What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Nothing besides the sales figures and thus no Bachelor or Changeling.
>it's the sales fault for there being no other characters, not the lazy developers planning on adding it as dlc at a later point
Fuck em, happy to have pirated this.
Publisher did nothing. Literally nothing. They had no idea how to market this thing.
No journo bribe
This fucking banner on steam is so fucking ugly, hideous. Even I could make one better.
I'm seeding it indefinitely too. :)
>welcome to the outbreak
plebs got filtered
no shekels were made
such is life
If only. Tiny Build insisted on adding number 2 to the title which added even more confusion.
Needed more waifus
Needs more marbles nests
Great, people owe it to themselves to play this game.
What kind of gameplay does this game feature? I understand that it's an interesting game, but is it fun in ways?
Survival is fun
Success is fun
Overcoming obstacles is fun
Saving your wife from death is fun
Its not The Void.
Runs like shit
I want a refund desu but Sony has my pants down
>publisher did jackshit
>dumb as shit title that confused people
>original was already a niche game to begin with
>old fans were put off by only having one playable character
>released at a time rampant with critisism towards “hard” games
>journos trashed it because its an actual game not a an “art game” (aka a cinematic experience)
>dont realize it being hard is part of the theme and message
People can go fuck themselves, and so can the publisher.
Im glad we got nutjobs like Dybowski in this world who wont compromise ln their vision
It's purposely made to be anti fun
It's a walking / trading simulator. You're constantly fighting against your depleting hunger meter (and infection meter if you get infected). The game is 99% walking from point A to point B to progress in quests, during your journey you scavenge supplies from trash cans or houses. You trade these supplies with NPCs for more valuable materials, you then sell these valuable materials at shops so you can afford to buy food / medicinal items. So you're basically daisy chaining trades together to acquire food that will keep your hunger meter at bay for a little while. The game's time system and quests operate like Majora's Mask / Dead Rising, if you miss a deadline you've failed the quest, so there's time management, trying to take the most optimal route through the town to hit the NPCs you need to talk to to progress in however many quests you have active at that point in time. So you're scavenging for supplies during the walking simulator gameplay, but you have to be careful not to waste too much time or you'll fail the quests, if you don't dedicate enough time to scavenging you wont be able to afford food and will starve to death. There is combat but it's legendarily shit and is a very small part of the game.
Make no mistake, the game IS a walking simulator, no matter how much the dick suckers on Yas Forums will try to twist and spin it. It's very niche. If you enjoyed Death Stranding you'll enjoy this, if you hated Death Stranding then avoid this.
He's been hinting at doing something very different with Bachelor
I haven’t seen texture/model pop in like this since ‘98 boy howdy
Is the sequel actually hard or is the difficulty a meme reputation like Cuphead or the first Pathological? The difficulty of the first Pathological comes from the game being very obtuse about what you can do to make money / acquire supplies. Once you get past the le epic "you gotta discover what to do for yourself xD isnt that epic xD!" Reddit mindset the game is fucking piss easy. You get into a rhythm of stealing lockpicks from plagued houses or getting them from kids, food is essentially free from that point onwards, you can steal food and plenty of supplies from occupied houses with the lockpicks. Piss easy game, it's just most people are retards. Is the sequel the same case or is it actually difficult?
>Im glad we got nutjobs like Dybowski in this world who wont compromise ln their vision
There is a rat in the game that is a Dybowski self insert and it straight out says he didn't want the game to have any objective or map markers in the game in one of the endings because he trusted the player to figure things out for themselves. I do feel like it is a positive addition to the game since the player is spending more time thinking about what to prioritize instead of what the fuck to do so kudos to the person on the dev team that turned him around.
>If you enjoyed Death Stranding you'll enjoy this, if you hated Death Stranding then avoid this
Are you fucking retarded?
