How is the progress of your game going? I'm not working on mine

How is the progress of your game going? I'm not working on mine.

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Me neither. Decided to put it on hiatus until I finish this semester. maybe even by the end of the year.

just started working on a character. hes supposed to be cute but cute is hard to do

What's the best way to incorporate story into a 2D Mega Man-style game? It has 3 levels per world. Just have a short cutscene in between every level? In between every world?

Good. Doing QoL patches and working on some secret future content.

Very well, I just got the third channel of the Gameboy soundchip down

Have the player trip them through their actions.

Story in the form of collectible items, books or such. This way people can play the game if they don't care about story at all, and some might even try to speedrun it.
But if you want to have cutscenes, in between every world would be bretty good.

Attached: CUrve.png (1559x1279, 1.45M)

I would be working on mine if I knew how to implement this but I never got an answer

a setup at the beginning of the level, a conclusion right before the end of the level/before the boss.

Attached: tactics.webm (1024x600, 990.31K)

Working on NPCs for my demo town. Anyone know where I can get voice talent, in particular British female voice talent?

Attached: npc_pack3.jpg (1640x596, 177.7K)

I'm curious how did you make those grid/mouseover overlays on the ground?

Dodge animation

Attached: DodgeAnimation.gif (669x367, 2.83M)

It's an 8 frame animation with additive blending enabled.

Attached: SpaceLight.png (16x128, 684)

There's a game I started like two years ago, and I still didn't finish it, I just keep changing my ideas.
However last week I got a nice idea for a game and I started working on that instead, and now I am already further in development than with the previous project.

could you make every female character have a key, non-deletable item in their inventory like "panties" or "female charm" then you could make the attack check their inventory for that item

I meant the way you're projecting it on the ground. Is it just a bunch of quads with it as the texture or something fancier?

cool, I'm also doing a tactics game with billboard sprites

I'm using just spawning a Sprite3D on each tile in Godot. So under the hood it'd be a bunch of quads, yeah.

post pics

(Very) early stages

I have a general concept of a Canterbury Tales style adventure where you play part of the back stories of each of the characters (which can affect other characters' stories)

The main thing from a gameplay aspect I haven't begun to figure out is the gameplay in those stories. I don't want them to be a straight point 'n' click but making them just a platformer would go too far in the other direction. I'm thinking something a bit like Lion's Song.

I need someone to help out with tilesets. I know I've been posting this a fuckton, but my point still stands. This is the last time I'm gonna beg here, don't worry

Attached: guargoyle.webm (1600x900, 1.42M)

bump, give me a second, I have some small progress to show

finally 4player splitscreen co-op!

Attached: [CandylandTrailer] 2020_03_05 18_24_00.webm (1280x720, 1.22M)

What's a good engine to develop on that uses Java?


Looks kinda dumb for the topleft to just be running the whole time. The idea was probably to show off the other players in the distance but still it looks just off.

I cant draw, what kind of tile sets do you need though, do you have a description

Making do with whatever assets I can borrow

Attached: marisa test.webm (1280x720, 2.02M)

I'm not making any games, but I am making a Sven Co-Op map.

>keep drawing ideas in my graph notebook instead of opening Gamemaker Studio
Escaping the idea guy rut is hard.

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I have absolutely no idea what to make.
Nothing that strikes me as "that would be cool".
I'm even losing interest in playing games.

Kind of mother 3-esque. If you can do anything in that style or something remotely resembling it, you're golden

Attached: items.webm (1600x900, 2.34M)

making animations for this

Attached: personaje_13.jpg (1920x1080, 125.45K)

Alright, here we go. From title screen to game, from game pause menu back to title screen. I added a little sun with parallax scrolling to the background, and after a bit of struggling I implemented some one-way ground that the player can shoot and/or drop from. I'm probably gonna center a boss around this later on.

Attached: pause sun and platforms.webm (1024x576, 3M)

Looks super cool, user!

