Sewer level

>sewer level

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Other urls found in this thread:

>jewtubeceleb post

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>Worst visual aesthetic
>Worst music/ambient sound
>Knee to waist high water slows you down
>Unfunny gross out humor

Pretentious edgy robot show made for emo teens.

>sewer PORN level

Attached: spongebobble.gif (600x600, 2.9M)

RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos.

I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.

They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.

They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.

Please, Yas Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.

I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.

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>ice level

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I enjoy the sewer levels in Jak 2 and 3

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easily the worst part about RE2 and RE3 remakes, both games expanded the sewer sections and I fucking loathed it in both games

None of this makes any of their criticisms less valid, i'm sorry that they trashed your special movie(s), but you're just going to have to keep coping.

I love shit

X-men Legends has one of the worst sewer levels of all time and you have to go through it more than once.

>desert level
>but it's great

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sad little fanboi of a jewtube celeb. did I insult your "friend simulator"? awww.

>sewer level is actually good

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sewer levels are great pleb filters, just look at the average jet set radio future thread

Factory levels are an enigma, they seem like they would be boring and ugly, yet they often are some of the most fun and visually interesting levels. Why can't sewer levels accomplish this?

>no counter-argument
>le friend simulator cope
>absolutely seething
yup, this one is going in my cringe compilation

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>did I insult your "friend simulator"?
Yes, I'm crying now. Yet another time I'm BTFO by animechads!

>another jewtube celeb pic
lmao. I bet you patreon them too!

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>sewer level but it's from pizza tower

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Good post, if it isn't a copypasta.

>Ice level, ice skating bullshit
>fire level, lava bullshit and eye-raping red/yellow/orange theme
>swamp level, lmao poison
>water level, shitty swim mechanics for an entire level

None of these are any better either, in fact I'd probably take a sewer level over any of the above. At least sewer levels have a potential to be spooky.

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That doesn't discount the fact that you're a retard weeb. As if not being an e-celeb lover improved your status? Stop posting your retard anime faces.

In any of those you might at least fight some interesting kind of enemy, with sewer levels its just slimes and rats.

>stealth section in non stealth game

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>stealth level in a non stealth game
>platforming segments in a purely action game

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I don't think they've ever actually had any good criticisms, even about the new star wars where there is plenty space for good criticisms, they're too busy jacking off about the most surface level complaints possible. They're funny guys, and I like watching their wheel of shit movies, but they really shouldn't pretend to be industry professionals when really they're just hobbyists. Also their skits drag on way too long sometimes, I don't know why they're so committed to the shitty VCR repair stuff that it has to take a huge part of every review they do.

>Delivery mission where you can't jump, attack, get hit and walk slowly.

Yep, If anything I wiss they skipped those parts.

>desert level
>bland ugly scenery
>only color is brown
>even the sky has a brown filter
>arabic chanting
It's the fucking arabic chanting that pisses me off the most. EVERY desert level does this.

name them

Absolutely not, I just don't hand-wave their arguments because i'm not a man-baby who can't be challenged like you. Your first post wasn't even totally incorrect, it was just irrelevant and reeked of seethe. They ARE kinda man-babies who don't ever take things seriously or take chances and thus will never be "successful" in film-making. They are also annoyingly liberal and not people who have much to add in the lore conversations that they occasionally delve into. However, they do know a lot more about film-making than the average retard here and *most of* their criticisms and praises are completely valid. The SW prequels and the DC movies are still bad, no matter what you have to say about the RLM people, and the only people who whine about them this much tend to be fanboys of these two franchises.

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>caring about a reaction image

It is

>New Half-Life game releases after 13 years.
>It opens with a sewer level after a short intro.

>desert level

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Real talk. What kind of levels you would like to see in the games? For me, it's office levels cause fear and max payne.

I like this because I don't even watch Star Wars I just hate your "friends"

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Bro you're being baited with some pasta, chill out.
Also I don't think anyone likes the prequels or DC movies, RLM calling them bad isn't anything that unique. It's kinda like starting a thread with >sewer level bad. Pretty hot take right here.

For me it's gargantuan bathrooms.

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>I don't think they've ever actually had any good criticisms
They absolutely have, but it's mostly limited to the film-making aspects, not the lore.
>new star wars
[Let me preface this by saying I hate the Sequels MUCH more than the Prequels.] The reason I believe they have less solid criticism to offer about the new movies is because they really are "better-made" films, their major problem is how completely offensive they are and how they demolish the lore and the characters we used to love. The cinematography, shot-composition and all the technical aspects are undoubtedly better than the sitting and talking in front of CGI that was the prequels. As I said earlier, RLM have very little constructive things to add in the lore discussion, they clearly aren't as invested in it as they are in Star Trek for example.
>just hobbyists
eh, that's not really a fair categorization, they know their stuff and have experience, even if they never really put themselves out there without being sarcastic.
>the skits
That's a matter of taste, but totally fair. I personally enjoy it but I can see why people don't.

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>game has a good swamp level and a bad swamp level

>ice level
>high pitched music and jingle bells

>beach level
>doesnt have a beach/tropical theme

>desert level
>have to dry yourself up often
>or a massive landscape where you may get lost
I like when they pull shit like this

I enjoyed to wall to wall jumping in that area. I managed to do that in that huge empty space that is like 5+floors long full of nothing but walls just because. i think there was a soulthing there but there was another path to that.
But fuck sewer levels in general. they are usually a drag and in rpg have shitty puzzles and the usual "enemies will poison you" and rat monsters.

>Game has a penis inspection level

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>female character passes the inspection

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>Game has no levels

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Name one bad sewer level pro tip you can't

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I want a level thats the insides of a giant termite mound.


But maximum comfy doe.

I need to replay Rayman 3.

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Why do we keep getting these cringe e-celeb threads over and over?

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A meme derived from an E-celeb image used for a thread picture doesn't mean the thread is about the E-celeb.

This of course would be evident for you if your retard animes hadn't rotten your brain off. My grandma's soap operas have better plot and writing than half the shitty fucking weeb garbage you watch, you degenerate.

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Hey man, I like RLM, but I've noticed an uptick in Mike images recently.

And just the other day, some faggot really was spamming a ton of random celebrity shit.

>zero mention of anime in his post
Lay off on the projection.

Sewer campaign

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No such thing

>it's a lava plum surfing level

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>Sewer is the protagonist

>swamp level

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