>walking simulator
You can literally sprint in this game. And there's actual combat and gameplay unlike some gay isometric estonian gaym. Pathologic is a rpg.
main emphasis consists of survival mechanics, including health, food, infection, and sleep. lots of running, talking, trading, and finding items in random places. you can steal and there is combat so you can murder, there are even guns, but the combat in general is a last resort and fairly mediocre.
there's collecting items to trade for better items that you can use to accomplish goals (game has an entire barter system) / combine for easier survival. doctoring on people which includes brewing medicine, administering medicine, preventing disease, diagnosing, treating, and even cutting into after death to harvest organs.
and because this is a game about a play, where you play as an actor, there is a very specific feeling of roleplay going on that you wouldn't get from other, similar games (if you can even name any).
It's actually hard because:
1. The hunger meter is tuned to need 3 refills each day, however this is bypassed by filling up your hospital work each day to lvl 3.
2. Occupied houses don't guarantee food or stuff in them. Sometimes they can have good shit and sometimes they have nothing (everyone else is starving too), but your reputation drops nontheless so you are potentially gambling getting nothing but wasting lockpicks and rep.
3. Fights are much more difficult- enemies with knives can kill you in 3 hits, 2 vs 1 is basically a death sentence now, and the revolver jams so good luck with that. This can be bypassed by sneaking behind and backstabbing lone enemies but it's a pretty big risk.
>And there's actual combat
Like Death Stranding? The combat is legendarily shit in Pathological, it's the worst part of the fucking game faggot. You're not doing this game any favors.
People who talk about games as art took one look at the one game to come out in a decade that fits that description and said 'Nah, that's too hard." Apparently some YouTube guy managed to give it such a sales bump as to save the company from total annihilation and ensure the DLC will come out, which is nice.
>Walking simulator with resource management, combat, and RPG design
Savescum before the house and only progress if it has food them. In the original game your rep only dropped if you attacked the NPCs, stealing did nothing. In the sequel your rep drops from using the lockpick?
yes pathologic 1 is primarily difficult due to its inherent eurojank and convolution, a lot of which comes from the limitation of the game engine they were working with. pathologic 2 is much closer to what dybowski wanted 1 to be, and is basically just a reimagining of the same world but more refined in both story, approach, and game mechanics. you can cheese pathologic 2, not as hard as 1, but it's done in such a way that feels as though you are becoming part of the world, and figuring out how it works, very unlike 1's simple "steal and kill to become a godly lord of wealth".
I don't play Kojima stuff. I just watched a yt video of DS of people being carried in backpacks.
>playing rpg for non turn based combat
>not stealthing yourself away from any powdered/bloodied face
4. Speaking of getting shanked in 3 hits- every time you die you meet Mark Immortell and he talks a bit about acting and death and so on with you, and every time he penalizes your max health/hunger/ thirst/ exhaustion. This disincentivises you from doing risky shit like taking on 7 armed dudes in a warehouse in pathologic 1. The penalties transfer between saves on the same playthrough so you can't just reload. The Fellow Traveler offers you a deal to remove the penalties but takes away your ending in return, I think the RPS reviewer was dumb enough to take the deal and then bitched about it.
5. There is now also a thirst meter, and water starts to get scarce past the halfway mark. Rather than only for drinking, you need water to make medicine, tinctures and panacea, the first two of which you need to do your hospital work so you can get food.
6. And finally, the big one. In Patho 1, as long as you did your daily quests all your bound would survive, and you'd only need shmowders and panacea to cure yourself or the other protags bounds. In patho 2, no one is safe, Each time a district is infected the game rolls whether someone in that district gets infected or not, at midnight. You can try to rig the roll in your favour by giving the bound a tincture and youcan rig it pretty well (see above) but it's never certain. Also the game rolls if someone already infected dies each day. You can also treat those infected to rig the roll but it's still not certain. By the way the game breaks the rules and infects all your kids on day 10, thats the big climax and you better have made 7 panacea by now big boy. What this last one means is that each day you gotta go all over the city while also trying to do the quests and survive, at the same time taking care of 20 something patients. The end result is the stressfull almost hopeless feeling of despair this game does wonderfully,and unlike anything else that exists out there other than real life as a doctor
*doctor/ most people whose life is miserable, people who are poor, overworked, or living in a post soviet slav country hint hint
In the sequel your rep drops from people seeing you opening their closets and cupboards Looting an entire house top to bottom will pretty much drop half your rep bar
>bought it on PS4
I had a feeling it would be badly optimized and bought it anyway. I think it's funny, that the game's trophies can't be synced to the PSN to this day. A month after release the trophy list still doesn't exist in the Playstation database. Not that I care, but it shows how much of an afterthought the console versions were.
