Honestly what did people see in this game 16 years ago...

Honestly what did people see in this game 16 years ago? How was it the recipient of numerous GOTY awards and why is it considered one of the greatest video games of all time?

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compare it to damn near any game from the same year and you'll understand why

This. Only a zoomer would ask such a question

Compare it to games today and you’ll also see why

Nothing but pure unadulterated hype. Valve faked the E3 demos to show the game doing all sorts of advanced things that were never in the final release.

Also at the time the PC market contracting due to the success of the PS2 so there was a dedicated effort by PC game journalists to hold up Half-Life 2 as some sort of gaming holy grail. Their coverage of the game was completely uncritical to the point that nobody and I mean NOBODY called out Valve for faking those E3 demos.

the gameplay sucked ass even in 2004.
i'm a millenial, not a zoomer. i remember when the game came out.

It looked 10 times more realistic than anything that came before it.

This and this, do these fucking morons even think About the question before they ask it???

It was the first game to have a real, interactable physics system.

>the gameplay sucked ass even in 2004.

it was light years ahead of everything
its the reason why physics and ragdoll physics have evolved

Nah you're definitely wrong, it was the most advanced shooting game of its time when it released, probably the most advanced game period. Also it's fun to punt shit at enemies and use the physics engine to your advantage. Why do you think Nintenbros were so fucking astonished when they finally got a similar experience 13 years later with BoTW?

>I have no proof or clues, but I hate the game because Yas Forums said it and I have asperger

Yeah, I don't know what the deal with Half-Life is either. Doom Eternal is better, Fortnite is better, etc etc. Half-Life is steaming garbage, especially in comparison to masterpieces like Doom Eternal.

I know you made this post as bait but you're unironically right. D:E is light years ahead of HL2

Finally some truth

Holy shit Half life is the most overhyped trash in the history of vidya

its a NPC thing. like when you mention Chrono Trigger or Earthbound, people lose their shit. its a programmed answer.

>its the reason why physics and ragdoll physics have evolved
Max Payne 2 used the same physics engine as Half-Life 2 a year before it did.

Half-Life 2 is the shittest game ever. It's nothing but diarrhea, half-baked gunplay, shitty writing, incompetently made models, brainlet level design and idiotic gameplay design.

>This 16 year old game that changed videogames isn't as good as modern games that were inspired by it


Also I just replayed it recently and it still plays better than pretty much any other FPS to have come out in the last year.

Used the same engine, sure. What made HL2 work is its implementation of existing technology.

You can pick up bricks

That's it

what is in this video that is not in the game?


Doom Eternal is better than HL2 though

>I just replayed it recently and it still plays better than pretty much any other FPS to have come out in the last year.
except it doesn't you aboslute stupid fucking mongrel. fuck you.
the guns feel and sound like ass. the game limits your ammo with every weapon to force you to use le epic gimmick gravity gun. the scripted segments are pure cringe and are fucking BORING. too many of the chapters just drag on way, way, way, way WAY too long like that FUCKING AIRBOAT SECTION

Honestly what did people see in this game 28 years ago? How was it the recipient of numerous GOTY awards and why is it considered one of the greatest video games of all time?

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Overrated honestly. The only reason why anyone liked it at the time was the engine but general gunplay was superior in other shooters. Valve drones however claim this is "le best game ever" and due to them now jews at valve have a grapplehold on the PC industry with shitty DRM.

Even FPS coming today don't look or feel as natural as half life 2 does. That feeling of feeling something weird under you, then looking down and seeing you're stepping on a rock. Killing a combine and watching his body slowly fall over a cliff, etc. Hell, even HL alyx feels a bit stiff compared to hl2, and games like doom eternal just feel static and soulless in comparison.

Combine that with the amazing storytelling and writing, and the fact that buying hl2 did not end there, you also had access to hundreds of mods and, well

Quite simply, if you don't think HL2 is one of the best games ever made youre a subhuman pleb, and I hope the upcoming great depression wipes you out if corona doesn't

Get back to fortnite you ADHD cunt

>What made HL2 work is its implementation of existing technology.
Implementation? Things knocked around in Max Payne 2. Bodies had ragdolls and such.

The only "implementation" that Half-Life 2 had that Max Payne 2 didn't was the Gravity Gun. A literal gimmick weapon. Physics were just a stupid fad at the time to the point that a company actually released a dedicated Physics Processing Unit (PPU) card so they could cash-in on the nonsense.

