boring after 10 hours

wait at least a year

It will be a good game in another 5 years or so much like how Rome II was shit at release but is fine now. That's still no excuse.

Imagine waiting 8 years for this
>I did

7/10. This decision had the support of the council.

>top rigs
you can play on max settings with a pc that wasn't even top of the line 3 years ago. stop being poor

I dunno if I will or not, I absolutely hate the leveling system which I highly doubt will be changed, and looking at the NPC faces gave me a brain tumor. Not even going into bugs. Sticking with Warband + mods

stop being a fucking retard

A decade later and it's still in alpha lul

it runs perfectly at 60 fps on max settings on my 1060. your cpu is the issue

It’s okay. My big issue is that you can’t roleplay efficiently in this game. But apparently the story mode crap can be removed later on?

needs to go back in the oven for about 5 years.

>top rigs
A friend of mine who has been playing it, is playing it in a rig that was top about 8 years ago. No upgrades ever since.
Today it is probably a medium rig.
Keep seething with your toaster, potato farmer

>released with zero seconds of playtesting
>metric ton of bugs
>lots of missing or half-baked features
>worse combat than Warband
>barely anything improved in eight years
>SJW shit
it's okay
it's mostly just Warband but a little prettier

Feels like it has a lot of potential, but definitely needs some work. So basically what I expected from taleworlds.

>defending early access
>lying about general peformance
hello turkroach

Early Access/10


i pirated but i'm thinking about deleting it, the stuttering single handedly kills my will to play this game

>SJW shit
Where? The gender roles being removed is just so the story mode doesn’t get fucked up most likely, it’s still referenced heavily in the files and will likely be a part of the full sandbox release.

Lots of grill nobles leading armies now.

you're a fucking idiot. i have a core i5-7500, 16 gigs of mid range ddr4 and a 1060. it wasn't even a top of the line pc when I built it years ago and it runs at 60 fps on max settings

'Ate weebtrash.
Love me Bannerlord.

Simple as.

Attached: smokePepe.jpg (720x724, 28.77K)

I made a test yesterday and put all settings to the lowest possible, resolution, scale everything possible. The game still stutters and have fps drops. That's right, at 400x320 where you can barely see anything.
It's unoptimized mess. Don't tell me otherwise because I have the game and I'm on wait mode for the patches.


Early Access/10, but I'll still probably put hundreds of hours into it.

>Tfw no stinky gang leader gf

Attached: smelly but kinda cute.jpg (1920x1080, 265.54K)

This, needs at least a year worth of patches plus mods that will add actual content, because everything is as lifeless as in Warband. It was the content I was actually looking forward, I don't give a fuck about graphics, but we got another stale world and it sucks.

Lmao the coping. I'm not even defending the game brainlet, I'm shitting on your rig.

Also, joke's on you, both me and my friend (who apparently own much better rigs than you) are spics: Podría escribir nuevamente esto en español si me diera la gana


Tbh the combat is a chore.

The game is ridiculously unoptimized. They had better improve it.

A game that is so early access that it isn't even ready for early access. Barely playable, barebones, empty, and broken. Absolutely pathetic for 6-8 years of development, will probably never be finished or deliver on its promise.

Yes, and?

your anecdotal evidence proves fucking nothing when people with monster rigs are having crashes so the shut the fuck up. You're the same dumbass from last thread

Are you retarded?

i was day drinking all day yesterday, so no it wasnt

>my friend

(citation needed)

why are you taking a shitpost seriously?

I have a 1050Ti 4GB 8gb i5-7300

It's true mid range that can run most games out there from medium to high. Zero reasons I can't run with this potato settings. A machine that can run Fallout 4 on Max with mods, Monster Hunter World or Mankind Divided but can't run Bannerlord at 400x320?
Not unoptimized? Give me a break.

Its based

Defend this.

Attached: Bannerlord sea raider boss duel.webm (1240x698, 2.94M)

No, but you definitely seem to be.

how the fuck do i get fiefs, i married the kings (autistic) daughter and i been using my influence to make other clans like me but all other lords do fuck all, i have enough armies to take out most of the butterniggers armies in open fields myself but dont have enough to take to make sieges since all their castles have 200+ men garrisons

What makes you think that?

I literally have the same specs, except I have 16 gigs of ram and it works fine on my machine with 1000 people battles.Maybe the game is using your integrated intel gpu or some shit.

Yup you actually need to know how to duell if you want to duell.

git gud

looks like you didnt block the blow and took a two handed axe to the chest cavity. what should we defend?

i dont play early access games

you're a fucking idiot. I have an even better rig than you and the game runs like shit because of memory leaking.

>This is fine

Attached: Bannerlord Duel.webm (1280x720, 2.43M)

>Nearly no life left on your shield.
>Takes a 2h axe to his head.
You just suck.

Daily updates and high player count making tortanic tards seethe, it's a zoomer killer alright.