Do it when they're not looking then.
>If you enjoyed Death Stranding you'll enjoy this, if you hated Death Stranding then avoid this.
i strongly doubt they share similar fanbase
In summary, it's not hard because of any of these things by themselves, but the stress it puts on your psyche if you really wanna keep people alive and progress to the end is something no game has offered. By the way time goes faster in Patho 2 yet there is more to do and the city is bigger.
>wasting time stealing from townsfolk
>when you could be in the steppe picking flowers
byarlarr, ezhe boddho.
Almost every room has someone living in it, looking straight at the man who just barged into their apartment.
I only started stealing on day 7 and that on infected districs
Yeah the original game did that, they had their moments where they would look away, crouching down, that was your chance to steal everything.
Oh and also also something I forgot to mention. When it comes to exhaustion in Patho 1 you could basically sleep all night and restore your entire exhaustion meter. In patho 2 there are events and entire questlines at night so you can't just sleep, you have to go watch the theater play to unlock the dead item shop where you trade some things for food and shmowders which is of immense importance through the entire game. Also the herbs you need from the steppe glow at night so you can easily gather all you need for the next day, but the steppe is out of the town and away from the theater so even the nights become this frantic sprint from end to end. You'll often sleep for 2 hours and then do things and then sleep again in the morning. And that's pretty damn cool in how it represents the instability of being a doctor in a catastrophe, you never get time to even sleep properly.
Needed more theater
I'm sure most Pathological players only own a PC so ofcourse through Sony hivemind shitposting they'll take shots at Death Stranding like the mindless apes they are. If you have the mindset to enjoy the rather uneventful gameplay of Pathological then it's likely Death Stranding would be to their taste too. I wouldn't recommend Pathological to the kind of subhuman that plays Call of Duty or Battlefield.
Why do people praise the writing of this game?
i honestly cant decipher your agenda
I'm saying Death Stranding is likely to share players with Pathological, brainlet.
The Good
>perfected Harubro route
>visually great
>good VA work (I liked the original's in-house voices much better though)
>whole game actually WAS a sequel/remake which, unlike FF7, is done very well and don't trick the player but outright says as much from the start
>new meta-textual aspects
>huggable freak kids
>new music is ok
The Bad
Just admit it you faggots never intended to redo the entire game and the lead devs never cared about Bachelor from the start, hence why Haruspec had paragraphs of detail for him but Bachelor gets a cursory overview
And Prophet Loli was always an afterthought
I got the original off GoG for like a dollar so I'm good but it still pisses me off.
> Haruspec had paragraphs of detail for him but Bachelor gets a cursory overview
What exactly are you talking about ?
>the lead devs never cared about Bachelor from the start
But honestly unironically why? He's one of their best characters
The original is great because it feels almost ephemeral. Most speak plainly but then you come across situations or characters or NPCs who mention or discuss peculiar notions that normal people don't consider. It's all rather dreamlike in the approach which is very intentional. It's also got some of the best grammar and prose this side of a Legacy of Kain game--the pinnacle of great (albeit grandiloquent) novel-like writing.
It also doesn't play stupid faggy game about you being some retard bitch just going along and "OOPS You broke the fourth wall LOL Look how clever we are!!! :D"
That rectal refuse is left for lesser writers and devs. Here the game is very obvious in what it is and it's developed in such a way that it plays with your perspective, not just in plot but in play, where if you are roleplaying it will largely respect that but if you want more it acknowledges that, too.
