This game exposed this board

>Get game early, finish it
>Best JRPG in literally 20 years
>Go on Yas Forums
>Retards whinging about it nonstop
>using contradictory arguments
>Most haven't even played the game
Remind me why you still browse this pisshole? lol

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>Best JRPG in literally 20 years
Play more JRPGs

No. Name a JRPG and I will explain in detail why 7 Remake is superior.

i want to play :(

Nomura is unironically too smart for Yas Forums.

>Remind me why you still browse this pisshole? lol
Mostly for finding new porn artists and news about games I might be interested in

The game is good as hell, its only problem is that is a Rebuild of FFVII and not a Remake.

I'm still looking forward to the game, user. Time fuckery aside, everything I've seen aside from that has been good. I've seen a few gameplay bits here and there.

>doing comfy sidequests with Tifa
>going plateside with Biggs, Wedge and Jessie
>the entire Airbuster fight
>fighting Reno and Rude in the slums
>Honeybee Inn and based gaybro
>female characters making Cloud awkward as fuck
>Hojo watching everything behind the scenes
>dynamic music
>rufus fight being an actual fight this time around

The last ten minutes doesn't piss me off like it has most people because I had to endure the shitshow that was Mass Effect 3. I'm looking forward to this and nobody can change my optimism.

I'm going to get FF, but explain how it is better than P5R then


I havent played yet but from all the retarded new cutscenes that have been posted, its enough to make any real fan mad.
They fucking changed so much its not even the same game anymore!
Everyone was wishing for FFVII with better graphics, not this Kingdom Hearts bullshit!

All the Sephiroth shit is Jenova making her thing and you should know it.

Jenova copefags at again. She is literally a plot-device since forever. Ultimania even shut you retardfags up regarding your retarded hcs.

He said in 20 years

is this bait?

Im a real fan and i love the new stuff in this pseudo sequel

Ok boomer

>This game exposed this board
Nope Doom Eternal did

Jenova literally gets destroyed in this remake which causes Hojo to sperge out for the first time in his life, you tumblr theorizing moron.

P5 is the best game I played last year but the story and the characters are really more stupid than FFVIIR even considering the nomura time travel, they seriously kill a God with the power of friendship LOL

FF7 wasn't even that amazing or even the best FF, I feel people just jerk it off becuase it was the first RPG they played as a kid. They even changed one of the more fun things that was the materia system becuase they had update the combat to the shit shitty FF15 for some reason.

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nomura btfo everyone on this board by including them in his game as the changebad ghosts so Yas Forums is just mega salty, this will be better than the original ff7 by a longshot

All I am curious about is how long it is without side quests?

>best jrpg in 20 years
>it's not even a jrpg
Holy fucking zoom

>any real fan
No true scotsman

I wish I was smart enough to understand, but I'm not. So I just impotently rage on some gay LARP board for video games.

I played FF7 for the first time 3 weeks ago and I think its legitimately one of the best jrpgs ever made.
Also, the remake combat is nothing like ff15. I've played both.

kill yourself

Op exposed.

I would also like to hear the answer to this question. 60 bones is a lot of money.

has anyone made a webm for this? I really want to see it.
in the original game, the party spends half the game chasing jenova (transformed into sephiroth) all over the world. it would be crazy if she is just straight up annihilated here.

>this game exposed this board
Every good game has at launch. This isn’t anything new. BOTW made Yas Forums butthurt for a whole year. Wait a while and this game will be praised


You're forgetting about the "time travel" and other bullshit lies spread about it by faggots.

>Wait a while and this game will be praised
yes user. everyone on Yas Forums is going to praise this.

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Sure thing user, I loved FF7, but even I wont go around saying "OMG BEST GAME EVER MADE" I liked 6 and 9 more, but even then I wouldn't say there are the best JRPG I played.


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>>Best JRPG in literally 20 years

Except 'Zelda OoT' is the Best Game Ever.

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>any real fan

Stop speaking for millions of people. The new scenes are good because they flesh the characters out more. Even the developers said a word-for-word remake would make the characters two-dimensional as you were reading from a fucking text box instead of being able to read their tone of voice, body language and facial expressions.

Of course, you probably can't appreciate the subtleties of human behavior or the art of conversation because you're most likely a shut-in. Stay mad.

