This is the greatest feeling in the world and what the gaming is all about

This is the greatest feeling in the world and what the gaming is all about.

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>kill all his friends
>beat him down to a sliver of health
>drop him an ember
>leave him to it

>they try to parry you in panic but fail every single one
>kill them and spam parry over their corpse

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>this happens
>get invaded by the same person again
>successfully parry them and win
>continue playing the game

>They try to parry you in panic
>You’re two handing an UGS

I only leave embers for people obviously playing through for the first time. I remember invading a guy at sl~70 at Irithyll wearing nothing but the lothric knight torso, using the uchigatana and fat rolling. My man was struggling

Nothing better than swinging a zweihander 4 times in a row because they keep trying to parry it

>tfw you invade someone and kill the overleveled phantom they summoned 3 times

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Play a fighting game

I played those games hollowed / unbembered / without ringing the bell.
The very rare times I had to go human for some reason and got invaded by a human player I just walked back to the nearest bonfire and let the invader take his kill.

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i agree

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Imagine being this much of a beta male lmao.

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What's the point of engaging on a fight that you will lose 100% of times?

So that you can practice and get better?

What's the point of engaging on a fight that you will lose 100% of times?

I always wondered who the brain dead faggots who I could always roll over were. Now I know, absolutely pathetic. Git gud.

>t. 14yo edgelord

>git gud
We are not in 2005 anymore grandpa.

What's the point of engaging on a fight that you will lose 100% of times?
You guys try to guilttrip people into engaging into PvP not because you want that person to have a fun time but to have warm meat to kill.

>Invaded by Dark Spiri-
No thank you

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You are doing it wrong. I just fire up my CE table, curse the fucker, kill him and then i leave a bugged item in his inventory so his save file gets corrupted. Fuck you for trying to bother me in MY world while i'm trying to have fun, cunt.

I say give up, because you sound like such a sad sap I don't think you actually could ever win a fight.

>I just walked back to the nearest bonfire and let the invader take his kill.
Putting Dark Souls on the switch was a mistake.

I'll stop saying it when you all learn to git gud, zoomer.

>Deep Protection
That spell literally, and do mean LITERALLY, does nothing.

i don't think you know what the word literally means

Looks like you just got done killing an afk at the bonfire. Good job.

All of it's effects are so infinitesimal that they don't actually provide any practical benefit. So yes, it "literally" does nothing, unless you count providing a lesson on the futility of trying to make creative builds as something.

>host of ember destroyed
no. If you're not doing fight clubs then you're just looking at loading screens, and that's no fun.

>t. console fag
On my gaymen PC loading screens are like 5 sec, running off an SSD. And if you want non-stop dueling there's the undead arena.

>Profaned GS

i am so very sad that the servers for Demon's Souls are gone now. playing through it right now and the theme, atmosphere, tension, and pacing of the gameplay are all perfect for random invasions, not to mention character tendency giving a feeling of actual permanent consequence to invading
they need to either remaster this game or make a sequel, either way more DeS would be great

Not him but undead arena are mostly beginners with 1% good players. With fight clubs you have a good chance of getting summoned into one with only good players, so you get more meaningful matches that way. Arena is far better for improving though, and testing out builds.

>Deep Protection
>Slightly increases attack damage, damage absorption and all resistances. Increases stamina regeneration by +3. This effect lasts 60 seconds.
>In PvP, the attack and damage absorption are ~90% less than the PvE.
>~90% less than the PvE

People still disconnect, seppuku too fast, get killed by enemy mobs. If you think that's fun, good for you. I don't.

I like to fight people in top condition, that's the point of making a build.

You can join a discord with good players and then password match with them in the arena.

This is the correct response.

I'm farming 50 awestones in best souls 2 right now. What are y'all up to?

Fair point I guess but you lost me on >discord.

There's also a line between good players who like to fight and have fun and tryhards who pride themselves on optimizing as much as possible and exploiting every advantage. Having played against some of the "elite" players in the arena, a lot of them are cancer to fight. And then sometimes in fight clubs you encounter elder god tier players who aren't part of any community, they're just really good, they win and you never see them again.

