This is the worst Final Fantasy game. The gameplay is shit and the story is so boring I couldn't even bring myself to finish it.
This is the worst Final Fantasy game...
best final fantasy game, the the job system is great, the story is nice and doesn't get in your way, the bosses are great and replaying trying new job combinations is great
I'm 20 hours into the game and literally nothing has happened in the story. Even FF1 has a more interesting story than this.
in 20 hours you must be at the second world by now, are you skipping all the dialogues?
I haven't skipped anything, there's just nothing interesting about this generic as fuck story. I stopped playing it a month ago and I don't even remember a single character's name.
as i said, the story is nice, and doesn't get in your way
you won't have a 30 minutes cutscene with retarded exposition dialogues
but ff5 has the best class/combat system in the entire pre-playstation era
Absolute brainlet, there isnt even anything to be filtered by. You are a knuckle dragging tier retard.
how did you react when the doctor told you you were retarded?