

Attached: METAL-GEAR-SOLID-V_-THE-PHANTOM-PAIN_20150919153649.jpg (1920x1080, 149.67K)

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>元シナリオのポイントは、スネークが本当に感謝して、いつになく直接的な表現を使っていること……ということを考えると、やはり"Thank you... my friend."のままが良いかも。
>The point of the scenario is that [Big Boss] really appreciates [giving Venom the title of "Big Boss"] and uses direct expressions like never before. When you think about it, "Thank you... my friend." should remain.
What did Kojima mean by this? Was he trying to do good but his autism prevented him from seeing that what he was doing was actually bad?

I dont take Kojima's writing seriously. If you do, you are retarded. The man cant write for shit. Game's are good though.

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You're not funny.

Fuck you I liked it thread?


>not the Bowie version
Gtfo Kojumbo you fucking hack

C'mon, user. The man had to save money for more important things, like dense open world.

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missions/main story:
cutscenes not strictly related to missions, plus Mission 51 (Lord of the Flies Abides)
>there's at first a blank page
>but just click on the text tab then everything should be fine.
gameplay lines:

>This leak is old! Nothing new here, move on
but barely anyone has heard of it on here, it needs to be spread.
>Nice try Konami shill I'm not giving your page
It's a drive link you're not getting Konami anything
>Anything that we haven't heard of
Theres at least lore about a Lieutenant John Steel (Jock) Lewes character that we never got, who fought with The Boss against Rommel
>Any more of this shit
Yes but apparently it's being hoarded by discord trannies and /r/NeverBeGameOver. shame

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Where is this from?

I will never not be mad about MGS5.

Kojima (or Murata?) commenting to an INTAC employee that wanted to remove the "Thank you... my friend" line.

(INTAC is the translation company that has worked for all MGS titles since 2.)

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>"my friend" (cheesy)
Fire this faggot.

>The only elaborate building you can get inside
>The layout doesnt even make sense, no bathrooms or bedrooms.

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Compounds are typically meant for storing goods and bunking troops. Still pretty empty.


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what game is that. looks like poop

how did you manage to make MGSV look like silent hill 2?

Taylor Swift deserves the rope

Seriously though

What the fuck went wrong bros?

I wish we knew what was going on. I mean holy fuck the trailers, the music, the gameplay system was FUCKING THERE, everything baseline for a good game and then

empty world
fob missions

good god there's trailers with map editors
with helecopters and your whole army walking around the base


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Shut the fuck up, it was great but you are bunch of whiny faggots. God I despise you so much, every single day with this shit.

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I dont get why you faggots are complaining, it had everything a standard mgs game has minus the story

the cover is better than the original

It wasn't great, it was held down by a terrible FOB system that the majority of people wanted fucking nothing to do with, a garbage open world and an unfinished story.

It was fucking great and its only held down by your faggotry

venom will always be the true snake, the real BB was such a bitch compared to venom

The FOB system and research system were clearly implemented last minute.

The fact that you have to use REAL WORLD MONEY to speed up research for weapons is insane.

Most of the guns are not even complete until endgame at that point there's NOTHING to do but FOB invasions.

Don't argue with me.

My facts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Your opinion

>willingly helps Big Boss with a nuclear warmongering plan
Sweetie, I really don't get what you're saying. Solid Snake is supposed to be the true Snake, he never went down a dark path unlike the other Snakes.

>It's your fault everyone hates it!"
anddddddd cope LOL

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dont forget how once you unlock the cool shit it becomes financially unsustainable to continually use that gear because loadouts per mission are too expensive

I unironically enjoy the Midge Ure version more.

>The FOB system and research system were clearly implemented last minute.
its peace walker with next gen graphics, pretty based if you ask me

Only Yas Forums hates it
its loved everywhere else and received 10/10 reviews and awards, no one cares what bunch of retarded neets screech about

>"venom will always be the true snake"
>eventually screws The Boss over and assists BB with the Metal Gear, OH uprising and killing Solid
Uh huh

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oh also
>misinterpreted "let the world be" as NO NUKES

reminder that the xbox360 had 512 MB of RAM

5 1 2
2 0 1 5


MGSV was targeted for PS3, X360, and even once Vita to begin with.
It was always that barren and shit.

uh.. that makes him based sweetie

and also... would you say... kind of a bitch later on.. and not the true snake?

You can willingly do horrifying, wicked, villainous shit and still not be a bitch
See Solidus Snake

It was fun, but the fun parts are wedged in between stupid design decisions.
There were serious problems with a lot of the game that NEVER got addressed, and one being the FOB system eventually got even worse.
The good parts of MGS5 were enough to keep me playing until the end, the problem comes from thinking just how good of a game it could of been without an empty, tacked on open world. Most of the missions in that game are just key parts of the maps with tanks and a few extra guys. Not only that, just to cap it off they decided to not add a conclusion to the story.
A good bulk to this game is unrealized, and it feels unfinished. Throw in a fucking FOB monetize scheme and the entire game just seems insulting.
>retarded neets
andddddddd project LOL

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I dont give a fuck what you think, you are a pleb with shit taste and MGSV is peak Metal Gear, typed all of that for nothing retard

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Solidus was very egocentric tho, we see him act as a cruel arrogant dick throughout the entirety of MGS2. He's even a smug cunt when he tells Raiden about killing his parents. He cared about his legacy more than any kind of altruism. Also literally tells "good luck" to Fortune when she was going to blow up Manhattan.

you would have known this if you didn't blindly develop a hero worship to him throughout the game with your dick

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now this is an actual cope

Honestly, who gives the right for translators to do this?

MGSV is essentially Silent Hills

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cringy double down

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Also assisting someone in building a dangerous nuke robot and planning for a nuke bombing takeover of the world is pretty much a sign of bitchiness. You have to be a bitch to do that stuff.

Yas Forums was so good back then. 15 threads all day every day for 2 weeks after each new Kojima trailer.

>Turns over the tape
>Operation Intrude N313
>Puts it in MSX Bitcorder

thank you for your input mr broken record, looks like I won

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The translators also neutralized stuff about race from Skullface's speech and replaced some literal statements with witty one liners.

>We gave her a light, she took the short way down.
>俺たちが火を付けて 窓から落ちたよ
>We set fire to her, she fell out of the window.

user, that's the point
It's the first thing you hear in the game for a reason
You're not playing as the original Big Boss, you're playing as a cover version

We need right wing translation squad.

Manga already has so I wonder why vidya doesn't have a based translation company yet.

>all night it was the young American begins playing

what a hollow victory. youre a child who plays in his own piss. an embarrassing spectacle for all to laugh at, every where you go. a joke, a clown but sad and pathetic. you play metal gear solid to escape from the outside, unfamiliar world.
you stay inside your crevice, making bug noises
*keeeeepppp cheeeep chiikk chikkk chiiiiiik*
the only solace is your meager cope, the only self defense tool you have left.
>i've done it, i've won, the smart man cant hurt me anymore
youre alone, youre alone in this world, and in your incredibly small head.

>Wanting monotonous garbage like "We set fire to her, she fell out of the window"

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what did he mean by this?

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