> best jrpg in 20 years
> outclassed by every Tales game to come out since the original FF7
> story is now rivaling Star Oceans 4's
> World of Final Fantasy has more soul than this and the last few SE fames aside from XIV
fanboys treating like its hot shit in a champagne glass but is a warm dribble of diarrhea in a dixie cup. I guess it does look nice though.

Not him, and not .webm, but here is the link of video showing the aftermath after Jenova got destroyed:

There is no war in Ba Sing Se

>Midgar drives on the right side of the road

What were they thinking?


I need Joo Dee's fat tits in my face pronto

The World Ends With You

>The new scenes are good because they flesh the characters out more
I'm excited for the future quest where we help Red 13 convince his girlfriend to get an abortion.

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It's not even the final fantasy, I will never understand why people foam at the mouth for 7 so much.

The only, and I mean ONLY thing that matters to me is the white race, and they made sure to make Tifa something that clearly isn't white. I would never buy this, and no one else should either.

Tales is utter lazy uninspired shite pal. Low bar JRPG series. If you want inspired settings and actual soul and ambition Xenoblade eclipses every Tales and FF.

>Hojo showed more emotion for some headless alien than for his own son

I think he's trying to say that even Tales games are better than this remake. Though I actually like a few of those games myself.

That gay japanese pop star ruined FF7

The biggest problem people seem to have is that it isn't a true remake. If you can get over that, fine. Enjoy FF7-2.
All the people here who are pretending to be upset are the same faggots that would have found any marginal reason to tear down a faithful 1-1 remake anyways. If you want to play FF7, go play it. It still exists. I just started it for the first time last year, it's still fun. This seems genuinely more interesting, and nobody actually knows how it ends yet. They just want to meme and assume the worst.
That said, I am not totally invested and am kind of pulling for something dumb like Xenahort actually showing up somewhere.

hey barry, listen, i have two words for you pal
FUCK YOU hahaabha ye you heard it bitch

>one of the plates isn't done yet
Am I misremembering? Weren't they all fully built at the start of the game?

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FF9 and 6, P3, Legend of Dragoon, Suikoden II
Super Mario RPG, The World Ends with You, Shadow Hearts: Covenant, Valkyrie Profile,Earthbound, Final Fantasy 6, Dragon Quest 8 or 11,

Thats Advent Children intro, right?


> laxy
probably when it comes to story but I meant combat which even the weakest Tales game plays miles better than the FF7R demo and I doubt materia can salvage that shit.

thanks user. that scene actually looks pretty cool, but holy shit that seems like such a poorly thought out change.
what's going to happen in Part 2 now that there is no "man in black" to follow? will they just derp around the world until they stumble on North Crater? will popsicle sephiroth hatch early so he can lead the party there?

Doing minimal sidequests people are saying about 25 hours. Approx 7-9 hours of optional sidequest content

Materia plays like magic from FF15 for the most part, not the best


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Why did Doctor Whoroth help with destroying his mommy? He basically got his presentself cucked now.

told you anons the shills were gonna shill harder than we have ever seen before. The closer we get to the 10th the damage control will be taken to the next level. And is not like it's needed anyway since pre-orders are at like 2 millions.

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yeah. In AC it shows the ruins of midgar shortly after, but that got cut out in 7R.

Just remember, it's for the fans both old (who never asked for this) and new (who have no clue what this is.)

Holy copeola. The amount of asshurt crying next week whenever everyone is playing and enjoying while you and your ilk are yelling NOOOOO YOU CANT JUST DO THAT, YOU CANT JUST HAVE FUN NOOOOOOOO MUH CHANGES NORMURA RUINED IT is going to be balm to my heavy heart

>Remind me why you still browse this pisshole?
cus you're a shill?


Damn, thats not bad. Think I might pick it up on release.

Midgar was still unfinished even by the time of the main game, when you infiltrate Shinra HQ and have to find the parts for the Shinra model you can inspect it and Cloud says just one more plate to go and it's all done.

How are you this stupid? The ghosts wouldnt have allowed this to happen you retard. How are you contradicting yourself this early? You really want your time travelling Sephiroth and go so far as to show Barret being revived in every theead, but still you spout some bullshit like this?