Ah, so it's like the Ring of Steel Protection, where the game just outright lies to you. I suspected as much, but given that in PvP you're generally killing people in six hits or less, it's not as though that 5% increase to attack/defense would actually make a difference even if it were real. What a waste of time.

I have the BAs to do it but I don't feel like it. none of those rings are useful to me.

I've lost against nearly every invader I've had. Performance anxiety kicks in hard.

If you have SOTFS Rhoy the Explorer will invade you infinite times at Grave of Saints. You just have to burn one BA at Harval's Resting Place then you can keep pushing him off a bridge and get 50 awestones.
I want to punch things.

You don't need a discord. Just invade in the right place and there will always be people doing fight clubs. Just be polite and follow their rules.

If you're good they will clap at you and you will feel like a champ.

Nothing better than invading in aldrich.

>dont have to worry about host and a million phantoms
>constant invasions
>most of the time its you and another aldrich or red invader
>summoning covenant that actually works

only problem is how big the area is meaning you have to walk a long way, especially annoying if the host is hiding.

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so it doesn't do literally nothing

I'm on NG4, he's already infinite here right? I should also try to farm for the kill 1000 invaders task if I ever got to that point because I want the slumbering dragon ring+2 as well. I think he also counts for that one.

Right now I just want to finish NG4, should be easy enough on level 250.

Yep he'll just keep invading, you can start from the Grave Entrance bonfire, run back into Grave of Saints then drop down the ladder, climb back up and run across the bridge. That'll trigger his spawn and you can just push him off the bridge.

Yeah I know where he is, he's piss easy.

You can also cheese the guy at the Door of Pharros, he doesn't touch you if you stay at the entrance of that level. but Rhoy is easier.

Too bad those rings don't fit my current build, I'm using chloranthy, blades+2, flynn/stone and leo.

what kind of fists do you use? Do you recommend infusing with poison?

I like the coop in these games but the PvP was pretty lackluster. Game just wasn't meant for it. Even the many hours I have in BB PvP were pretty meh soon as you learned some decent movement and when to transform your weapon.

>they spam parry and get lucky and land a reposte
>damage is abysmal
>they think they're good
>get rekt
>throw shit on their body
>get hatemail after
Great feeling

I am planning on just using the vanq seal which makes your bare fists shoot up in damage.
The best poison infused weapon I've run is honestly the channeler's trident since the 1h r2 hits 3 times then one more hit will poison almost anything. Anything that multihits really is great for poison, just sucks how much damage you lose out doing it so you can't really use just poison weapons as the one time you get poison resistant enemies it takes forever.

Wow Yas Forums is full of pussies that need to git gud

Oh, I'm dumb. It's bare fists?

That has to be fun as fuck for Agape Ring characters, I might try that on my fourth character and just go naked invading low level players.

>That has to be fun as fuck for Agape Ring characters
I'm at 38k SM right now and my plan is to get dragon covenant and drop my sign and punch people. I got rank 3 sunbro same way just helping at last giant/pursuer.

If a tree falls in a forest, does it literally make a sound?

I got to tank 3 with my first character. Going full dragon and chasing after low level players is fun as fuck.

I think I might go after the awestones with that one because I forgot the RAW infusion and can't do that anymore without moving past SM40k.

The meme originated in 2009/2011.

yes. now you're getting it.

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I like the bone fists. Good moveset and S scaling for str.

Get a crossbow, harass them till they lose their shit and come at you.

Thanks but I'm redpilled on the vanq seal now. Looks fun and I don't have to go all the way through Frozen 3: The Gangbangening all over again to have fun.

It's a thoroughly empty feeling to win in 3's invasions and frustrating to lose owing to the sheer casualization of healing and rolling stamina that drags everything out unpleasantly for all sides.
Every host is a retard. They don't think, they just reflexively backroll, sip, and mash. They summon buttbuddies to carry them and disconnect or run through fog gates when alone.

You might as well be mashing on NPCs. They're less than people, just flowcharts.

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