Now that REmake 3 is a confirmed blunder, can we please take a moment to appreciate how good this game is? It's like a perfect merger of the action-oriented approach of the later REs with the survival horror sensibilities of classic REs. It blew me away when I first played it. Everything from the atmosphere to the gameplay has been enhanced and I don't think there's ever been a more SOULFUL game. This is how you do a REmake. It's my favorite entry in the series and I hope that RE8 takes inspiration from it. I've already /platinumed/ the game but I still continue to go back and replay it.

Sure, it's not a perfect game but it's still the best the series has to offer.

Curious to know your thoughts on the matter.

Attached: REmake2.jpg (1024x1024, 203.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Both of these demakes were absolutely irredeemable garbage. Literally kill yourself.

Okay schlomo let's hear it. How was REmake 2 bad?

Attached: 1584093607667.jpg (803x767, 59.81K)

Cut content:

>Evolved Lickers
>Moth Boss
>Zombie Brad Vickers
>Ivies turned into humanoid green zombies
>Super Tyrant nu-Mr X isn't even fully transformed during the final boss battle
>cut zapping system
>cut extreme battle mode
>cut arrange mode
>cut most of the initial city section before RPD
>cut explosive grenades type
>cut Bowgun
>Biker Leon
>Baseball cap Leon
>CowGirl Claire
>Standard difficulty autosaves and lets you save anywhere
>Short as fuck

>No new enemy types.
>Plant monsters are just another crappy zombie reskin
>Claire looks like a mutt goblina.
>Over use of swearing that just makes a lot of the dialog fluffy and cheap
>Walking feels floaty
>Guns dont feel satisfying to shoot
>Good chunk of the city portion has been watered down and made shorter
>Auto balanced difficulty that fucks your shit up if you do too good
>Killed atmosphere;Turned into a generic spooky flashlight corridor walker. Not every fucking room in RE2 was a dark hallway you needed a flash light for
>Some good puzzles cut for shitty dial puzzles
>Lack of music
>no fixed camera

tl;r: It's a HUGE embarrassment compared to the 10/10 GC REmake of 2002, and even a significant step down from the original 1998 RE2.

>can we please take a moment to appreciate how good this game is?
No, because I do not have shit taste, zoomie.

Attached: re2_ghostb.jpg (1405x1616, 533.1K)

So you wanted fixed camera angles back?

>tfw resident evil 3 will not bring back Chris posting

Ghostbusters is the most overrated 80's movie by far. Actually, anything will Bill Murray is overrated trash.

I'm enjoying remake 3, haven't beaten it yet.
RE2 remake is such a good game, my personal 2019 goty. I didn't think a remake of all things would make it up there right next to RE2 classic as one of my favorite games of all time, but here we are. It's a short game that can be beaten in under 4 hours but I have over 100 hours in it. I just like going slow and doing all the stuff and taking in all the little details.

Yes. Every single actual fan did.
>inb4 "b-b-but those are sooo outdated and just technical limitations!!"
Funny how the re-release of REmake sold MILLIONS in a one short year, and practically saved Crapcom and Resident Evil.
The Cinematic camera-angles allow devs to utilize a plethora of tools and designs that just cannot be replicated in the first-person or OTS views, they make every single section feel iconic and fascinating, and all around it is a timeless design that 's just under-utilized these days, simply because they require much more work and SKILL to be used effectively.

You actually think it's funny?

It was funny at the beginning, but was obviously dead when the normalfags got a hold on it with their faggy redditspeak words like "simp" or whatever

>saved Crapcom
lmao let's just make up shit

I liked the way cinematic camera angles were used in MGS3's bike chase scene. Would like to see more of that

>cowgirl Claire
Are you fucking retarded?

>Lemme just ignore objective facts in order to avoid having to come up with actual arguments!

>I liked the way cinematic camera angles were used in MGS3's bike chase scene
Huh, I don't think I've ever seen those, as I was in first-person through the whole chase.

They weren't irredeemable by any means, but I don't like the further emphasis on stealth over action. Turning the lights off on the sections that had enemies was also a pretty stupid decision. I had fun with it but the lack of enemies and the missing areas really put me off.
Not a bad game at all. Just not as incredible as people say it Is.

Stopped reading there. Neck yourself boomer cuck.

Not even close tryhard.