Oh my fucking God

So this is gonna spawn 12+ episodes if they wanna bring AC into it and every other game of the compilation, it's Xenogears initial pitch all over again

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>Toriyama: "In terms of how faithful the remake is to the original Final Fantasy VII, from the perspective of the storyline, it is very faithful indeed, the major story structure is kept very close, so you will do the Mako Reactor bombing mission and then return to the Sector 7 slums."

>Longtime series writer, Kazushige Nojima: "Well, the main story is still the same, but I have added in many new scenes that happen between the main events of the original, which show how the relationship between Cloud and the other characters deepened. [For example], Cloud's childhood friend Tifa shows him a flat in Midgar, and they come to live in the same building. It is a Japanese-styled flat and the scene itself is quite sweet. So, I want people to look forward to [those additions]."

>Producer and director of the original game, Yoshinori Kitase: "Of course, all the memorable elements and key moments from the original have been faithfully reproduced, and you can enjoy experiencing those again."
Yas Forums being absolutely retarded again, what else is new

>nobody actually knows how it ends yet
There were people streaming the whole game. A zmysticunicorn was on twitch (heck, Hard mode NG+ earlier) but it seems they finally got banned today. You can see them discussed in the archive and Google

That's pretty god damn low for a 60 dollar JRPG were most would be 60-100 hours considering.

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Wild Arms 3

See , mongoloid. It happens at the end. Jenova is destroyed and Hojo ends up having mental breakdown regarding it. Ghosts can't fix shit because Cloud took care of them.

>it is very faithful indeed, the major story structure is kept very close

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>Jenova gets destroyed at the beginning of the game
So what's the game about then? Some ultra epic Cloud v Sephiroth homo-off even though that wasn't the point of the original story at all?

oh no no no

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this is so retarded

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>happens at the end
The party escaped Midgar at the end.

>Most haven't even played the game

This is obvious, so many seething secondaries waiting for the remake who never played the original game.
I love it. I don't even have a PS4 but I'm laughing my ass off.

Oh good, they're bringing back those awful Crisis Core/Advent Children action scenes.

Holy shit

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>What do you mean Yuffie's shorts are buttoned all the way up?

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>Cloud didn't hold Barret's lifeless body in his arms and shout WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOORRRR
They really should have, just to give at least credence to the theory that they were being retarded on purpose

character development scenes =/= time travelling story-police ghosts
Please stop trying to spin this bullshit. The huge changes them made to the story are not small and happen to blow absolute ass.

watchmen of fate are actually oldfags lmao

I love how this game is living rent-free in your head. Come on, man. Don't you have any hobbies?

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Quite frankly I don't play enough JRPGs to get hung up on their length. If its a fun game 30hrs is enough, especially if it has NG+ Difficulties or Post/Endgame Optional content.

Plus it plays more like an action game anyway.

>The ghosts wouldnt have allowed this to happen you retard
yeah that is pretty weird that the changebads don't think jenova is worth protecting. I've seen video of hojo sperging out over her destroyed remains though.

Ghost are too busy resting in peace. The fate is now free. No more changebad ghosts to stop it. Hence why Jenova is gone-gone and Hojo is sperging out about it.

>Kalm flashback 25 mins in while Jessie is ovulating in front of Cloud
Oh good

My favorite scene from the original was when Sephiroth murdered Barret halfway through the Shinra building then Mary Poppins outta there while Barret gets revived by a ghost that looks like a wrinkled penis

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how much are you getting paid for this shit? Because there's no way you doin this for free.

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They have lots of hobbies, you are seeing them. I'd call them pathetic but with creatures this low you feel bad exposing them to the light further.

Cut-scene of Hojo finding out that Jenova is F rolls at the end. Before showing Cloud and the crew, they first show what's happening with everyone in Midgar.
Rufus becomes president.
Hojo finds out that Jenova is destroyed and starts crying and has mental breakdown.

>that floating sephiroth at the background
This game is becoming a joke now

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You mean Jenova escaped her tank. Happened in the original game.

>Sir, I also have reports of Cloud refusing to wear the dress.

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I've read at least 31 FFVII fanfics that are better than this

>what? what the fuck is this bullshit
Even hojo knows


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Sounds pretty based.