April 2020...I am forgotten

>April 2020...I am forgotten...

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Other urls found in this thread:


Surrender your thread or die

You mean the third most popular game on steam rn?

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You mean the most unoptimized pos on steam rn?

This fucker taking everything. Meanwhile, I can't even vote for myself after sieging a city.

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Not even close, user. ARK still exists.

mayors cant vote for themselves

yeah.. forgotten with 250K people playing right now

Runs perfectly fine for me. Maybe learn how to actually build a good pc and stop being poor

the dumbest post. Shows you know nothing about computers or games.

>Nintendies mad that the catalog isn't flooded with AC threads

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Just exemplifies how many poorfags there are here on Yas Forums, myself included. This is the first game my 4 core cpu can't handle.
I replaced my graphics card about a year ago, and I can't play this until I just replace everything else, i'll have to get a new motherboard to go with my new cpu, and I might as well get new RAM since I'll be able to use ddr4.
All happening right when I get layed off, and they won't mail me my trumpybux.

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you guys starting your own kingdom or what?

Attached: 2020-04-04 14_12_40-Mount and Blade II Bannerlord - Singleplayer PID_ 10528 - Win64_Shipping_Client.png (1920x1080, 3.48M)

It's funny, I could've sworn..

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>starting your own kingdom when enemy has half the map
you mad?

The game has 100% bullshit optimization, yet shows next to nothing for it.

>How to prove you're 10

It's time to raid the steppes.
How do I look?

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>stop being poor
As if people just casually drop like 1.5K on a machine. No, sorry, some of us are adults, and don't have mommy and or daddy pay for our tech.

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Funny how every shitpost thread turns into a Bannerlord thread.

>King Harlaus awards X to... King Harlaus
Is the sort of shit that makes me immediately abandon my faction, and start a war focusing solely on them.

Everybody remember to set your audio quality to 128 (lowest setting). Apparently this reduces lag significantly.

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Caravan or shop for stable income?

I have such a weird urge to kiss her lips, snooty smirk and all.

Even for potatoes?


lol i got this one too

Attached: 2020-04-02 18_23_53-Mount and Blade II Bannerlord - Singleplayer PID_ 10152 - Win64_Shipping_Client.png (1920x1080, 3.49M)

>several threads an hours
>most played non-free game on steam
>updates every other day
>news outlets reporting about it everywhere
sure user, forgotten

I dunno. I'm having fun with it.

This. Also disable sound enhancements from control panel
Depends, it really helps if your CPU is the problem

>No, sorry, some of us are adults
An adult would be able to afford a decent computer.
Don't you have a job, like an adult should?

Fuck yeah ill start my own kingdom. Take some comfy city away from everyone else.

lads my wife has her own party and she got pregnant.Am I being cucked?

I unironically returned it after 10 minutes or so. Ran like shit and tons of features missing. I'll buy it again in the future when its on sale for more and a few mods have already come out.

From the youtube videos of people already winning it seems pretty unbalanced in many ways. I'd rather be patient then ruin the experience.

>200k players consistently
>constantly being updated

meanwhile half-life: alyx couldn't even scratch those numbers and is already forgotten

Oh user...

>Depends, it really helps if your CPU is the problem
It my everything that's the problem.

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Everyone says to make shops but frankly I found the income from them to be shit, the best I ever got was 350 gold a day whereas after a week or so my caravans were often pulling >600 sometimes 800 denar profits. They're really good when you're starting out and you're not at war with anyone.

I have the Radeon rx580 and my ballets in the campaign are still pretty much unplayable. Yet in the custom battles it’s fine. Can’t figure it out. It’s not my PC is it? Got 8gb of ram, the whole bit

>Acting like 1.5K isn't a lot of money.
Lmao, sorry Mister Drug Dealer.

Maybe it keeps overland stuff buffered or something? Where as in custom battles, it has no overland data to buffer.

You didn’t have to BTFO him like that

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>join tournament, 4v4 round

>Red Team
>Imperial Cataphract
>Imperial Cataphract
>Imperial Cataphract
>Imperial Cataphract

Blue Team
>Militia Spearman

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I expected the worst, it's literally a better warband, that said what's everyones control setup? In warband I used mouse movement for attacks but it feels better in bannerlord to use movement keys

Went back to Warband until they fix that shit
Luckily Bannerpage is fucking amazing

But where's the boobs sliders?

But he didn't? Average wage, for my age group (24) in the US is:
Then living expenses, minus rent:
And do you know how much the average rent is? Yeah, fuck off. It is a lot of money, and people don't just casually drop it. Unless, you're a fucking drug dealer, a moronic rich kid, or a fucking teenage piece of shit still leeching off mommy and daddy. Wake up.

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I roleplay as a criminal rapist leading a raider army.

>1.5k one time for like 10 years
Build a good computer and you're set for like 3 console generations you casual

Is there levelling in multiplayer yet?
I'm guessing no because my level isn't increasing but damn what a fun game.

Should've studied harder in school, loser.

Lmao? Have you even heard of Moore's law? Probably not, since you're a fucking moron.

