IRL stuff that belongs to vidya thread

IRL stuff that belongs to vidya thread

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Wow, in Ass Creed Unity they had 6 barrelled pistols I thought were dumb but I guess that actually was a thing, if this was too.

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The nock gun appears in Gun as the final boss’ weapon

if i had a million dollars i'd make a tribes-like game where all the guns are the janky 1800s attempts to experiment with new firearms tech

like a mitrailleuse shotgun that has no spread because each barrel is rifled

That's rad. Where is it?

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>when Mr. Skekelberg drops a penny through a crack in the floorboards


>desecrating a statue of lenin
fucking disgusting

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this was way more common on early pistols, effectively an emergency pocket pellet shotgun. idk why someone would ever make a nine-barrel musket considering that it would probably take like a year to reload.

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lenin wouldn't have wanted statues of lenin at all

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>Recovery + Full HP

>IRL stuff

Fuck off, commie scum.

I'm lactose intolerant so a little bit too much cheese, but I'd still eat it.

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but also a malus on charisma because of the pimples, probably.

That’s not fucking cheese it’s american cheese product they can’t legally call cheese

i've got some "real life vidya bosses", I can dump a few if you want.

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I want to put my dick in it

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It's in Fallout 76

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I want to cuddle in the trenches with her.

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This guy is already a boss in Blasphemous.

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plus she's already skilled at handling bazookas, if you catch my drift.

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is that Lord Jabu Jabu's Belly?

if you posted a triple barrel gun you would have made your point across
this shit you posted doesn't belong anywhere

Daily reminder that the only good communist is a dead communist.

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FF8 irl

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Did you know Blucifer (what we call that statue out here) fell on its creator and killed him?

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looks like cheese

Neat, I didnt know that. Sounds like one of those biblical or roman stories.

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that looks like it could work
maybe not well or practically, but it could work

This dude looks like a fucking Far Cry villain.

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Pimp Jesus is balling.

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I like how he gives a thumbs up

this already exist, they are the cultists from resident evil 4

Then why were several put up in his lifetime, which he himself visited and did ceremonies with?

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The big multi-barrelled rifles were usually used on ships as a big "fuck-off" to anyone trying to come aboard, whether or not you even had to fire it

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