This game is fucking fun my dudes. wtf it was supposed to suck and be another shitty dbd-copycat but actually no it's just great.
>awesome combat mechanic
>top notch graphic
>i wanna fuck Becca
This game is fucking fun my dudes. wtf it was supposed to suck and be another shitty dbd-copycat but actually no it's just great.
>awesome combat mechanic
>top notch graphic
>i wanna fuck Becca
Melee attacks are kinda janky
Do people play with m&in or controller?
How do you even play this? I don't see the option in the main game.
i surely do prefer controller with this game and i'm a pc master race faggot for 20yrs now
Pick Tutorial after the start menu, retard
you're on steam ? its a complet different app, tchek ur librarie my guy
It's its own separate thing you got to download
Better than RE3R although that is not saying much.
dafuq u talking nigga