Why aren't you playing Making Lovers right now, Yas Forums?

Why aren't you playing Making Lovers right now, Yas Forums?

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it's on steam so it means there's no porn
and if a VN has no porn, it's shit

hard pass

It does have porn, though. You can buy it with porn on the publisher's site or buy the steam version and then download a patch that adds the porn back in.
Alternatively: sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2982909

Saki is so cute bros goddamn

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You need to go back to /vn/.

Is there a way to remove the h-scenes from the sukebei one? Usually h-scenes are too terribly written for me to enjoy and ruin the characters for me

why wasnt /vn/ april fools 2020?
also bring back /vint/

What's it about?

Just ctrl past.


Because I saw the torrent and I couldn't be fucking arsed giving another VN the time of day, porn or not

How do you do something about it? What's there to do?

Is the drama decent?
Or is the story comfy.
If it's just porn, pass


Romance game where you play as a dude in his 20's who hasn't entered a relationship yet because he believes in pure romance that starts out gradually.
Through shenanigans he ends up dating one of the five available heroines from the start and he learns more about them as the relationship progresses, rather than the other way around.
You get a nice variety of both older and younger heroines, which is pretty nice imo.

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No thanks, call me when the Ditzy Demons fandisc is out.

>Medium (10 - 30 hours)

It's shit

Most of Smee eroges are like this specially playing with older mc, they are cute and comical as well. Fureraba I think was their first and also the worst, they didn't need to localize that.

Romance, comedy, its very comfy. No real drama it but the relantionship progress realistically.

It's comfy and the humor is great
As for drama, one of the heroines has her shit stolen by her roommate and ends up homeless because of it. You give her a place to stay until she gets her life back together.

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>Through shenanigans he ends up dating one of the five available heroines from the start and he learns more about them as the relationship progresses, rather than the other way around.
As a clueless neet does it work like this IRL?
Ignoring the anime cliches

They need to localize Pure*connect. It has some top tier wife and specially one discover mc hiding his futa porn lmao

But I am
She's perfect

because I'm not an ironic weeb

Because I'm not a gay cunt

>translated eroge

that sounds great, why do you want some overly long bullshit padded out with too much buildup and fluff.

They really shouldn’t. The common route is decent, but every girl just turns into a generic moeblob with no distinguishing qualities upon entering their route. I was really mad when it happened to Sora.

>Does a VN for loser NEETs correspond in any way to reality?
No, user.

nice way of putting it user

Oh well, I was hoping it resembled somewhat reality. I guess it takes a pretty fucking good writer to do it with anime cliches.
Already downloaded it though.

Reality involves real people and real people means compromises. Real love is a compromise in some way eventually, even if it doesn't start that way. Only a VN could have perfect waifus and relationships - they never wear out their welcome.

Do the characters in this move or not?

Also was Nekopara only successful due to memes? I don't get how some of these games get tons of sales but others don't.

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It's not far from reality but obviously it's taking some liberties


Their other game has a more appealing concept

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>no incest
who cares

I got roped into Saki's route

I'm in.

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Kinda. When you first meet a girl you have 24 hours to impress her by being the best at something then 1 week to ask her out. Otherwise you lose the mystery/danger factor. Get to know them as you start dating. Don't try and know them as friends first, it never works.

forgot the Op movie


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For the EOP's on Yas Forums, the image details the 5 routes in the game, based on elements and shit
it's kinda funny how appropriate some of them are lel

Fire - All the girls will be fighting over you.
Water - All the girls will be nice to you and spoil you. A relaxing route that soothes your soul
Wind - The girls treat you like a hero. You will be a savior, with all the girls asking you for help.
Earth - The girls will treat you like dirt and act bitchy. For those that like to be abused by women.
Gold - You are the king of the kingdom. Everyone defers to you for decisions on how to manage the land and the people, treating you as the highest authority.

However, no matter the differences, they are all the same in one core aspect; they are all harem routes.

Pass me that firewater bro

Man I got burnt out on the writing of these things after the first route of Wagamama I read.
Now I just read the intro and then skip through, you get a good enough idea of their characters through that.
It feels like a colossal waste of time for what is essentially fap material. I'll admit when I got through that route of Wagamama it did feel very satisfying to finally bed her, but everything since has failed to replicate that for me
I think because the formula feels so obvious
With writing that feels like all the worse parts of a seasonal rom com needlessly dragged out

Translation when

well, since one of their games has now come out on Steam, there might be a chance now

you can't really combine routes, I think
Also the girls will act combative, in their own ways, against one another in Fire
Here's a sample of the Fire route

sample of Water route


sample of Wind route


sample of the hilarious Earth route


and lastly, sample of the Gold route


these should give you all an idea of the kind of experience you'll get in whatever route you choose

What kind of Japanese name is Karen?

the same kind of fantasy medieval name as Kiki

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>it's on steam so it means there's no porn
I'm not sure if you're being serious or not but steam has a shit ton of outright porn now, which is actually slightly worrying because that means that japanese publishers are starting to see the market as viable meaning that there's now a good chance that fan translations will get cracked down on or the media will start noticing and everything will start getting censored in response which combined with dying out translation groups leaves nothing for eops

if they start getting censored again, then fan translation groups will come back

is this a real visual novel or one of those western imitations

Highly unlikely people said the same thing whenever CR started going mainstream that groups would eventually crop up to put out higher quality subs even if it did mean waiting longer, instead the very few groups that did popup simply took CRs subs and slapped a new font on them while taking an extra week to release, this isn't an exact parallel since it's not a censorship issue (most of the time at least) but the same thing is likely to happen here most fan groups aren't willing to put in time if someone else is already working on something whether they're doing a good job or not

Name of the best girl ever produced in their company.

>most fan groups aren't willing to put in time
we really shouldn't consider lazy fucks like that as fan groups

so uh, what happens to Karen in the other routes?

The same, not that you'll ever know about it.

It's Japanese.

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inb4 it's all a lie

the name became popular following world war 2 occupation since it's one of the few that's a name in both English and Japanese
Same reason the foreign blonde in so many anime happens to be named Karen

Nah, the game is all about cohabitation, and their route boils down to finding a super good apartment but they have to pretend to be a couple to rent it.
Then they start working together and stuff.

I see