Comfy Animal Crossing

Zipper Edition
Previous thread:

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>Hoarding eggs
>Have no intention of using them as the furniture looks shit

Is the reward for crafting everything worth it?

>Previous thread

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flick's butt is HUGE

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>New thread when the last one is on page 2
Do you want us forced to /vg/?

do money trees only produce moneybags once??

>Previous thread

You killed us.

Post your villagers and we'll rate/hate them

I'm just waiting on Renee to fuck off then I'm perfect.

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>Previous thread
its over bros

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My Doom gates.

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It's limited so yeah

Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?

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>Previous thread:
how to get moved to /vg/ 101

No just sell all the eggs to spite zipper and the dev gooks who thought this was a good idea.

I've only started recruiting via campsite, willing to take advice
also help me find new spots for villagers for the love of god

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does he wash it?

Ahhhh, shhhhhhh... Let me fill the void left by your distant husband... Let remind you of how it used to be before he hit it big in the turnip market~

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>let Nook decide my final villager
>it's fucking Boone
God damn it I should've farmed islands for a cat. Not even specifically pic related, just any cat.

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>Found Elvis on remote island
>Already have 2 grumpy villagers

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btw OP NEVER link to previous thread or name an edition, this will get prunced to vg and will never be comfy again.

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craft furniture and sell it to nook's
keep eggs to move trees with

>Walking to Nook's
>pass Nan, who's wearing a new tracksuit
>as soon as I notice, she switches back to her old mama dress
Is she living a double life that I don't know about?

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Make it end

>restricted to only getting certain kinds of flowers either naturally or for sale on your island

What the fuck is this shit? I just want some goddamn cosmos but apparently I can't have those, I have three friends I play with and none of them have them either.

>didn't find a single grump villager for any of my first 10 villagers
At least I can use my NFC cards to finally give me one

>12 A.M.

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is it just me or are tarantula islands harder to set up now?
I had two bamboo islands and it rarely had any spawns if at all

Forced tarantula islands can't be done now.

Lmao nintendo fucking over exploiters

I don't just want Gigi to leave. I want her to die.

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>get invited to user island for able sister stuff
>they fence a path from airport to store like were are animals

Wow. Degrading. Don't do this anons.

Fishing rods, nets, and shovels don't lose uses if they don't get a catch/dig something up. Do the other tools work this way? Do axes lose uses if you hit a tree and it doesn't give wood? Do slingshots lose uses if you miss?

Does time travel fuck anything up in this game? I realized that my Switch's clock is very off because of amiibo cards I was scanning in BOTW and I'd like to get it onto the correct day.

what a shame.
I actually had an island today that had a moat around a large middle island, that island had tarantulas everywhere

Thanks for confirming this for me, seems the same for me. It's not worth pursuing them now even if there is some technical chance you could get an island where it can be set up.

I don't wanna go to /vg/, bros...

Isn't it still possible on bamboo islands, since those don't have any rivers/ponds?

I just need a Snooty one so I can have at least 1 of each.

>Miles Island nothing but orange pink and black tulips

What the actual fuck did I just stumble upon?

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They didn't intentionally kill it, it's the water bugs. They eat up the bug spawns and the only way to get rid of them is catching them.

That's the real tarantula island, they're meant to spawn there.

I wish the jock personality was slightly less played up. It comes across as a lot more ridiculous than the others because the others are personalities while jocks seem more obsessed with a rather specific hobby.

Yes to axes and yes to slingshot. Have fun :^)

Yes they can, I had no problem setting up a tarantula island on a bamboo island the other night.

Why does Puddles wear a balaclava?

I wouldn't blame anyone who does that
It's justified countermeasures against that one asshole that holds every lobby hostage, steal stuff, tremple flowers and whatnot

I have never hated a character more than I have this fucking rabbit.

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the fucking spawn rate of the egg ballons vs the normal ones is fucking retarded

3 days of playing nonstop and I already got all the egg recipes but only 3 THREE fucking salura ones

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only thing that messed up the tarantulas are the islands with ponds and rivers that spawn the water bugs. Tarantulas can still spawn on their own, just a lot harder depending on some islands.

Jocks and Peppys are the most one-note personalities.

what flowers do you have user? i've got a cosmos island and my store is selling windflowers, cosmos (white and yellow) and pansies

I like hosting to help out my fellow anons, but there's always one of you who steals fruit and tramples flowers

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if you can wait like half an hour I can bring you red and white cosmea seeds

Regular balloons spawn as normal. There's a chance for it every 5 minutes. Just keep running up and down the appropiate beach side at :05 and :10

>have private island/moat
>don't put your house on it
What a waste.

Lazy's are just all about the bugs in their walls now too

If you water just a single tile of flowers, will they spread in that same color?

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>someone has fleas every hour now
>Agent S has had fleas four days in row
you are all FILTHY

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Fucking Joe died?

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best KK Slider song?

Fuck off to /VG/ with your generals you dumb cunt

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Your island belongs to me now fuckboy. Don't try to run, don't try to hide, don't even try to fight it. I'll have my fun until I'm bored. You cannot defeat me

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>six months for the Halloween event
fuck I cannot wait to get my town to be spooky as hell

At least the time lets me make sure I have costumes ready for all my villagers and myself

Zipper said he's going to give you an award for crafting every bunny day DIY. The reward is definitely going to be more bunny day merchandise.

They occasionally have something else to say.
Normal, Cranky, Uchi, and Smug are the best four.

>Previous Thread link

Ohnonono ENJOY

I finally figured it out.
The landing strip animation online is needed to cross-load custom designs to everyone's session.

die mass quoter

You say that, and I've been watching Vinesauce and Egbert there never shuts the fuck up about them, but I have Deli in my town and he's literally never mentioned them. Weird.

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>inb4 it ends up just being his costume

Yes, then they just become a regular tree.

Sorry, I’ll do better. He’s in! She’s in! What did xe mean by this? What are some games for this feel? What do you think of this youtuber?

Anyone with decent turnip prices?

>waiting out the quarantine at parents' house
>left my NFC spoofing stuff at home
Damn. I wanted a village of nothing but the popular meme characters.

The most valuable island in the game, dig those shits up and plant them back home

what happens with KK.Slider on saturday, do you get anything?


All of them are shit. None are mean, the way they are towards you never actually develops, they're dull as fuck outside of doing cute shit the first time.

Should I take her? Any anons with this villager?

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>several villagers commenting on my swollen eye, but not giving me any medicine to fix it
>that one villager that does
And that's how I learned who I shall never replace

Hes playing a concert in front of town hall right now. At 6pm he starts taking requests

Can anybody here help me out? I currently have every fruit except pears, does anybody have pears on their island that are willing to trade for certrain flowers or another fruit?

VG was made for a reason


1. Find out which side balloons spawn
2. Stay in the middle of that beach
3. ~50% chance regular balloons spawn every 5 minutes (12:00, 12:05, 12:10, etc)
4. Keep a few cherry blossoms in your pocket for luck

I've got ALL the recipes over two nights using this method.

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you get a free song
kinda pointless now that you can just buy it from Nook's atm machine

I need red cosmos, trying to make a garden wagon.

>sell hot item for 5x Nook miles
>featured item is ironwood kitchenette
>requires ironwood dresser, which I don't have the recipe for
What the fuck is this shit

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