Why is remake tifa so perfect?
Why is remake tifa so perfect?
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She's not, she's too asian
Where's Yuffie?
Because she's Tifa
Because she's literally Anri
Remake tifa is straight up trash compared to dissidia
Tifa is my lovely wife that's all.
Did we ever get the full scene as webm?
dissidia tifa is a piece of trash that cant be hot neither badass
I can't wait for this to come out on PC and have mods to fix her face and eyes
>she's too asian
And that’s a good thing
God I love her wine-colored eyes.
Tifa is cute. CUTE
>looks plastic as shit
>weak as fuck shilling
>Cloud is actually a Chad
Does Cloud manage to catch her?
I don't like corona-chan
our boy
her face looks weirdly featureless, this is a problem that most 3D HD FF characters have though
Why does she stare blankly when shaking the mixer.
Also she didn't even rinse out the last drink
She is cute but can she supplex a Weapon with her bare hands?
Has anyone playing the game got more limit breaks? remember theres two per character if im not mistaken
think they'll add extra WEAPONS? or newer end game final weapons? i hope that fusion sword is not in the game.
i can see them hurting, not killing, sapphire weapon so we have to hunt him down eventually as a late game super boss
Basically every weapon has to be hunt down as a superboss, DIamond weapon survives too.
Tifa is such a beauty
Her just pouring one liquid in with nothing else then immediately going to shaking triggers my autism. The movements are really nice though.
Dont forget about her or you get the chair
Someone post the one with her walking towards Cloud and it's from his PoV. Her eyes look amazing in that one.
When Tifa disobeys, how hard do you think Mistress Aerith whips her?
I really wish I had a Ps4, I would love to play this game.
You do know she’s going to die in this “remake” sequel right?
I would love to play with Tifa's cowtits
not nearly as hard as Mistress Scarlet
does anyone have the full vid of that scene?
Why can't people admit that Cloud has feelings and romantic moments with both Aerith and Tifa?
She's pretty great except her face becomes uncanny at a lot of angles. The outfit is absolute atrocious though.
what the fuck is happening here?
Just Sephiroth doing his thing
Honestly the most hideous she's ever been, and she was always plain.
Why did they get rid of Rachael?
Her face is too round and her nose looks squashed. It's a step backwards.
>has to strongarm a very reluctant Cloud into promising her, and this was back when he actually like her
This is the famous Promise Scene Tifashits cream themselves over? Fucking embarrassing kek
the new chick is fucking fantastic tho
This is a game made in 2020...
More like he's pretending to be something he's not because he is mentally damaged. Tifashits are a fucking autistic joke.
What thing?
probably dont want to pay em for a bunch of episodes.
can pay the new guys cheaper.
>Aerisfriend is seething again
And rightfully so.
t-that's just textures not loading in, right?
Probably because he looks like he doesn't even want to be in the same room with Tifa for half of their scenes and the other half are either one-sided or fanservice.
offing waifus
Pointing out facts to autistic shitters like you isn't seething. Learn what words mean sometime, Tifawhale.