IRL stuff that belongs to vidya thread
IRL stuff that belongs to vidya thread
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Wow, in Ass Creed Unity they had 6 barrelled pistols I thought were dumb but I guess that actually was a thing, if this was too.
The nock gun appears in Gun as the final boss’ weapon
if i had a million dollars i'd make a tribes-like game where all the guns are the janky 1800s attempts to experiment with new firearms tech
like a mitrailleuse shotgun that has no spread because each barrel is rifled
That's rad. Where is it?
>when Mr. Skekelberg drops a penny through a crack in the floorboards
>desecrating a statue of lenin
fucking disgusting
this was way more common on early pistols, effectively an emergency pocket pellet shotgun. idk why someone would ever make a nine-barrel musket considering that it would probably take like a year to reload.
lenin wouldn't have wanted statues of lenin at all
>Recovery + Full HP
>IRL stuff
Fuck off, commie scum.
I'm lactose intolerant so a little bit too much cheese, but I'd still eat it.
but also a malus on charisma because of the pimples, probably.
That’s not fucking cheese it’s american cheese product they can’t legally call cheese
i've got some "real life vidya bosses", I can dump a few if you want.
I want to put my dick in it
It's in Fallout 76
I want to cuddle in the trenches with her.
This guy is already a boss in Blasphemous.
plus she's already skilled at handling bazookas, if you catch my drift.
is that Lord Jabu Jabu's Belly?
if you posted a triple barrel gun you would have made your point across
this shit you posted doesn't belong anywhere
Daily reminder that the only good communist is a dead communist.
FF8 irl
Did you know Blucifer (what we call that statue out here) fell on its creator and killed him?
looks like cheese
Neat, I didnt know that. Sounds like one of those biblical or roman stories.
that looks like it could work
maybe not well or practically, but it could work
This dude looks like a fucking Far Cry villain.
Pimp Jesus is balling.
I like how he gives a thumbs up
this already exist, they are the cultists from resident evil 4
Then why were several put up in his lifetime, which he himself visited and did ceremonies with?
The big multi-barrelled rifles were usually used on ships as a big "fuck-off" to anyone trying to come aboard, whether or not you even had to fire it