BioShock (Franchise)

ITT: we ask and answer questions about BioShock.

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where do they get food from?

They handed me a card at the start of the 3rd game. Will I need it later?

Rapture? They grow it.

Columbia? They use African-Americans to grow it.

My question: who the fuck is Sally?

Kekked heartily.

why is it okay to be a retarded zoomer who likes bioshit when its not only the perfect crystallization of everything wrong with the 7th gen, its LITERALLY the shittiest, most casualized console zoomer friendly nook of the shock series and that fucking includes the titles that have direct ties (aka dead space and its sequels)

in fact bioshit is not only an embarrassment to its own little tribe but its a pathetically retarded shitshow on the entire immersive sim front while also failing as being a shooter or an RPG let alone a horror game. fuck the bioshit kids who made this dogshit a success

I really liked them.

you used the term 'immersive sim', kys

it won't help you

Why is the Bioshock 1 and 2 """"Remaster"""" just a glorified patch that doesn't even fix all the bugs?

Woah... I'm speechless about your post.

I enjoyed all the games quite a lot, especially the design, stories, lore, etc. The voice acting in Infinite alone is worth playing through.

The remastered version of 1 and 2 make both games completely different: more difficult, but, because of that, less frightening. I remember 1 being a genuinely horror-like experience, but when remastered made you die way more, it stopped being quite as scary, logically.

I don't understand what your qualms are about the games, as you don't specify any of them.

If you'd like to rephrase calmly, I am interested in your point of view.

Not for an easy cash-grab as I got both remasters for free by just having the previous games. 2 crashes very often, though. Made for a frustrating experience.

There is no such thing as an "immersive sim" and Bioshocks 1 and 2 are fun games. Infinite's retarded storyline wouldn't have been a problem if they hadn't gutted the gameplay. They had it perfect in 2 and they should have kept it just like that.

Its self explanatory, bioshock fails to be a good FPS game or a good horror game which is self evident to literally anyone who has played it. Being the absolute weakest example of its own subgenre with the most inconsistent, mcdonalds toy tier implementations of its immersive sim elements means it has literally nothing about it to like if you already like the shock games, PREY, other immersive sims like deus ex or dishonored. Meanwhile the nephew of SS2 (dead space and its sequels) not only did the horror element infinitely better than bioshit, they actually knew what their focus was and so they became the best third person shooters of their generation

>Infinite's retarded storyline wouldn't have been a problem if they hadn't gutted the gameplay. They had it perfect in 2 and they should have kept it just like that.
I didn't find it too retarded on second play, but parallel universes and time-travelling are always cans of worms. I can't imagine it being done better, though.

As to the gameplay, I quite enjoyed it in 3, though they messed up the plasmids, as I virtually never used them for anything and the weapons are everything, possibly because the maps are much more spaced out, and the enemies are more often within reach of your weapons than your plasmids.

2 had great tower defense moments, with all the traps and stuff. The Remaster made the game harder, so those bits were much more challenging and enjoyable.

I played and finished Burial at Sea (1&2) this week, and thought the stealth stuff was quite fantastic.

Not a huge fan of the ending, though, because that's too fucking depressing.

stop saying immersive sim


>bioshock fails to be a good FPS game or a good horror game which is self evident to literally anyone who has played it.
We're talking about several games at once and they aren't the same at all in that department. They're all good FPS games to me, but I'm no big Call of Duty fan, so perhaps that's the difference. As to horror, I'm also more fond of games with subtle horror rather than Halloween stuff. Sometimes less is more.

>its immersive sim elements
I don't understand this phrase you've been using. "Immersive sim."

>the shock games,
I have never played those.

>(dead space and its sequels) not only did the horror element infinitely better than bioshi
I agree, but I think that was a decisional element, as BioShock was never intended to be as much horror as Dead Space was. That's intentional and more horror would not have suited BioShock, which is more on the narrative side of things, especially with the vita-chambers. It's like an armed version of Edith Finch.