Alright how do you feel about it as it's own package

I think most people who played it after 2004 missed it because the new 3D camera got rid of that. So unless you were playing Subsistence or the HD remaster with the original camera, you also missed it (and of course if you were just in first person the whole time you would miss it regardless of which camera you used) but I thought it was neat.

Same here. I don't like speedrunning the game and just take my sweet ass time with it. Soaking up the atmosphere while managing my inventory and whatnot. It's a masterpiece. Fuck anyone who says otherwise. Has more replayability than even RE4 imho.

It was terrible and I don't understand why people suck it's dick so hard. It should have been like the RE1 remake. I can't stand all these people saying "Capcom is back" because they made a few games that aren't complete dogshit. Now we're back to dogshit and people are wondering what happened. Simple, it's Capcom.


I can't believe it wasn't a frame by frame remake!1! fookin CRAPCOM


zombieland is good

>Remake a game
>Make it worse than the original
What's the point?

RE2make was OK and certainly more enjoyable than almost any horror game of the past decade, but that kinda says more about the state of the genre than the game itself.
I just didn't find to be a good remake. Too much left unfinished, the most unique aspects of the original were butchered (scenario structure, intro segment, ambiance), and a general feeling of tiredness from boring visual design.
Either they should have committed to remaking the original game or focused on making their own reimaging instead of this something-inbetween.

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Amen to this. I'm just over my shitty bitter cynical phase. Now I just want to enjoy something instead of trying to look for things to hate in an attempt to be angry all the time. No point in that.

t. enlightened contrarian

>but it's still the best the series has to offer
Based low IQ imbecile.

clairebear is perfect!

Attached: claire_smug.jpg (600x700, 75.59K)

Totally agree about RE2 remake. I only tried RE3 demo and it was kinda bad. Is the full game this awful?

based and truthpilled
Yas Forums just seems to have a constant will to stay butthurt.

re3 1999 is fucking trash compared to the remake retard

I played both versions when they dropped originally, but I guess I missed it solely because I was too busy sniping chasing bikers' heads through the scene.

Nobody's asking 1:1 recreation.
REmake1 was roughly 70% brand new game (source: Mikami), and it is still the most beloved high point of series.

The thread was already at page 1. No need to bait for replies.

no. most of the complaints are that it's too short, which isn't true. you can get 6+ hours out of it if you take your time, and it has replayability value.

No, it is not.
The DEmake3 is all around huge embarrassment.

Amen to all of that, brother

All these fucking idiots would eat whatever has RE on the front cover and call it "genius" so don't bother with them

yes. also the gore and physics downgrades in in the final game, not just the demo

It did not age well, at all. If you can't see that you're just delusional.

oops wrong tag

nope, music sucks, RE2 98's music gave the game a uniquely chilling atmosphere that has not be recreated again successfully since RE3 99

Nope, you're just a tasteless faggot brah

Just got done on my first playthrough, hardcore 4:02:03 time with 3 deaths got a fucking C. I thought on the whole the game was good, but nowhere near the competency of RE2make. The gore, specifically the dismemberment, which is a huge downgrade, being able to put 3 shots into a zombies kneecap to make him a slow crawler really helped me on hardcore in RE2make. The weapons really dont feel as powerful either and the weapon upgrades feel limited as well plus the amount of weapons available is disappointing. Nemesis new design is, well its not bad but its not as good as his previous designs. Though the new mutated versions certainly look good. The hunter gammas are interesting and the new hunters are pretty good though I prefer the more sleek REmake version, less armored turtle more dangerous reptilian monster. Story felt very rushed as well like the pacing felt very off it was very nonstop for the entire game but also jarring. The boss fights, on hardcore at least are just a shitshow, the speed of nemesis is so high and the dodge system is supposed to be the counter but it doesnt always work and doesnt feel properly tested and the 2 mutation nemesis fights are basically the exact same just in different arenas and the last one has adds feels pretty cheap. The railgun section was, I mean that was just a mess they had a perfectly good section for that in the older game that they chose not to remake and I honestly cant get why. The cutting out of the clocktower, the park, and the water treatment plant really doesnt make sense to me. I understand you want to surprise people, flip their expectations but the Clocktower and to the lesser extent the treatment plant are like the highlights of RE3. The shotgun also blows dick and the fact they have a new live action opening instead of a remade og cutscene is absolute bullshit.

