What are the best Roman themed games?

What are the best Roman themed games?

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Rome: Total War and Rome: Total War Barbarian Invasion

I miss classic asterix

Any European history that predates the Black Plague generally isn't worth learning about except for niche interests. Famous literature going back to the Greeks obviously should be studied, but it really isn't worth anyone's time to learn how a Roman person lived their day to day life.
Shit's a massive waste of time.

t. gaul

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Combat is pretty silly and the strategic layer is pretty weak. Surely there is something better.

On the one hand, Uderzo is dead so he can't keep fucking it up. On the other hand, Uderzo is dead and whoever has the rights now can fuck it up instead.

vae victis cuckius

Imperator: Rome.


fallout new vegas

The Age of Decadence

begone g*rm

Had this stupid loser try to join my town today. He even has a toga now. Fat chance, stupid bear.

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AC Origins but it’s not the main theme though.

remember when uderzo went full retard and made that story with aliens that was bassicaly : MANGA IS BAD !

Shadow of Rome. Sequel never ever.


Do you like female Asterix? Is there even an Asterix game?

@topic: Ceasar 3/Grand Age: rome

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Like all Total war games?

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Caesar II
Total War: Rome I & II
CivCity: Rome is kinda fun

Bannerlord has a roman-inspired faction
There's the Paradox grand strat game but it's full of manashit and is overall very shallow

Imperium 3
Pretty straightforward, you only need to manage population, gold, food and structures, the game has a bigger focus on battles and conquering territory

The last 2 movies are really solid. Hope they do more.

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That looks very cool.


>Have some gookshit take over the marketspace for your industry that was set in stone for years
>Expecting him not to be pissed about it

Dont expect an RPG though. It's more like a VN with some routes having combat

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this is why g*rmany was a mistake

begone, g*rm
go ruin europe for the 98th time or something

>unironically playing Brutii

Played this as a kid, turn based strategy game with realtime 3D missions for certain regions. I remember it being really difficult though.

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Came here to say this. Holy fuck I loved that game. Wish I still had it on console, I used to constantly rent the game whenever I came home.
>sequel never ever
What could they even add? Wasn't the story told and through?

>Brainlets seething this hard for being filtered 5 min. into the game


I thought Asterix fans hated these movies.

Age of Empires 1

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I'm a Scipio kind of guy. At least its not about the Julii faggotry

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>clash of clans bullshit

>the alps level

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havent seen magic potion yet , but domain of the gods was great , tought i might be biased cause i like astier work a lot , he made one of the best french comedy serie ever


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compared to what?

begone celt

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greetings reddit

They really captured the artstyle of the comics and the old cartoon, looks kino as fuck


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Based game

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AoD does have branching storylines, though.

degenerates like you belong on a cross


julius caesar was never an emperor

idk, pretty much every legitimate wargame?


Settlers 2 and 3

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cool example?

What's wrong with him, I just got him last night.

Has anyone actually played this? It looks like shit. I used to always fantasize about having this on mobile back when the original Rome came out on the PC. But having played other games on mobile, it probably sucks.

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Just bought this on GOG for my mum, she's been playing it all day

Cringe. Got btfo by ottomans

Were betrayed by the west and especially the fucking v*nice.

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You know, I started played Disco Elysium and I really wasn't expecting it to literally just be Age of Decadence. They should make a new term for dialogue-focused CRPGs.

Also you're a cuck for posting that shitty picture, it's obvious you played for 2 hours and quit.

btfo by venice you mean

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that's nice, I hope she enjoys it as much as I do

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alea iacta est, field of glory 2/empires, hegemony 3, mare nostrvm

Unironically Fire Emblem, especially Genealogy

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>play 2 as a kid
>always wanted to build a shipyard
>never got to a level where you could build a shipyard
I really need to go back and finish the game sometime

very cringe

Germany faggot here. Just wanted to say you're a pathetic loser for ignoring all that history you ignorant fuck.

TW Rome II is unironically a great gane after the shitty launch got patched out. Shame they're still charging full price, the fuckers

begone judeans too

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hegemony looks cool

I finished the game 5 times and I liked it too but alright.

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no its still shit. ive been swapping back and forth between Rome 1 and 2 all week, and Rome 1 completely blows it out of the water. It's not even close.

The French for the most part place an important emphasis on Roman history, after all, France began when the Franks and the Gallo-Romans sort of merged. That user is worse than a Gaul, he is, may God forgive me for saying this, a German.

but what about the guy who conquered them and minted a coin to celebrate his victory with weeping Judeans on the back

>great roman emperor
this is already starting out good

this is why nudoom has that glory kill garbage

as a kid there I had no chance against the AI spamming high tier units. The last opponent with his gold reserves is unfair beyond belief. I beat the campaign only as an adult deploying cheese strats like
>intentionally spam trees with foresters to block their expansion
>build dozens of catapults

Why does it seem like kikes aren't made for battle or military strength?

It's an SRPG about gladiators.

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>Genealogy being Roman themed
That's a stretch and a half.

lets be honest tought , he had paved the way to make himself emperor , had the senate not murdered him he would have become the first one and not augustus

Unironically Total War: Rome II.

There's nothing quite like ordering legionaries to march on the enemy and hearing the thud thud thud thud of the caligae

Caesar 3


On technicality alone, him literally extending being a dictator, his reforms and power already made him an emperor

I played hundreds of hours of Rome I and II and to this day I have never touched a Roman faction.

Missing out friendo. Unless you're playing Parthians of course.

I just beated this 6 days ago.
And yeah, fuck Al*s

desu , they asked for it , it was the third time they did a major revolt so hadrian decided to put that revolt problem to an end once and for all