Basically The Marble Nest is like a "Pathologic Abridged" so check that out to avoid the game's real plot spoilers and get an idea of what I mean.
Is it because Burakh has Dybowski face and Danko is someone who already left the team?
it's hilarious without downplaying the ongoing tragedy
every fucking media about plagues and disasters is catching public attention in these days. even death stranding has tons of articles written in the last few weeks.
everything is good except pathologic.
daniil has no place whatsoever anywhere near the gorkhon, i'd tell him to go back to the capital but he has nothing there either. he sought immortality and found only death, searched for utopia but discovered nothing but the cold earth. the haruspex is one with the udurgh, and only he can truly forge a future for the town.
clara is nothing but meta narrative for fun and mindfuckgames. artemy is the main character with an actual reason to be in town doing things
Dankovsky's life is so miserable, I love him
>if you hated Death Stranding then avoid this.
kill yourself
you are beyond retarded
In the opening screen of the original game (after that great play intro) it shows the three protag's protraits to choose from and some text underneath describing stuff about them. Haruspec gets more detail, and I've seen him get more attention than Bachelor in other materials, too.
I could just be dumb but I'm pretty sure I'm not.
The game has a heavy lean in the Steppe culture and a lot of time and effort went into developing, researching and implementing it It rests at the very center of everything, really, so when you have a character whose entire route ultimately is "To hell with this gay ritual crap" it kinda undermines a lot of aspects, particularly the subtle reverence and grim spiritual majesty that the Steppe is meant to exude.
At least that's my take on it. Bachelor is a great route with my personal favorite protag but he is clearly an outsider (like us). Harubro isn't an outsider but a native returning home and his perspective lends more respect in both directions.
If Bachelor is mostly hard medical science and Loli Prophet is fully spiritual magic then Haruspec is the perfect in-between.
That would be funny
Clara sounds the most fun bc after you've spent such a long time tackling the town with the other two, you can finally have an advantage. It's a shame because even though Bachelor is most likely coming out, I fear we will never have an unrushed Clara campaign.
Yeah that's what I'm talking about right there. I'm pretty sure that's why Harubro gets the affection and why they chose his route for the sequel/remake.
Pisses me off about Daniil getting shafted though because while what you're saying is mostly true he's still great and his frustrating struggle is like what we'd go through in his place.
the bachelor route is only there to enhance the themes in the haruspex's own; he's a juxtaposition to what artemy is at a first glance, a foil. he's representative of the real world of the time, a more grounded character that is utilized to introduce the player to the town and its oddities in the extremely convoluted mess of stress that is patho1. patho2 doesn't need that route as much for the player with how its narrative and execution is so refined compared to 1, and daniil defaults to a complimentary part of the story, carrying themes that would be difficult to portray without him representing what he does.
you could say i have a degree in these things
>Like Death Stranding?
No we don't have long stretches of nothing with no real character development or genuine player interaction until the last 1/3 of the game where it becomes a TPS until it gives you an actual hour and a half long CG movie before the ending.
Not like Death Stranding. At all.
>I cure hymens
>i have a degree
I dropped out of college and even I understand that. Good use of your money getting a useless degree.
No but really even if that's the case I still want my asshole doctor route
No one likes the story of Death Stranding (aside from maybe the Mads stuff), smooth brain, just like Pathological's cookie cutter story. People just like the atmosphere.
with how refined the story is now, and how perfect the two endings are in patho2, the meta mindfuck from patho1 isn't needed anymore, original clara / changeling barely adds more to the depth of the town and only serves to further obfuscate the things artemy is discovering. i want there to have been more development of her and her hands from artemy's perspective because i feel whatever they do with her now will fall short of what she could have added
i dont have a degree and i dont eat food. i live on milk and tinctures. i want daniil to go away.