>release professional quality, accurate translation
>lose job and lifelong friends for it
>be called alt-right extremist
>become target of numerous death threats
Release professional quality, accurate translation
Your thread would be more popular if you'd just explained clearly what happened OP, translations of 25 yo games aren't particulary popular in Yas Forums
>become target of numerous death threats
Let him say shut the fuck up to them and start a kickstarter that brings his job back.
what was the word?
nvm found it
What the fuck is Kurt Kalata doing posting on that site?
>target of numerous death threats
And people think WE'RE a bunch of vicious bastards.
What word was it that was so horrible? Nigger?
its the t-word
That was the word
Nobody actually thinks that,it's more of a convienence whenever a bad guy is needed to rally some support around something or someone usually money related to bring up this place as that without going through any actual risk of invoking any actual threat to their person taking into consideration that nobody here has the will,knowhow or balls to actually get anything done.
Other than that this place is literally just a paper tiger,this much has been proven so far.
the direct japanese word is basically "new-half"
Did he actually lose his job over this shit?
>Having commies as friends
>Caving into literally who's from Twitter
Here's the problem
"New-half" is a word that wasn't offensive by intent; it was just a word for an emerging phenomena that wasn't very considerate. Something like "transsexualist" is a much better fit than an outright pejorative that is "tranny".
The outrage was disproportional, but this man chose to play a stupid game and won a stupid prize.
Another person taught the valuable lesson of "never apologize"
He should have just ignored it and let them shit their pants for a few hours. Responding to these retards is just blood in the water for their ilk
You're delusional and have no understanding of Japanese culture or the language. What's next, you think okama isn't offensive because faggots openly call themselves that?
Tranny is probably the closest you could get to a literal interpretation, especially if you're viewing the game through the lens of it being released in the 90s.
I think he was legitimately just a complete normalfag who stepped on a hornets nest and had no idea how to process it as he was suddenly attacked by people he thought were his friends.
Here's your last (You).
>I think he was legitimately just a complete normalfag who stepped on a hornets nest and had no idea how to process it as he was suddenly attacked by people he thought were his friends.
That's sad. And if you look at Hardcore Gaming 101's tweet which is where the whole thing started, all of the replies are just constant harassment calling him a nazi. All it takes is one guy with a few followers to make the first post and they all follow.
Wait, so Tranny is now like saying Nigger to these “people”?
Someone please make an edit of the patch that replaces every single word with "tranny".
The sad thing is I was basically waiting my entire adult life for this shit to come out.
I don't think any of that actually happened.
I don't know about the losing job part, but everything else certainly did.
You can still play it. You can play 2 and 3 right now with the word tranny in it.
You can just expect the guy to lay low for a while, probably even stop fan translating.
Just because 1 person on twitter calls them that doesn’t make it widespread.
>this guy left the translation scene and took down all of his nip-only megaten translation videos
>stopped his future plans for translating shit too
thanks resetera
That's what you get for being a bigot, he deserved what he got for doing something unapproved of without checking in with the rest of the community beforehand.
10/10 bait made me reply. It's a fan translation made by one person. He could have just not released it if he wanted to you fucking tranny.
i dont see the problem here unless its the swastika but that would be on the untranslated version to right? what system is it for and can i grab a rom somewhere?
Yeah I did. It's really good.
Lather up a 45 and take one lst trip to flavortown you cocksucking double niggerfaggot.
He didn't lose his job, retard.
>doesn't know or care at all about the rom hacking scene
>doesn't know how much of a crybaby bitch Tom has been or how many times he's 'quit' in the past
>just wants to scream 'muh sjws' at the top of his lungs
Only conveniently care about death threats/lives of others when you can sprinkle it on top of your little shit sundae too, so classy.
do you all see now why companies put out butchered translations? cause people on twitter are absolute lunatics
Did he take down his shit during the other quitting events? And how long does he usually go for? All I know is that DDS Translations eventually unlocked their twitter a few months ago
Same. First I'm hearing of this. What is this and why should I give a shit?
How did they find out his full name ?
guy used tranny as it was probably the most apt word for what the jap text used, in a scene in goemon 3 SNES' fan translation. People went apeshit and started crying at the guy.
He posted it openly like a fool. Everyone who translates shit thinks they can be gideon zhi/aeon genesis.
>word literally means you're not a woman, but some new kind of half-creature
>it's not offensive because nips sexualize newhalves just like they sexualize the very similar otokonokos (aka traps)
Tranny was a pretty safe choice, it conveys the same idea with the same depreciative tone the character used to describe herself.
The closest match to newhalf would be shemale ("she is male") and you can be sure they would also complain about it, probably even more so.
