Harry Potter RPG

So, are we gonna see it at this IGN Digital Event in June?

Also Harry Potter world is interesting as fuck

>Unique, interesting world that's set inside our own modern world, making it even more interesting.
>Many different plot threads, like the ministry of magic
>Creative, interesting, compelling characters whose real intentions you don't know, and you never know what they're up to (such as Snape, or Draco).
>Many good unexpected plot twists
>The main trio is interesting
>Important characters die, battles are intense because of that.
>Interesting creatures like dementors, thestrals, boggarts, basilisks, merpersons etc
>Interesting servants of the enemy, with unique personalities. Like Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, or Peter Pettigrew. They're interesting and unpredictable whenever they appear.
>Balls to kill off a super important character like Dumbledore

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>The main trio is interesting
Ah yes, Smart girl, Dumb funny guy and Chosen one sure is interesting and unique.

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Wasn't this the game with the leaked footage a year or two ago?

Beats every RPG ever made


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still amazes me that they never made a hogwarts mmorpg. people would sub just to afk in the great hall. normies would pay out the ass in microtransactions to make their wizard/pet look tricked out. it's the easiest billion dollars i can think of.

>reposts his bait thread
Also IGN gave billing to fucking Twitter and THQ Nordic; if they had WB games, they would have announced it.

I thought this was cancelled

They might be announced later

That -is- every RPG ever made, that's why its not interesting you niglet.

I just hope J.K. Rowling stays out of it, ever since the books ended she has being going on a downward spiral of pure stupidity, she goes back to previous established lore to rewrite it for the sake of snowflake points.

We already have the GOAT Harry Potter RPG though?

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So they took out the create a character aspect to make you play through the same story all over again.
Well fuck that, my interest in this shit just tanked.

Beats anything you've ever made and ever will make, lol

as mediocre the books are, you just outed yourself as sub 60 iq movie watcher

I don't even give a shit but if you think harry potter is even remotely unique or groundbreaking in anything else but sales, you're a lunatic. It's just another 'chosen one' story that had great PR and was placed right at a generation shift.

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Reading and watching Harry Potter was comfy as fuck

Emma still gives me a huge boner

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isn't that just the typical hero's journey outline

>Also Harry Potter world is interesting as fuck
If it had any level of consistency I might agree with you, but I don't.

As much as I hate it, just call it what it is, the wizarding world. Potter Verse is just a horrible ass name.

>orphan when he has family
>Vader killing Luke's parents
>not random Stormtroopers

Also this seems like the generic hero plotline everything piece of media follows

Why the fuck do you say interesting so much?

>Harry Potter
>Still culturally relevant
If basic cable wasn't running the movies practically on loop every weekend and JK wasn't occasionally stirring up shit but retroactively making her characters black gay and trans people would probably have forgotten it exists.

Why the fuck didn't they use the time turners and kill Voldemort in the past?

An orphan is someone who lost their parents. Like Luke did.
Harry lives with his family too, why didn't you bitch about it there as well?

M8 every single woman under 30 absolutely loves Harry Potter. To the point where you're an idiot if you critique it in front of anyone you want to fuck.

Probably because time turners are things in development, I don't get how Hermione got one tho

Time travel is always a gaping plot hole in any story.

the timeline is fixed in the Harry Potter universe, meaning that if you would go back in time a set of circumstances will probably arise that will prevent you from succeeding
Cursed Child doesn't count fuck off

>There are brainlet zoomers on Yas Forums right now who actually like Harry Potter

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>the timeline is fixed in the Harry Potter universe, meaning that if you would go back in time a set of circumstances will probably arise that will prevent you from succeeding

Then how did they do it in book 3?


they had already seen themselves doing it in the past, if someone ever managed to kill baby Voldemort in the past it would mean no one would know who he is in the first place

>no character creator
don't care anymore

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Harry Potter is millennial tho

There are lots of customization in the leaked video

Who even cares about harry potter anymore?


Where does it say that they took out the character creator?

>Yas Forums suddenly hates Harry Potter


"Main trio being interesting" implies the protagonists are set

Why would cancelling e3 affect a companies ability to announce a game? They’d be dumb not to release this game

I think OP was talking about the trio in the main story of the franchise, not the upcoming game

That was his personal opinion dipshit

they had to reach so hard on this

Quiddich isn't even related to Voldemort and Slytherin aren't the real antagonists or actually evil, just assholes. there's two plots running where Harry deals with mean kids and another where he deals with dark lord. They tried to pick out the most generic things about both stories for their proof and they didn't even have enough material for that.

If you want to make fun of shitty fantasy that copies Star Wars, use Eragon. That series literally just grabbed things from LOTR and Star Wars and called it a day, and the book got published because the guy's parents had connections.

yeah people who really think they're going to throw away years of work and cancel a game just because they can't have a flashy announcement in front of a live crowd are fucking dumb, many companies were already switching to directs for announcing new games because it's more convenient, E3 was going to die eventually anyway this was just speeding things up

Harry Potter is peak millenial. The last book came out in 2007 when most millenials were in HS/college.

Stop posting the same thread OP, last time you said
>oops I thought this was Yas Forums xD
But in reality you just wanted to copy paste the thread with a different title to bait people into talking about a fucking YA novel from 20 years ago.
You are the worst poster on Yas Forums right now and that includes some poltard screaming cunny

Harry Potter is honestly pretty shit as a fantasy novel, but it's pretty much perfectly suited for video games. All the shit worldbuilding makes sense in a game that has to limit its mechanics, but you have enough content to draw on that people won't whine just because x character isn't there.

From what I saw of the pilot footage it had everything that would be perfectly suited for a game, being set before the events of the book, character customisation etc. You could just combine Bully and Persona into a HP setting and I don't see why it wouldn't just print money because even casual fans would be up for it.

I miss when people visited many sites.
where the 00's the golden age of internet?

The Harry Potter world is one of the lowest IQ fantasy world available, nothing makes sense.
>but muh interesting characters and tragic backstories

Is it just me or Yas Forums seems more jaded than usual?

and at that point barely any of them were even reading them anymore, if they ever did at all.

Yas Forums went to utter shit after 2013

Kids are not allowed outside so we'll have to deal with this for quite some time.

>nothing makes sense.
would you not relish confectionary that tastes like spunk, ammonia, grandma's armpit, or very, VERY seldomly like an actual food?

Idiot. I was in third grade when the first movie came out, Harry Potter was loved by a lot of people way older than me at the time.

No, I'm talking about these weeks

No idea if it's because Persona 5 Royal, VII REMAKE, RE 3, Alyx or the corona virus

But Yas Forums has been pretty shit lately

w-where's the REALISM? i can't handle all these crazy magical things

I wonder if we'll have to attend actual classes and hang out with friends or if the school setting will be completely overlooked in favor of having adventures outside Hogwarts like the leaked trailers showed, I'm really itching for a proper Harry Potter school simulator after the mobile VN turned out to be such a disappointment in terms of gameplay

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Go play Harry Potter on Gmod if you want to attend actual classes


You're well over a decade late before you get to cry about this or any other board not being how you like.

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JK Rowling is transphobic don’t support this game.

My nigga.

I will now buy her game.