>it still plays better than pretty much any other FPS to have come out in the last year

only a person choked in gabe newells cock would say such stupid things


False equivalence: The post.

Replay it. It's still massively enjoyable.

No it's not, because it's incompetently made and written by soibois.

At this point I'm starting to genuinely believe that contrarianism is some sort of mental disease.

it's paid shills
just look at all the epic vs steam threads we've got today.

it sucked at the time too
literally floating on the coat tails of 1.
Half life 2 was a boring rail shooter that spit in the face of everything people liked about1
marketing buzz words, you are full of shit. duke nukem 3d was more fun and it came out in 1996

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I played HL2 on release day and the only thing I remember about it is some of the physics puzzles, that was impressive but other than that it's a fairly bland shooter even for the time

no it wasnt

>no its not
the game that has more mods and has spawned countless games isnt replayable

thats just like saying that blade runner is shit despite the fact that an entire genre got inspired by it

Yeah, Half-Life fans in general are mentally ill, especially with their contarianism.

>Using duke nukem 3d as an example of a good game

Now you're really just doing OLD THING GOOD

Inspiring a genre != being good or even decent.

>Half life 2 was way better than other shooters at the time
You can ignore anyone who says this

Even Half-Life 1's influence was overrated. Goldeneye did the whole "scripted in-engine storytelling" thing before HL1 did.

Attached: goldeneye.jpg (480x360, 12.35K)

So is this all zoomers who are shitting on Half Life 2 or is it jaded Yas Forums posters desperate to seem cool by hating a popular thing?

I can't see any obvious reason why there's so many threads like this now.

jaded zoomer Yas Forums posters obviously

it's that mentally ill freak again
replying the same thing 50 times

But it's zoomers who overly praise HL2 for gamer cred

paid Epic shills

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It had good pacing and a good setting, interactions with the npcs were nice but didn't take away control from you entirely and didn't last too long. The gameplay was constantly switched up as well, and it always ramped things up.

For example how you go from running and getting beaten by the cops to going through the canals, then going by boat that then gets armed with a finale of dealing with a heli that has been on your ass since the beginning.

Same with antlions, you go from avoiding them to getting to control them and assaulting nova prospekt with them.

I bought HL2 on release. I loved it then and I still love it now.

Rent free.

So can somebody explain to me why HL2 is considered a masterpiece? Because I clearly don't get it

>the guns feel and sound like ass
headshotting with the magnum whilst sprinting feels fantastic. the shotgun is good too, has great spread making it useful not just at point blank range
> the game limits your ammo with every weapon to force you to use le epic gimmick gravity gun
you stumble into a supply crate every other minute
>the scripted segments are pure cringe and are fucking BORING
very true
>too many of the chapters just drag on way, way, way, way WAY too long
i'd say only the airboat and the ending in the citadel drag on too long. the rest is paced pretty fucking good.

This. The thing that Valve consistently do well is pacing. It's not a thing that's easy to describe but it makes a big difference to the general consistency of their games. Other games of the period (and today) lack that variation and distinct memorable moments.

Zoomers are those who google best games ever and like HL2, Portal, etc.

Valve has been a cancer on the PC gaming industry

>unironically defending Ebic

and the ancient greeks already had a steam turbine before james watt did it. doesn't matter who does it first it matters who does it right.

There's one ultra giga fully evolved advisor uber autist who accounts for literal thousands of anti half life posts

>it sucked at the time too

How old were you when it released? It released in 2004 which meant I was 22 y-o. It was an amazing game and that was the general concensus. It was the only game that made WoW players stop playing their (newly released) game for a day or 2


use your big boy brain

>T-trust me I'm not an Epic shill

It took what was out there and put it together in the best way possible for that time.

I remeber playing it on release and the feeling, like, the visuals are great but something is missing. Something that was present in HL1. Maybe I'm a minimalist myself but the game felt having too much unnecessary details. First game was stylish and fast, second was more steady and visually deeper.

James Watt was improving on someone else's design too, which makes that even more true.

the hovercraft and buggy segments

Valve literally delayed the release of Half-Life 1 for a year (originally supposed to come out in 1997) so it could be more like Goldeneye.