At least we agree on Dead Space, which is an important franchise to me, with a truly awesome story.

This reads like pasta
This is a fun channel: you get to explore games from points of view you can't have during the game. This one is about Infinite.

can I get a quick rundown on dead space

>This reads like pasta
Then you've spent too much time on 4channel, my friend. I literally just wrote this on the fly and I am sure my penfriend here did the very same.

Just beat 2 and got the good end. How’s minerva’s den
Visiting the Mortal Kombat stages is my favourite episode. I haven't played MK since MK3 in the 90's, and I don't care for the games, but those stages are sweet.

>can I get a quick rundown on dead space
I'll give you one: play everything. I don't want to spoil you, but think Alien meets Zombie meets Lovecraft meets BioShock (there's some overlap in concepts, in my opinion).

It's truly exceptional, despite the production issues where EA wanted less horror because it doesn't sell. They did their best, but it's worth it. 3 is the biggest offended and quite sadly so, but still worth playing to the end, plus DLC.

Now enjoy 1 and 2 like a bitch, and endure 3 while taking all the fun you can from it.

Were there different factions for the direction of Infinite amongst the developers? A lot of it is perfectly fine but most of it is ludicrous, they had the imagery, setting, and characters to make a decent enough story but didn't. Who decided to put time travel nonsense into it?

you had me at alien, pirating now

I enjoyed it. That said, even though I played it last week, I don't remember all that much, but if you liked 2, it's very similar.

I now like the story for its idiosyncratic qualities, and it feels better on second play, but I used to think it was nonsensical, and I still think it only works if you see things a certain way and retain a rather abstract conception of all the ideas in motion.

It's basically the Endgame of videogames. I hate time-travelling as a trope, and I hate parallel dimensions even more.

I liked the idea of Elizabeth altering ONE reality a lot better, it would have kept things more tightly.

Still, it made for one of the most unique stories I have ever experienced, and the voice of Booker and Elizabeth are forever with me. I first played it 7 years ago, and last month lastly, and it hasn't lost any of its punch. It's crazy.

Then get this: it's a lot like The Thing (1982), as well, and John Carpenter is known to like Dead Space. I also think they clearly "tributed" the soundtrack in 3, and it's also why they chose the location, they had The Thing in mind.

You could buy them, though, they're cheap now. The death scenes can be genuinely brutal, as in disturbingly brutal. It's traumatising at times, in a way that I rarely saw in games. This is no Mortal Kombat fatality. This is you getting hacked to death by spoopy space entities.
Fucking hell, that YouTuber you posted got the original Scout actor to voice the intro to his TF2 video!!!

Colour me amazed.

john carpenter is based. thanks user

Very welcome. Nice to help out a gentleman such as yourself.

I'd advise you not to read anything about Dead Space online. Here's the gist of what to expect for each game:

1: survival horror, excellent through and through
2: EA meddles somewhat with the developers, the controls are faster and it's a bit more action-focused but it's still great (and possibly the best)
3: this is where things get dicy and many new elements are jarring compared to 1 and 2, but if you go to it with a positive mind, you'll still enjoy it. I hated crafting weapons, though, because they looked retarded.

These games can be hard as fuck. for 2, do not neglect your stasis module or you will face the most terrifying sequece of your life in a game and you will not make it. I had to go back hours to try and max out my stasis module.

Also, expect invincible enemies that are terrifying. Running away from these cunts remains absolutely stressful to me just thinking about it.


thanks again user. I look forward to being scared shitless and not playing bioshock
This motherfucker got the Barney actor to voice his intro for Half-Life!

Who the fuck is this guy? I'm even more amazed.

How come blacks and ir*sh where allowed in Columbia if they were hated by the whites?
How come the blacks and ir*sh never left if they were tired of being treated like shit?

All i'm saying is don't be shocked if it ends up an OP for another thread

Doest getting baptised turn you into a racist? Infinite makes me think it does.

>How come blacks and ir*sh where allowed in
Columbia if they were hated by the whites?

Cheap Labor.