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Umm sweety why don't you just swap the soundtrack to OG RE2?

That's true. I should have said anything where he's a main character.

I recently replayed ps1 RE1 and it's still fun. RE3 just isn't it. Quit being delusional.

RE2 remake is genuinely an amazing game if you judge it on its own, when you judge it as a remake then it definitely is far from perfect, still a 10/10 game for me

>Now that REmake 3 is a confirmed blunder,

Stopped reading there


Both are great. Now call me based and delete your thread.

this. 100%

>It did not age well, at all.
It's the best aged of all the PS1 classic RE games.
Looks great, sounds great, plays very smoothly.
Eat shit, get AIDS and CORONA, and die.

Attached: re3 clock tower.jpg (1486x2048, 921.21K)

>>cut explosive grenades type

>lol just pay Crapcom extra to use the FAR SUPERIOR ORIGINAL OST!! :^)
This is the IQ level of DEmake homos... whoa!

There are no explosive grenades in Demake.
Just flame and acid.

There are frags what the fuck are you talking about?

I am ending this discussion

I like RE3 remake.
Yeah, the initial playthrough goes by pretty quick, but once can go through Nightmare and Inferno, the replayability of the campaign shoots up.

My only real gripes about the game are that it feels like it needed at least one more area for Nemesis to chase you through in his base form, more costumes for Jill, that awful Carlos segment at the end of the hospital just needed to be flat out cut and replaced with something else, and how a lot of the cool enemy types you see like Drain Deimos and Hunter Gammas only show up in certain locations. Although Lickers do show up in the hospital on Carlos' nightmare section so that's something. Would have been nice to just have more of that on nightmare and inferno.
Also the gore physics. That was just inexcusable.

I genuinely don't get upset when remakes cut or change things. The original doesn't go anywhere, and it's fun to see new ideas. It's also becoming more and more apparent that Capcom is going to end up making a new continuity, since they really don't have much left to do with the old continuity. And if that is the case, then cut content really isn't cut content anymore.


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I'm sorry that you're like this, Michael.

I don't think you know what reskin means. Why is it that everyone one who uses this word is wrong and incredibly dumb? No matter the game, it's always someone saying dumb shit

Sure they didn't to a 1:1 remake but they improved a number of aspects from the original. Like the gator boss and Mr. X for instance. Weapon variety and gunplay is also a definite improvement.

>There are frags what the fuck are you talking about?
Grenade launcher ammo, you goddamn underaged fucker.

>I don't think you know what reskin means.
I 100% do.
And you are still not making any arguments in favor of the green instakill zombies.

You see this guy right here?

He is the type of person that writers reviews about games in the manner above, they have no sense of quality nor can perceive what good or bad, can't evaluate things worth of the amount of entertainment they provide, they can only smell one thing


Attached: Ozhh.png (919x449, 226.84K)

>Totally agree about RE2 remake.
>Is the full game this awful?
I only played the demo and I didn't like it so I haven't bought it. Apparently the demo was the best part of the game and actually allowed for exploration unlike most of the game. Also, it was almost the entirety of the Raccoon City streets section. Will most likely wait for when it's like 20$. Also, pic related is not a good sign.

Attached: SOULLESS.png (651x664, 327.45K)

You forgot the ´´Classic`` Claire costume is fucking shit too

>It's a HUGE embarrassment compared to the 10/10 GC REmake of 2002, and even a significant step down from the original 1998 RE2.
THIS. People should be bothered by how disappointing these REmakes are compared to REmake one.For crying out loud RE7 get better extra content with the gold edition

Resident Evil 4 is the only good one because it's the least like a Resident Evil game, and Resident Evil is bad.

The melee follow up mechanic feels so good that it alone makes it better than anything else in the franchise.

Except I already posted a wall of text of actual criticism.
Obviously you brainless corporate cocksuckers never bother to read any of it, and just keep praising this new TLOU wannabe to heavens.

Attached: re2de smg.webm (1280x720, 653.5K)

overwhelming autism congrats you got a (you) from me

Thanks for the bump and for not saying anything at all, kiddo.

Attached: re2 soul vs soulless.jpg (1496x1192, 390.94K)

2002 is a glorified remaster and doesn't add that much to the original. RE2make took RE2, and straight up made it PLAYABLE.