Learning the basics.
I'm also slow as hell and there's so much shit.

thanks user! an updated one here

Attached: personaje_final_BASE.jpg (1920x1080, 104.76K)

After a 6 month hiatus of not doing anything, I decided to write a GDD yesterday and today.
So yeah, it's going pretty poorly.

Yeah but I don't know if it should be in the variables, in the battle event or common event in RPGmaker MV.

I think you can add that kind of language in the damage calculation

I'm just wondering about something. There's one key plot aspect I need help with that the game would fall apart without, and that's a good motivation for our protagonist. Here's the general story setup:
>Post apocalyptic world (That does NOT take place in the desert)
>Mutant zombies, bandits and all sorts of other factions roam the world.
>Magic and spells exists in some capacity, but in really weird ways.
>People live in outposts and villages
>Play as a man who expresses annoyance with the world at large. He's like the opposite of a Borderlands character.

Now, here's the key part:
>For some reason, our protagonist goes after the bandit lord, starting his journey.
I need help thinking of a reason as to why he'd do this.

Revenge or justice are two good motivators for taking down a criminal. Maybe the bandit stole a water purifier from their outpost or something?

revenge is always an option.

Mankind needs food, water, and social interaction. Humans become frustrated and stir-crazy from isolation. If at least one of those three is low on a regular basis then he has a reason to go out and inadvertently get mixed up in other peoples' affairs.

Slow. Learning Unreal. Its got a lot of options, but well it has a lot of options.

I feel I may have jumped in at the deep end.

sounds pretty cringe

What's the source of these assets? They look really good.

I mean, I've got almost every other aspect of the story mostly figured out, such as characters and situations, but I can't think of our protagonists motivation.

But in case you're wondering, here's our main "Party"
>The Protagonist: A balding musclefat man with a mustache who hates most people and goes after a bandit lord for... Some reason
>Lord Butslut: A twink who got used as a sex slave by bloatlords. Plays a mean banjo.
>The Female: A woman who wears nothing but gauze wrappings and a jacket and utilizes a crossbow.
>Le Cycliste: A totally mute guy in a biker helmet who carries around an unreasonably large kukri and can one-hand a shotgun.

are you going for a comedic tone?

not him but where's your game

>you need to make games in order to criticize them
agdg please leave

Characters are from Touhou 10.5 Scarlet Weather Rhapsody. There's also Guilty Gear XX's tension meter there.

you do need to make games to have an opinion that gamedevs care about.

Currently going through a Udemy course on Learning C# and Unity.

I'm more comfortable with art and making 3D models, so Unreal looked more appealing to me. But after some thought I decided to instead learn Unity because I would also like to have some familiarity with programming.

That visual scripting system looks cool and all, but I feel like I'd have to learn unnecessary information and quirks relating to just that system and wouldn't carry over well to actual coding. Where if I learnt C#, I could transfer over programming ideas and patterns to another language more easily.

Having said all that though, programming is so much harder than I'd imagined, so many fucking library functions from Unity you have to manage or remember. How are you supposed to just know these things?

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Sort of. Imagine something like LISA: The Painful, general tone wise. Sort of this black comedy, but not without it's serious moments.
Our protagonist is this really weird character who expresses this constituent level of exasperation with just about everyone, and seems to be silently saying "You've gotta be fucking kidding me" at about every opportunity.
Oh, and the Female has a bad case of butterface.

>making your own game

Hit kind of a small snag, not sure what part I'm going to start working on next

>Our protagonist is this really weird character who expresses this constituent level of exasperation with just about everyone, and seems to be silently saying "You've gotta be fucking kidding me" at about every opportunity.
Ironically that sounds intolerable for a player to put up with. Either the novelty wears out its welcome very quickly or the player agrees with the character in finding the supporting cast exasperating. It's a very difficulty balancing act for a good writer to maintain.

>want to make a story
>think of an idea for a cool setting or synopsis
>can never think of where to start with characters or motivation to engage the setting
does anyone have any tips on workshopping stuff like this? I always get stuck on this part

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It's like he's sort of genre savvy in a way