>How come the blacks and ir*sh never left if they were tired of being treated like shit?

Didnt want to leave because they wanted to have homes in Columbia, werent allowed to leave because they wouldnt keep it a secret

This video says there'll be a new Half-Life game later this year, after the other new thing, which I guess is the Alyx stuff.

Where is there any Irish?

People came to Columbia for work. It was better being poor but working, and working on Columbia, than poor and not working outside of it.

Oh, I'm fine with that.

I thought it was mildly retarded that you'd get baptised so hard you fainted, but now I imagine that's Booker fainting for *other reasons*.

Because Levine wanted to comment on 19th century racism without actually having it make sense in the setting, but really it was a logical retread of the same thing in Bioshock 1 where they imported lower class people to be workers. You can't have a capitalist society where everyone is rich, after all.
Really, Infinite went through such a devastating development hell that the setting we got was ultimately incoherent. It's a shame but at least they wound up shipping something.

was sander a talented artist

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>the setting we got was ultimately incoherent.
Tell me about it in specific points.

>Because Levine wanted to comment on 19th century racism
Honestly, developpers never do this "to comment" on anything. Reminder that Levine had the black leader turn out to be a major asshole. The "communists" turn out to be just as bad, if not worse, than the people they revolted against. I now call this a Far Cry move, where everyone turns out to be a cunt who deserved to be shot in the nose.

But yeah, let's not assume creative people do everything for politics, that's so fucking annoying.

No. He was absolute shit and mentally ill.


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He was but lost his mind

Who is Sally??? I don't get it. What did Elizabeth do to her?

you know nothing about art

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Wrong! I know a lot about art. I'm a painter myself.

I adore the art from this entire series.

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Did Andrew Ryan do nothing wrong, then?

>tells the truth
>has his projects ruined by others
>tries to save Elizabeth
>gets his sperm stolen from him

One part I found nonsensical, possibly, is the whole Comstock messiah thing. It's like at one point he believed in the whole thing, and then it's all a scam. What the fuck is Lady Comstock?

Did they remove this asset from the game? I didn't see it when I replayed it last month.

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That bothered me too
>I am the messiah, see my ghost wife and her zombies?
>Jk nah it's all bogus bro

i wish the game had ended in ryans meet

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Help me out: for the section that I found to be most soul-crushing, in the asylum with the strange Washingtons, was there not a version of The Sound of Silence? Or was that in the trailer? I distinctly remember associating that song to this segment, and yet I didn't hear a note of it on my second play-through.

What gives?

I wish it had ended ambiguously like it did with 3. Then it was open-ended and possibly hopeful.

>justice for Elizabeth

Any documentary on what 3 was supposed to be?

Is there any hope for a future BioShock? Is there any hope to have a straightforward plot?

spoilers for all games below
1. oops, you aren't a real person!
2. oops, you're the real daddy!
2a. oops, you're a nog!
3. oops, you're the villain!
3a. oops, you're the villain again, but this time more literally!
3b. oops, you're a woman!

Don't let the thread die.

Here's a fun story: originally, when I heard people left 2K over 3 because of something, I somehow got to believe that it was racism. I literally expected the ending of the game to be this: after all the exposed racism in the story, and the Chinese Revolt and all, I expected the controversial ending to be that Columbia is the last bastion of European people after China invaded America and brutally slaughtered Americans, coast to coast. The game ends as Columbia burns to the ground, literally, and Chinese men approach menacingly.

Then it was nothing like this.

>Is there any hope for a future BioShock?

I think you're spot on mate. But is almost like a dream, you play it and roll with it, but when you're done you think: 'that didn't make any sense'. Still really memorable though.

I agree, incredible work. Disproportionately good, like Far Cry 5's soundtrack.

Should I get the originals or the remastered versions of 1 and 2? What are the biggest differences?

I will be playing on PC, so they would both be running at 4K with max settings since they're ancient and won't require much from my system.

steam a few weeks back had for about $10 all the games together in both original and remastered