You can say the same about resetera or hardcore gaming 101
>doesn't know or care at all about the rom hacking scene
>doesn't know about the guy's deal or what he even stands for
>just wants to scream 'muh transphobes' at the top of his lungs
>hg101 called dds guy a far right bigot specifically because of his twitter bio
>it's just "resetera is cancer"
>guy who has a long history of doing fan translations of Japanese games translates Goemon game, a series known for having many Japan-only exclusive games that still manages to have a cult following in the west
>he uses the word "tranny" in one line spoken by a transsexual character, arguably a perfectly accurate translation of the original Japanese term used
>SJW mob crucifies him because they consider that word to be a slur
>he tries to apologize
>still gets crucified, reputation drug through the mud, claims that he;s a an alt-right bigot fly around despite him being nothign of the sort
>he quits all his projects and disappears from the internet
so how much butthurt is goemon 4 going to cause?
>2 with the word tranny in it
2 was never part of the drama, yet people here archive and share a buggy older version of the patch "just in case it was censored too".
It's sad to see anons getting in the drama without having even played the games, or cared for finally having them translated. You're no better than Resetera.
Rookie mistake. Never apologize to the mob, it just emboldens them and puts you in a position of vulnerability.
what bloody system is 3 for and where do i grab the translated rom?
These games any good?
Never played them
I know the word tranny was specifically just in 3. Sorry I couldn't word that better, but I guess you already have this notion that I know nothing and i'm just screaming into the void about this, so it wouldn't make a difference.
No one likes 4, imagine making a fucking platformer with god damned dialogue choices holy shit I'm still mad it exists. Give me 2 any day. 3 was bad enough with the zelda shit that ruined the n64 games.
Rundown for those who don't know anything about the fan translation scene:
>Guy who makes shitload of translation patches usually by himself does one for Goemon 2 and 3 back to back, which have been long requested of for years
>In 3 the word 'newhalf' was translated as 'tranny'
>Resetera catches wind of this and get mad
>Guy gets doxed and harassed at day job by Resetera, eventually fired
>Resetera call up his friends, family telling them how much of a piece of shit this guy is, try to go after his bank to get them to close his accounts, and other real life stuff to effectively leave him destitute and alone
>HG101 website people join in too while lying about the word 'newhalf' being in the original text
>Romhacking dot net (RHDN) tells him that he is required to create new "family friendly" patches for both of his Goemon translations or his account and all of his other romhacks will be permanently deleted
>Guy complies, but RHDN bans him from being able to post or upload anything else out of spite
>Guy leaves the translation scene for good, goes dark on the internet
>Resetera, HG101, and RHDN are still out for blood, collusion runs high between them
>The unfinished translations that the guy had lined up after Goemon have been handed over to Resetera-approved translators such as the Sega Saturn and Game Gear Lunar! project
>there's new policies in place for uploading translations to RHDN and mods have systematically begun to apply them to all previously uploaded translations, strongarming everybody into complying or else they'll suffer the same horseshit that this guy has gone through as stated above
Transftm here
Tranny,Trap, any derogatory term for a Transgender is offensive man. If you don't understand that in what year is it? 2020?
You need to go out more.
I wrote for HG101 last year. Ask me anything.
>I think he was legitimately just a complete normalfag who stepped on a hornets nest and had no idea how to process it as he was suddenly attacked by people he thought were his friends.
This much was extremely obvious to me when I first read his response. Some people I saw arguing about this insisted that there's no excuse not to know, that you'd have to be "living under a rock" and so on. Fucking delusion projection.
unironically kill yourself
no one outside of your sick echo chamber likes you
What are some really highly requested games that haven't been translated yet? I want to translate it and then at the very end of the game have the MCs shout out "FUCK NIGGER FUCK TRANNIES AND FUCK RESET ERA"
>certain romhackers were advocating for whitewashing every translation during the shitstorm
no need to shoot the messenger over a decades-old series that makes crossdressers a gag on every game
Show frankenstein cock
Ganbare Goemon 2 is as fun as straightfoward action games can be
Even MNSG had that. Except it was translated to "WEIRDO"
So you wanted him to spend all that time making the translation and hacking it into the game, but then just sit on it like a petulant child?
You need to stop trolling
And you fucking morons need to stop falling for it
you're not allowed to release an accurate translation in the year 2020. you have to change the dialogue to be less "problematic"
no, you shouldn't be offended by text in a game snowflake
I don't give a fuck if you polfags are mad I'm telling you what the whole world thinks. Grow up. Correct yourself. Stop acting like children spamming the N word and Trap all over the place. Nobody likes you.
Do you have sources for any of this shit or am I supposed to just believe you because I want to? Gimme proofs, gimme links, gimme something, how am I supposed to be upset when all you've got is greentext?
Accurate honestly would have just been shemale or leaving it as newhalf. Newhalf is mostly a porn term, but it's not entirely derogatory, like tranny is.
Or he could have just said crossdresser or