Just played it. It's fucking shit and everyone who says it's good is a Valve or Oculus shill. Don't fall for their lies

Just played it. It's fucking shit and everyone who says it's good is a Valve or Oculus shill. Don't fall for their lies.

Attached: alyx.png (220x314, 153.9K)

No, the grapes aren't sour

Nah fuck you. I played it on RiftCat and Driver4VR. It's fucking bad. Thank god I didn't spend $1,000 for this abomination

Attached: file.png (756x1008, 1.97M)

>it's bad, like literally every single game other than halo 2
Wow OP what a fascinating discovery you've made

>he used a mobile device as his VR headset


lmao poorfag cope

fucking kek

oink oink paypigs

nice mobile phone my dude
nice lack of 6DOF controllers

hurf durf, retard

it is 6dof if you use a kinect for tracking retard

really scuffed tracking

you're a poorfag retard, sorry.

>Jerry-rigged kinect + google carboard

Attached: laughing_moot.png (259x348, 109.33K)

>i'm a poorfag
>when i didnt give gabe jewell $1,000 for a shitty tech demo
yeah people who are fiscally responsible are poorfags

God you guys are fucking retarded this is very clearly a joke.

I love the "you need to spend $1k to play hl:a"

just get a fucking oculus for $250 and you get the same experience

Its so beautiful

Confirmed for not playing it, cope harder.

Finished it a while ago. It's fucking amazing and everyone who says it's shit is a seething retard running on jealousy because he can't play it. Don't fall for their lies.

The VRfag fears the cardboardchad

There is no way this is real

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>Just played it
No you didn’t.

Apples are fine too.

>no melee
>because there is no melee, if you ever run out of ammo you are soft locked in the game
>only 3 weapons, of which have very limited and useless upgrades (literally no point in taking reflex sight when you unlock laser sight)
>cannot use more than one weapon at a time
>no actual jumping
>no sprinting
>objects in the environment have very limited intractability (ie, lighting a lighter or spraying the can of paint)
>puzzles are a fucking bore and incredibly easy
>very limited physics based puzzles on SOURCE 2 POINT FUCKING 0 ENGINE
>very limited enemy variety
>dumb as rocks enemies that often times won't move when a live grenade is next to them
>ending retcons previous games
>no vehicles you can use
>incredibly linear to the point that the game could have been a ride-the-rails shooter
>not enough resin to upgrade all your weapons
>very small enemy engagements, typically 3-4 enemies
>zombies and antlions are incredibly slow to match your slow speed
>cannot toggle flashlight despite large portions of the game being indoors and dark
>you play as a voiced protagonist in a virtual reality game, breaking immersion
Fuck, how can anyone even pretend like this game was anything above "meh"?


Attached: 1585959472032.gif (378x368, 1.78M)

No shit, retard

you're a pathetic little man

The fact you feel so threatened by people enjoying a game you can't play is utterly deplorable

Do you guys play standing or sitting? I like standing so I can lean back against the back of my couch in my play area and pretend I'm walking like pic related.

Attached: 84b.jpg (600x600, 54.58K)

Someone's been making some really basic arena maps
When the fuck are the tools gonna be released officially?

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Standing because then I can crouch behind stuff for cover

Please detail me a good existing VR game then.

Show me current gold gold standard of vr

>No melee
You can kill things with props but you probably throw like a low T sissy
>If you run out of ammo you are softlocked
The game will spawn ammo if you are in a situation like this, start being astute and actually looking for it because the game is literally fucking handing it to you
>No actual jumping
Yes there is. To jump, you have to bend your knees down, and then spring your body upward. This is an impossible tax for fat people like you though.
>No sprinting
The stick "jumping" is functionally equivalent if you just want to sprint past every engagement like a pansy
>Puzzles are a fucking bore and incredibly easy
Wow just like all HL games
>Very limited physics based puzzles
Physics aren't a new technology like they were in 2004, you don't need contrived "muh physics puzzles" to showcase it, it was not even that impressive when they tried to do it in HL2.
>Very limited enemy variety
Has as many enemies as two, and the different tiers of combine behave differently instead of just having different HP/Weapons
>No vehicles
>Implying vehicles in HL2 weren't the worst part of the game
>Incredibly linear
HL was always a linear as fuck style of game
>Not enough resin
Because you buy the expensive training wheels laser sight that trivializes the game as your third point (and then proceeded to whine about how you still manage to run out of ammo), you're not supposed to be able to upgrade everything to max
>Very small enemy engagements
The game would be too hard if you made them any bigger
>Zombies and antlions are slow
Zombies are as slow as they were in the previous games and Antlions now armored carapaces to compensate

Sounds more like you’re a retard that does what v/pol tells you.

