Comfy Witcher 3 thread

Brew your potions and get in

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Got a new laptop for work purposes still can't play Witcher 3 as it was meant to be played without temps shooting into the mid 80s. REEEEE

can we actually talk about the quests this time instead of having a 500 post waifu thread?

Are there any difficulty mods that are any good? I remember the game not really being that challenging when I played it last and I need to replay it soon for the DLC. Also why does most of the Witcher discussion I see essentially devolve into Yen vs Triss shitposting? What drives these niggas to care so much?

What're some other wholesome games where you can feel like a good dad?

The combat in this game is shit

Post the fucking pasta already

My favorite monster quest was in the one in skellige where it ends with Geralt being incredulous about the warriors executing the elders. Witcher is a cool guy. He fights bad animal and doesn't afraid of anything.

I regret picking triss.

Finished game (but no 100% achievements) on PC. How does it play on ps4? Would like to replay it in a more comfy way

Kinda wanna start a new game plus and go the Yen route.

How is that more comfy?

Do you not own a fucking controller? Just plug it in, that's how I played the entire fucking game.

Chunky buttery ~25-30 fps

>saving the thumbnail

she's beautiful

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why? there is no good excuse to pick Yen without falling into "muh canon" argument

Any mod that turns Yen into Ciri?
Only then would I replay this game.

Triss is way too young for Geralt

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my favorite quest was the one where a townsperson asks you to find their missing loved on and it turns out they got killed by monsters
that one was cool

If you choose to romance Yen, she sexes you way more than Triss does, so that's a reason.

Just got this on Switch. Any tips for a beginner who's never really played a wrpg?

that's why you pick neither

Isn't Triss and every other witch actually an old hag who uses magic to look young? I don't know how old Geralt is but I think Triss should be at least 100 years older than she actually looks

Based. Fuck sorceresses, but not literally. Had Radovid only gone for them, we would remember him as a hero.

I know you can disable the hud in this.
Is it going to be like Skyrim where you're expected to follow quest makers or is it actually playable.
I have no issue opening a map every 5 minutes if it shows my location so I know where to go but I'm curious if it's "go to Bob, here's the arrow to follow" or "go to the pub down south just over the bridge and talk to Bob inside"

It's a mix if I'm remember correctly, bit of a pain

For me it was Skellige's Most Wanted.

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I played the game years ago so I don't remember exactly how it is but it is not entirely like Skyrim, no. I think during dialogues, characters might mention where you should go if you want to meet someone or something. There's also the journal which tells you the location and the map with the quest mark. Also if I recall, during your monster hunting quests you will just know the area where they are and must look for them within a radius.

get comfy

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No, Triss is actually really young. she doesn't use magic to look young because she has an allergic reaction to it iirc the books.

Geralt and Yen are around 100, Triss is like 40-50

why every grown up woman looks the fucking same
Ciri that black hair woman and the red head bitch has teh same fucking face

Has there been a RPG as good as the Witcher 3 since 2015?

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Do I need to play 1+2 before 3?

maybe the withcer 2 but is not really necesary

Basically. Every sorceress was an unwanted daughter, usually an ugly one (Yen was a hunchback for example) and they all have access to spells and potions to extend their life and hide deformities. All the sorceresses choose to stop aging at around 20-25 and all the sorcerers choose to stop aging at around 35-40.

>she doesn't use magic to look young because she has an allergic reaction to it iirc the books.
Triss does use magic to look young, she's allergic to potions only. She was burned alive from head to toe at the Battle of Sodden (she talks about it in "Blood of Elves", her hair was burned off and her face was damaged so badly she was presumed dead) before being repaired with magic and illusions. The "real" Triss probably resembles Darth Vader. The "real" Yennefer is a 95-year old hunchback.

TL;DR: Pick Shani

Yennefer: 99+ (she's 94 in the books and the games are about 5 years later)
Geralt: 80s
Triss: 40s or 50s

3 does a very good job of filling you in on what happened in previous games

I don't think it's fair to say "the real triss" since the battle damage happened later in her life.

is that why Triss use fire spells a lot?

Face blindness is a symptom of autism user.

>played the entire story twice
>used a combined 0 potions outside of necessary


>Playing Witcher 3. Having fun
>Get to a Ciri mission. Stop having fun

Why are Ciri missions such a fucking slog? It doesn't help she doesn't have a silver sword and mostly fights monsters

True, Triss might have originally been pretty to begin with before being set on fire.

Maybe? I don't remember them ever specifying

>Not playing on death march

Just buy a controller and plug it into your PC. The game is miles better on PC than on PS4, especially because on PC you get access to mods that fix the lazy combat and overpowered signs (Quen is basically gamebreaking and turns every fight into a joke).

Buy it on a console or PC

those are the best part

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I regret picking the normal difficulty. Went to Skellige aroun lvl 9-10 and it's piss easy.

Doesn't get that much harder at higher difficulties if you've got Quen

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planning on doing a manticore alchemy playthrough on death march, what am I in for?

tips on what to min/max?

Forget the name but the skill that reduces damage depending on what oil you're using is fucking god-tier (protective oils?).

Name one good aspect to them that doesn't involve "much shit waifu". The combat is worse and you're blocked off from most of your inventory.

Making her lose to the Baron is fun though

you're pretty desperate to downplay her waifuness, it's not working

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thanks bro

yes, you're going to have a bad time if you're not familiar with 1 and 2

I'm so glad I let this bitch die in all my playthoughs. And since I know Geralt lives though that ending I can do it guilt free

she's a whore

she's as pure as the virgin snow, the books aren't canon


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>the books aren't canon
how about the stable boy in skellige u simp

that's only if you're enough of a cuck to make her do it

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