Will this game ever be topped? It's the best written and most atmospheric game I've ever played

Will this game ever be topped? It's the best written and most atmospheric game I've ever played.

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Bumping with best girl.

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>Will this game ever be topped?

fucking this, sigma was a goddamn hero

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This, the prosopagnosia nonsense in 999 kind of ruined the ending to me.

>Will this game ever be topped? It's the best written and most atmospheric game I've ever played.
>have 9 hours to get the fuck out of a sinking ship
>let's have hour long conversations every time we open a door

Ghost Trick.

I liked 999 but this is so true.
>This key might go in the door. I'm gonna try it.
>Yeah, try it. I wonder if it'll fit.
>Here I go...
>Whoa, it unlocked. That's great!
>Yes, let's go in. Hurry!
>Right behind you!

>the best written and most atmospheric game
That's Pathologic 2.

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fucking dumb hoe

Ghost Trick Phantom Dick

The twist was really well done with the CEO stuff. The june thing was a little eh though

Someone got an axe to the face, am I right, user?

>Clover goes from a cute girl who goes fucking crazy understandably which created a great ending to some dumb whiny bitch who throws tantrums and is attached to an absolute cunt
What went wrong?

I like July more

>best written
you need to play more games
>most atmospheric
i would be willing to cede that, though

axe was my first ending in 999

ZTD has the best villain

but what were his motives?

Got Knife Ending first time around, pretty cool.

To save the future.

>tfw I'm the only one in existence who enjoyed every Zero Escape game

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>called zero escape
>there is a way to escape

I managed to dodge the axe, but got a knife in the back.

My only problem is how the game endings came out of nowhere sometimes. And you pass from winning, to mass slaughter really fast.

Same with VLR

Should've been Zero's Escape.

>enjoyed ztd
Bro what

That's a smarter title.
That's why he said he's the only one in existence.


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She was exposed to Alice

Dude, mind hack.

All Japanese games are written like this, it's bizarre.

If an actual, real medical condition that some people have is nonsense in your book, then VLR should be more nonsensical by a factor of 10. And that's coming from somebody who loved both.

WHY OH WHY did they give Sigma absolutely ZERO (heh) interaction with his son?? At least he acknowledged Diana in one of the endings but Sigma should have beat the living daylights out of Delta for putting them through that bullshit, I know my dad would

This, what the fuck. Why do people think prosopagnosia is fake? It's a real condition.

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dude alien fax machine lmao



No not at all. People who say this usually forget that the game is 70% a slog while 999 manages to be entertaining all the time.

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>I kidnapped kids and made them participate in a death game because I can't see faces

>ahhh Kanny! I know you were just a childhood friend from when I was 12 and I haven't seen you in 9 years, but I love you and want to marry you!

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you forgot to post the game

nah I say it because it's true

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It's... difficult to boil the reason down to one word

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Still makes me mad.

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It's simple...you were born a shitter

To people who ask why Dio allied with Luna, it happens in a timeline where Dio didn't kill Akane.

Brother gave him an instruction. To stop the AB Project. His goal was to kill Akane and take part of the AB Game and beat it. If he failed to kill Akane, he was supposed to plant the bombs and destroy everything.

Thus, in the timeline where Akane doesn't die (where you pair up with Alice) Dio has no reason to win the AB Game anymore, thus proceeds to plant the bombs and doesn't give a fuck about the game.

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>recently did first playthrough completely blind
>as im progressing think its kind of neat how much the game references stuff that happened in the rooms i chose to go into
>finish the playthrough and check the ending tree out of curiosity
>turns out the reason it referenced my choices was because i accidentally chose the best possible path for a first playthrough (safe)

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Nigga what?

I play both back to back, and I vastly enjoy both. It's hard for me to say which one I prefer.

Dude, Safe fucking sucks for a first playthrough. I'm so glad that was the second to last ending I got before the True Ending.

I liked AI but it was way more comedy focused than ur usual ZE game. The mystery was pretty good but sucked in the end which should've been the high point of the series. Sad. I hope we might get another game similar to the ZE series. It doesnt have to come from Spike Chunsoft necessary.

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>tfw when I was a child I dreamt a "To Be Continue" scenario with flashing images and a whole "the story's not over yet!" thing exactly like how the Coffin Ending has
When it happened in the game I felt like I was tripping the fuck out because I basically had a premonition of that ending. It was crazy.

Uchikoshi started a company with the creator of Danganronpa, and they're working on like five or six projects (not counting the Danganronpa anniversary stuff), majority of which seems to be mystery focused.

nah bro I enjoyed all 3 but ZTD is not as good as the first 2.

What were they thinking with Delta?

Any similar games?
Mystery visual novels with gameplay segments
>inb4 AA and Danganronpa
played it

can't wait to see what death march club is gonna turn out to be
it's coming out in june i think

Random talk about Zero Escape games lately. With ZTD, this series should be dead.

>Why yes, I think that ZTD doesn't deserve the hate and is actually the best in the series thanks to its high quality puzzles plus well written and designed character. How could you tell?

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Ghost Trick, but it's not really a visual novel.

I hope I'll never be this bamboozled for the rest of my life.

do you care about gameplay segments?
if not then ever 17, remember 11 and root double are really close atmosphere-wise