Post vr headset with timestamp

>Runs well
This is how I know you haven't played it
It runs like shit even on capable systems, for fuck sake you could see it lag during the tower segments in the launch trailer
The rest of those games are so much smaller in scale compared to Alyx that I wonder if you've ever even played VR at all

Attached: 1565185128756.png (654x619, 852.91K)

Boneworks was a massive dissapointment.
The only good part of boneworks was the interactability (which alyx also has), and the fact your entire body was portrayed in VR, but had a million physics issues.

Movement in that game was also fucky as your entire body would get snagged on random props in a level.

Pavlov is good for a arcade shooter, Balance could be improved but for "csgo in vr" it does its place well

Blade and sorc needs U8 already, best melee combat i've seen in VR.

Gorn is shit.

VRchat is Terrible and deserves to die.

None of these games provide more than Alyx.

Boneworks is a Short SP which has a terrible story, and a couple sandbox levels, Pavlov is Just a MP shooter, B&S is a SP sandbox stuck in development hell, Gorn is the same arena with a couple enemies every few waves.
VRchat is Hot garbage drove into the dirt by the community and devs.

I wouldn't outright call it shit, but its disappointing.
Enemies are unfun bullet sponges on Hard, and I'd frequently run out of ammo and have to spend ages hunting around the area for a pistol magazine while easily avoiding the 2-3 lightning dogs or combine or whatever. Higher difficulties ought to spawn way more, not make them require tedious magdumping into their faces.
Also having the guns fused to your dominant hand and being unable to pass the gun between hands, unlike basically every VR game, is extremely annoying if you've got a grenade in your off-hand wrist pouch, requiring you to fumble through the shit holographic UI to select the empty hand option before you can grab it. There's only like 3 guns, just let me holster them around my body or put them on the ground or something.

Attached: Capture.jpg (733x330, 27.72K)


if you can afford to, standing is infinitely superior
only reasons to ever sit in VR is when it's made around sitting in VR (aka rollercoaster) or you don't have the space

a $30 game literally only has 4 enemies
Headsets, Rolling ball shooting dudes, Recolours of the same Nullman, and yourself.

It’s okay, but about $20 too expensive and not ‘amazing’ by any stretch of the imagination. Definitely not worth buying VR if you don’t have it.

Post your VR headset with timestamp

I did think, more than you, fag.
The fact you're so hell-bent on trying to get people on a anonymous board to believe you when you can't even prove you've played the game just shows you're some retarded fag stuck alone during quarantine

Boneworks was also hot garbage, Go suck your zoomer-devs cock some more.

You have no VR and you are filthy epic shill
Begone obsessed nufag

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>he doesn't have a camera or smart phone

You have no VR and you are filthy epic shill
Begone obsessed nufag

You'll be at it forever, no ones gonna believe your deranged whinging.

Attached: 1578697672632.gif (500x500, 347.32K)

lmao, look at this poorfag and laugh

>has more content than alyx
come on now user

Attached: 1547478015286.jpg (512x523, 36.4K)

Do you have?
Then prove you have VR.

what ever helps you sleep at night dude

You're the delusional one you massive fag

If anyone wants to know how good a game actually is, they don't come to this pisstake of a website.

is this gfl?
didn't know seseren did gfl too

Attached: yikes.png (584x360, 489.04K)

>Get to shoot the same enemy over and over and over since SL0 hates the modding community


Attached: 1321461321313.jpg (6224x4515, 2.37M)

What was it?

an autist whining his $30 zoomer-dev game isn't nearly as good as HL:A

retard pulling a
>I was just pretending to be retarded

Attached: bFGAn4Q[1].png (1337x130, 12.13K)

He has got brain damage. ow

For anyone who hasn't tried it, I got the oculus quest because it is closest thing to being wireless and fully tracked at the same time, and overall it was nauseating and headache-inducing. Sold it off to someone after a couple weeks of trying it out.

The whole hand tracking thing they're doing with valve is so gimmicky. Also you're tethered in, so you can't turn without tripping over the cables. You cannot walk without getting dizzy, so you have to teleport.

The only way VR will work properly is if it is full room-scale and completely wireless and fully tracked, light weight, like the headset has to be feather weight, like putting on a pair of sunglasses. That's the only way it will really catch on. Until then, save your money.

>it was nauseating and headache-inducing
>You cannot walk without getting dizzy, so you have to teleport.

Weak genes.
I'm sorry user, you got the worse end of the stick.

You just have to stop being a bitch. You can train yourself out of motion sickness.