But you don't need a 1.5k machine for the game though?
I'm playing on a $800 laptop, surely you can build much more powerful desktop PC with that money.

Kill yourself and try harder next time.

>defending being a wageslave with a mcjob yet choosing to live somewhere expensive
Your generation has never heard about the concept of saving money for something you want later in life, have you?

That's the average salary, you dingus. It being the average salary, it is also the salary of people with the average IQ, 95-105. Which is, by the way, the majority of people, that's how an average works.
FYI, being a drug dealer, like you, doesn't require a good education.

>years are only 120 days long

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my pirated version runs good on a 800 bux pc from 2012 retard

What,you don't know? If you get a wife your brother can also fuck her. I wish i was joking

Being an adult is exactly the reason why you can easily afford a PC like that. Nice try, but you exposed yourself.

What does some anecdotal observation about microchip density that's now totally outdated have to do with anything?

if you've a background in any sensible field such as medicine, finance, law, engineering or IT, you can easily get a job where 1.5K is not a big deal

I'm maxing the game out on an 800e computer. I used to have lag during sieges but they fixed a bug so I get stable 60 then as well.

>Muh multiplayer xp and levels
zoom zoom

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You underestimate how incompetent and lazy an average person is

Different world, different orbit around its sun.


How about I deep stick your mom?

Fuck off, boomer.

Well at least someone is realistic.

see . The average 24 year old American can't. If you can, good job at being a boomer, or some leech.

>He doesn't know about its relationship to computing power either.

>He thinks university is cheap.
Sure, if you come from a rich family.

ITT: Boomers and rich kids. Lmao.

warband had full years zoomer

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i'm using shops, but they just keeping me afloat

Attached: 2020-04-04 14_38_31-Mount and Blade II Bannerlord - Singleplayer PID_ 10528 - Win64_Shipping_Client.png (334x200, 57.55K)

>just like, be born in a period of economic expansion man

It's a different planet.

Maybe if you studied instead of smoking weed all day you wouldn't be a fucking loser right now

I've played since the first M&B faggot.
It's to see some progression.

You don't understand statistics.

when will they actually fix the memory leak problem? the last patch did nothing


user just stop you’re making it worse for yourself

If you're so good at statistics how come you can't get a decent job?

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>I don't know what an average is.
I guess the average 24 year old is just a loser? Right? Old man? Fuck off, boomer.

I make 2k a month and I'm not even educated

Its relationship to computing power is a function of what it expresses, which is totally obsolete because of thermal problems.
Fucking zoomers.

It's not THAT bad. It probably won't work but there's a chance it may work when they fix the optimization.

like a retarded mongoloid, why?

absolute brainlets top fucking kek, no wonder you're poor


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>being born in America
Maybe you should play something else. Have you considered fortnite?

>set audio channels to low
>exit the game and come back
>game somehow assumes it crashed and all the settings get reverted
Turk engineering.

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>I guess the average 24 year old is just a loser
Now you're getting it!

Sure thing, samefag.

Because you boomers created the demand for:
>muh degrees
>muh years of experience you can't get... unless you already have a job
Boom boom.

Great, then you have an above average income. Anecdotes aren't facts.

Moore's law is still holding. Which means, devs expect you to have X, without factoring in price of equipment.

Okay, boomer.

Okay, boomer.

I spent 1.8k on my rig and its 2y old, I cant even run it on low.
my friends tell me theyre playing it just fine on literal potatoes.

>wah wah wah
You should stop blaming muh old people for your own shortcomings

It always asks you before reverting the settings you know that, right?

Okay, boomer.

>Moore's law is still holding.


Well this one doesn't.
This is seriously the most autistic thing to care about.

Okay, boomer.

>make valid complaint

Just another overrated pc early access twitch game. This turd will be dead once the next cool twitch game releases

>Most forecasters, including Gordon Moore,[152] expect Moore's law will end by around 2025.[153][154][155]
>Cross, Tim. "After Moore's Law". The Economist Technology Quarterly. Retrieved 2016-03-13. "chart: "Faith no Moore" Selected predictions for the end of Moore's law"
>Kumar, Suhas (2012). "Fundamental Limits to Moore's Law". arXiv:1511.05956 [cond-mat.mes-hall].
>Waldrop, M. Mitchell (2016-02-09). "The chips are down for Moore's law". Nature. 530 (7589): 144–147. Bibcode:2016Natur.530..144W. doi:10.1038/530144a. ISSN 0028-0836. PMID 26863965.
>Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, Over: The Future of Computer Chips NY Times, September 2015
Is it 2025? No.

>Only the most optimistic and liberal projection is correct

>It doesn't cite several sources.
>My one source is correct.
Lmao, try again, boomer.

> Want to date emperors daughter.
> Finish convo perfectly.
> "I'm sorry user but I don't think we have anything in common."
> "Please give me another shot."
> "No way".
Wat do?

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do the people who claim they cant run it check which gpu the game use?
because one time i had the game stuck on using the integrated gpu which made the game unplayable
but it works just fine when the game run on the proper discrete gpu


Crying about le big bad boomer is not going to fix your life.