I have a 8700k running at 5,1ghz and a 2080ti and it is running fine at 4k. There are some slight improvements to be made, I give you that but generally the performance seems to be fine.

Looks like you need to defend yourself from that axe scrub lmao

If you capture him and check his stats you'll understand why he wrecks you.

Small hint: Your character is a weeny at the start of the game.

I know thats not you in the webm, but if that happens to you its because your've got shit reflexes. gb2 animal crossing or some other faggy game instead of trying an actual vidya.

>How to make yourself look like an idiot in one comment 101


Really good. I have 30+ hours into it already. At the rate the turks are going it'll be free of all the major bugs pretty quick. I haven't even run into anything horrible yet. Mainly just some texture shit

It's fine, because you had the choice to fuck him up with your men, if you're too much of a pussy to square up and shit on him mano-e-mano.

It is, that's the tutorial's boss right? Literally killed him in 3 hits, no bonus points in weapons.
Git gud

Nah. I loaded the game after the patch and entered that first tutorial city. Silly smooth 60 fps. Went outside and came back. Fps just dropped to unplayable. There's something broken in the code, probably eating more RAM than it should.
I noticed textures just pop in and out when you don't look, this constant in and out is probably making too much reads.

get dabbed on bitch

the game fucking gorges itself on whatever amount of ram you have. it's not debatable.

'Ate forest fights.
Love me desert fights.

Simple as.

Attached: Bannerlord horse archer.webm (900x506, 2.96M)

>just stands there and does't block

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10/10 would drink from your skull again

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I can't believe Yas Forums is so bloody divided on this shit.
Is it so early access I'm gonna struggle to enjoy it, or really good 30+ hours I'm going to enjoy?
Fucking love warband, several hundreds of hours on that shit.

Massed archers just dominate everything in the game right now, dumbfuck melee AI wont move with their shields raised on top of every shield in the game being some tiny piece of shit.

It's a buggy Warband with some new features and way better looking. You decide.

HOW THE FUCK DO I SKILL LEADERSHIP? I just want 25 points for training recruits.

holy shit fucking bads

Bros.... Siga wont let me romance with her. Is she not marriageable? this is a the first character I've tried to woe.


I will try it out in a year, but the game right now is seriously underwhelming

If you liked Warband, I think you'll have a great time. It's a little buggy at the moment, but it's nothing egregious. The performance isn't great, but it's easy to tweak the settings to get a decent framerate on a mid-tier rig.

I have loved it from the start. Although have modded it a bit with smithy cap removal, higher xp gain, and tourney exp after 40hourse to get to late game faster. I also play on a laptop and the only lag I experienced is when the game switched to using my integrated graphics randomly.

It's a fucking shit skill. It's impossible to level unless you're leading an army (which takes like 20+ hours to get to) and then it's just a free point every day. Many of the skills are complete shit to level.

The melee hitboxes are fucking abysmal when mounted because of the weapons having a weapon length stat that does not match the weapons model. Other than that its basically warband with less features.

Can I get a 'holy based' over here?

Attached: Bannerlord catapult madness.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

I genuinely don't think it would have the following it does now if not for: The gameplay is a new concept for most of the people playing it and, everyone is bored as fuck after 3 weeks or layoff/cancelled classes


$40 reskinned warband

I love Wardband, (currently in a game now) and deleted Bannerlord after 3 hours

>It's a little buggy
>at the moment

Attached: 1585306105753.gif (300x300, 3.6M)

That depends mostly on how tall your character is, if you are super tall you'll miss more with your mounted attacks, if you are super short you'll connect almost all the time.

Bruh my 1070(not even TI) kills it, what CPU do you have?

>wtf why can higher level characters kill me in one hit, only I can do that
You are a caricature.

>If you liked Warband, I think you'll have a great time
reckon only people who never played warband will be impressed with this EA trash

Sure thing fuck face. This computer is 3 months old with a CPU that is being overclocked right now and this game is still a slogging piece of tripe on both singleplayer and multiplayer because of the absolute dogshit optimization when I can max out DOOM Eternal on 4K with 60 fps.

Attached: spec.png (1276x1091, 87.85K)

One of the greatest games Yas Forums has ever played

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>based sea raider removes the head from your shoulders

It's the earliest of early. They literally even forgot to implement like half the items. Until yesterday 200 were marked multiplayer only by accident. Smithing would take you 200+ hours of ingame time to max out on just one character. Several perks not working. Unit stats all over the place. Campaign AI is fucked. City economy is fucked. Only like 3 types of companions. Half the side quests may end up breaking. Archers go literally blind at night and can't fire at anything more than 3 meters away from them. Lots of reported save corruptions.

But it's okay, they only had eight years, several dozen people and near-unlimited funds to develop this so there's no reason to expect anything.

100% this

Fun, but unfinished. Makes the newfags seethe, so it's an automatic 10/10 desu. It'll be amazing once it gets fleshed out and gets proper mod tools.

What program is that?