Attached: golden_half.jpg (1413x1219, 861.46K)

It's less about which game did it first, and more on which game popularized the practice. It's like saying Winback was influential for starting the cover based shooter craze, when that's not really accurate. Games like MGS2 and Killswitch certainly took from Winback and improved on the mechanic, but Gears of War is undoubtedly the one that popularized the practice and now we see it everywhere.

However, that being said, I agree that people often overlook the in-engine storytelling in Goldeneye as an early example.

Xirs. The same people who unironically believe in gay and trans rights. The only remarkable thing about Half-Life was Counterstrike.

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an entire generation of humans that everybody unironically loved the half life games were wrong
some small bois on Yas Forums are right


Anti-citizen and the follow-up chapter was the lowest point in HL1, HL shooting is serviceable at best but not in high octane combat, especially with that dumbass followers on thight corridors.

If only the shooting was projectable based and not hit-scan.

yeah keep parroting this you delusional fuck. i used to love HL2. i aint no zoomer, i was born in '97. i played HL2 religiously in the late 2000s.
it's only through mature critical analysis did i finally realize it's really not a good game at all

>unironically bringing up epic in unrelated threads
Like I said, rent free.

hlaf life one was almost openworld, the no lvl loads was a big deal at the time, and the fact you could track back for large parts of the game. And scriped "dynamic" events like the wall expoling when yo walked past were cool for the time. HL2 lost all this cool lvl design and became a rail shooter by lazy/bad devs. This was completely unacceptable in 2004 when we had expericed lvl designs like deux ex in in 2000, or bloodlines came out the same year 2004 as hl2, even battlefeidl 1942 2002 or Unreal Tournament did the "action" fps better.
and while not exactly the same this was also after all the great star wars games wit great lvls, like Star Wars Jedi Knight II (2002) Jedi Academy (2003). Of the top of my head. If you were a real gamer at the time halflife2 lvl design WAS BORING.

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do you think they will let you have internet access once you're admitted in the hospital where they'll be treating your sickness?
I don't think they will

i don't think goldeneye is a perfect game but it did literally get the whole cinematic thing right

it was based on an actual movie, so you were sure they got it right

What was better in 04?

Maybe if you had a bit of taste you will understand.

> I'd say only the airboat and the ending in the citadel drag on too long. the rest is paced pretty fucking good.
Not him but those were my favorite chapters. I love the airboat (much better than that buggy) and having no weapons and only an overpowered gravity gun was pure power fantasy.

the citadel portion is short as hell
it's not even 30 minutes pre-breen and probably less than 1 hour considering the breen fight

Yea, like people here always made threads shitting on Valve and their games before Ebic launcher. Fuck off shill.

the thing is that half-life 1 is still enjoyable today and people mod the shit out of it. goldeneye is fucking terrible to play nowadays.

>draw distance goes to the end of your gunbarrel
>HORRIBLE controls

from this point on, every time I see somebody praise HL2 i will immediately assume they're a valve shill and completely disregard their opinion.

because the game halts the pace every 10 seconds to lock you into a room until alyx is done blabbering the story and unlocks the fucking door

ah yeah comparing the franmerates of playing goldeneye on a 1996 box to playing half-life on a 2020 box, that's not brainlet at all

San Andreas, MGS3

that literally happens once in the citadel
at least get your facts straight before making a fool of yourself

Physics, and the way the storytelling was done was kinda novel for the day, still is actually since valve's style never really was picked up by the industry as a whole, probably because it places some heavy constraints on what you can actually do as a game designer and story teller.

It's no wonder though that Valve is pushing VR so hard, what HL:Alyx has proven is that the Valve style of immersion/story-telling is a perfect fit for that technology.



>the citadel portion is short as hell
It doesn't need to be longer. Episode 1 had the same part and was just not worth it. Being longer doesn't mean good. Look at Blue Shift, for example, a shorter campaign that is much better than OF shitloaded with filler weapons, shitty fanfic tier aliens and the shittiest boss battle.

>good pacing
stoped reading
it was lots of fun in 1996, but the 2d extended engine is of course extremely out of date, even if it did have a cool jet pack while in doom 2 you couldnt even jump

Check out the high-def version of the presentation and the leaked beta. I know that Half-Life 2 is quite overrated and I couldn't stand the constant hype articles in magazines but c'mon your opinion is a bit exaggerated imo.


>actually praising the worst (official) half life campaign in existence