The Last of Us

Can anyone tell me why do you hate this game so much?
underaged/childish blind hatred, that's all I see when this game is being discussed here.
not gonna lie, its gameplay is pretty generic.
none of it is new, but it's solid and pretty challenging (more than Resi games imo) in higher difficulties.
y'all just hate it cause it's by ND/Sony and you don't agree with the politics of the devs.

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Last of Us is a game? I thought it was some edgy animated film.

I don't. I had fun with it and never played it again. That's all I ask for.

Joel was wrong and selfish.

Ever see that clip of her getting FUCKED

The gameplay itself is extremely mediocre. As for the story, I could care less for it. I hate sony interactive movies.

I'll never bother to play it
I will keep fapping to Sarah though

I don't hate it. I only hate people thinking it's anything more than an enjoyable yet forgettable story-driven moviegame


>As for the story, I could care less for it
You could care less for it?
So it was good enough?

Give me the quick rundown on this toblerone meme

journalists circle jerked it to death and it may have been the point when games that are more walking sim than video game started to get praised by everyone. Also even taken on its own merits its mediocre and the story is absolutely garbage, people are praising a zombie game with a predictable plot twist as the highest form of art that video games have to offer, let that sink in..

I have no hatred for the game. It gave some of the best SFM/Blender models of all time ;)

I don't hate it, it's okay. I just got sick of hearing normies at work suck its dick so much and act like it was the best game of its generation.

its good but obviously linear
sorta like a more current half-life 2 but ellen page cant swim and that becomes annoying

I like the game, but I like the porn WAY more desu. New game only has hags, not interested.

Really, Half Life? I get more RE4 vibes than anything.


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I don't believe it started the cinematic """"games"""" thing where its 95% cutscenes, 4% walking and 1% puzzles but it proved that it can be super successful and lead way to a ton of them

Sarah x Clementine loli yuri was based

gameplay is just a slightly improvement over every other 3rd person shooter with "eh" stealth elements tackled in.
story is extremely childish as you put it yourself >muh feelings
the politics are just the cherry on top. and funny how you brought it up as if Yas Forums can't keep Yas Forums out of games considering the fucking devs themselves can't, either.

>that one from sdsms
I still don't get why Joel was hiding under the bed the whole time, though.

>underaged/childish blind hatred, that's all I see when this game is being discussed
that's your fault. there are many legit criticisms, namely the shit stealth and constant companion escorting. so being a retarded nigger.

It's boring OP

>story is extremely childish

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its only hated so much because it was ridiculously overrated by critics at launch. Its a decent game, just not the masterpiece some people would have you believe it is.

that would be illegal and immoral so i think it's best you don't

>95% cutscenes, 4% walking and 1% puzzles
What games are you talking about schismo?

Shame the brown tlou loli was ugly as shit. Making canon loli porn to spite Druckmann would have been based.

people unironically praising a zombie movie plot, cant make it up. what bigger sign of the collective IQ of this planet going into the shitter do you need

pic needs to be updated.
Nintendo is for soys with gaping mouths.
Sony for trannies who = women good.

>there are infected zombies so story is bad

I remember loving it when it first came out. I liked how, in some abandoned neighborhoods or settlements, there would be infected or gangs to fight, but then in others they would be completely deserted, and you could take your time walking around the house, looking at journals, etc


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Sony exclusive winning GOTY. This place is infested with Nincels.

why was Joel under the bed, though?

>Shame the brown tlou loli was ugly as shit.
she WAS cute user. then the game aged like ass and now even Ellie looks awful

god is frowning @ you, user

No, you are not.

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now that people are using sherry i realize that sarah is so fugly


Seen plenty others but not those.


all the nu tomb raiders
all the uncharteds
last of us
most ps4 exclusives now that I'm listing them

This, it was supposed to be this revolutionary game changer--the game that finally elevated the medium to the level of art--and while I did enjoy the game it quite simply couldn't live up to that hype.


>Sankaku complex
>search sarah tlou kinos

Last of Us is shit but gave us the most cute and funny western vidya girl.

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The true answer? Two things. 1 Yas Forums hates anything popular and 2 a main character is gay and Yas Forums is homophobic

None of them have 95% cutscene time. You must be some baiting tranny man.

Political garbage.

What little gameplay there is is horrible
Story is average at best and unoriginal
Writing is bad

>that one webm where Sarah is half-licker from RE

all of them are

Prove it tranny.

>needing that shit site
>not just using rule34hentai

Please dont


I can't find it when I type in sarah tlou/the last of us

>that one with the silent hill nurses with super long monster tongues

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I don`t hate it, it`s not a very good movie though. The hate mostly comes from how overrated it is.


type sara and click on the correct suggestion that pops up

Thanks. Do you also happen to know what to do when Firefox shits itself and doesn't let the WEBM play?

The game is like 7 years old and Yas Forums is still seething that it's a critically acclaimed masterpiece, holy shit.


I loved it, the gameplay is pretty core like old survival horrors and story is best I saw in vidya. GOTY well deserved.