How would you go about making a doom boss fun?

how would you go about making a doom boss fun?
seems id could use some help

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it's supposed to be hard, not fun

let you glory kill demons sexually

>it's supposed to be hard
It was? It seems they could use help in that department as well.

Give her massive boobies.

Make them boss fights, not just regular enemies with lots of health.

Names one FPS bossfight that isn't a bulletsponge you side-step around.

She is cute.

>have it use a gameplay mechanic never used in the game before, or explained to the player during the fight

I legit thought the first Marauder fight was a DMC3 Vergil boss that you would fight multiple times.
They just need to give the demons their own Doom Slayer that has the exact same arsenal and abilities as you

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harder than a typical enemy

what shooters dont make boss fights just enemies with
+shoot x weapon at specific points
i saw a video of a splatoon boss that kinda looked like that

This + a paizuri glory kill.

With someone like the Khan Makyr or Marauder, they should berate you in the middle of the fight like "You will not save them" or some shit.

>FPS boss
Pick one

Doom eternal was fun, but I have 0 motivation for additional play throughs.

name an FPS game with fun boss fights

remember the glory kill on the cyberdemon in doom16 where you pull out his argent accumulator?
I want that with the khan makyr but you run up behind her massive ass and pull out a man-sized butt plug while she does that hot scream

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i turned off the help bullshit and didnt know you had to pop the mob heads for ammo and was confused until i figured it out, then it got easy and moderately enjoyable.

More games should have difficulties where you're expected to start from a completed save file and fight endgame enemies from the beginning. There's only like two master levels right now and I just wanna blast away with my full arsenal.

The final boss was bullshit

I could only win after unlocking babby mode from dying so many times and even then I died once more

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Demonguy and Seraphguy when

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Do you lose your arsenal and powerups or is there a NG+ feature? It seems like way more of a slog at the start than 2016.

think the best you can do for an ng+ experience is doing mission select and upping the difficulty, assuming you didn't play on nightmare

You do know the Crucible ammo is unlimited, right?

You can mission select like 2016 by going to the computer. The reason why you feel it's harder to replay than 2016 is because while 2016 wastes 3 levels for the extended tutorial whenever you replay a level you can just blow through all the dumb story crap and shit down demon throats since all the levels are just combat arenas connected together with linear paths. In Eternal the missions have far heavier story sections that you can't skip and moving between combat arenas is lengthier due to all the new platforming horseshit that's been introduced. If you want to replay a mission you have to sit through a lengthy fly-by cutscene or soliloquy until the game allows you to move on.


My theory is they actually had more story planned and that guy was supposed to be a recurring villain character, but instead they ran out of time. So they spawn that enemy throughout the campaign to ruin the pacing in gameplay instead of in story :^)

I beat him on nightmare PS4, use the bloodpunch for weaker ones and crucible for big ones

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cold take
platforming bad

I didn’t like the final boss. Not because it was hard, but two stages of the exact same thing of shooting 8 parts was dumb.

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>I beat him on nightmare PS4

Tough guy huh

I agree, first phase should have been you in a mech.

This boss was pretty lame, as soon as I killed it I was excited for the second stage only to realise it was already over, however this thread is bullshit because the second boss is really great so it say ID can't make good boss fights it's retarded.

Literally the second boss of Doom Eternal.

Eternal was clearly very rushed desu. You can see it in the story

I didn't mind that, what I did mind was how the final boss fight isn't really an fps fight at all. You spend the entire fight either insta slicing/blood punching any enemy while shooting a target literally as large as your FoV.

Also half the fight is done for the player for free because of all the BFG ammo.

>So they spawn that enemy throughout the campaign to ruin the pacing in gameplay

Attached: Marauder.webm (852x480, 2.92M)

god that's hot

I'd love to rape Khan and put her in place

>Literally force the player to move and react fast
>Ruin the pacing
The only thing ruining the pacing was you dying to them lmao

She was harder than Icon of Sin. Talk about all style no substance

>She was harder than Icon of Sin.

Really? Because I destroyed her in UV without noticing but IoS was fucking annoyingly long.

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Why every r34 of her is so fucking terribad
where are good porn drawfags at

Ideas for the sequel:

>The Resistance plans to nuke Hell with an argentum enriched icbm.
>The target is an area rich in argentum refining factories.
>The fallout would be big enough to shatter Earth several times over
>It wont stop the demons as they are endless. But it will cripple and buy humans enough time to recover and regain strenght
>The nuke is launched throught a portal.
>Hell plans to destroy it. The slayer boards the Nuke to assure it reaches its destiny
>First stage are waves of demons that board the rocket, the use of the grappling hook is essential
>Then a giant daemonic octopus grabs the rocket and stops you
>The engines of the rocket are still active and pushing hard. You gotta win in less than 10 minutes or else the rockets fuel will run out
>In the battle you have to damage the tentacles, these can adapt to the Slayer's weapons so you gotta change constantly
>Enemies will spawn constantly to help recover ammo, armor and such
>You end managing to damage them enough to push the rocket exhausts into the octodemon, burning it and all the demons surrounding it
>The slayer teleports back to his space base
>The rocket has burned too much fuel and cannot reach its destiny so the damage isnt as bad as it was planned, but humans consider it a victory nonetheless


Just make the marauder but with more health and a destructible shield

What you talking about? That's God tier.

You're not one of those faggots who likes the mask, are you?


She was piss-easy on UV. Three lock-on rockets to the face, meathook, punch in the face, headshot the drone, rinse-repeat. The only difficulty is paying attention to this floor is lava bullshit.
Icon of Sin on the other hand was brutal. There was just too much shit going on at once. I guess I didn't get the hint about abusing the Crucible. This shit is too unwieldy IMO.

>That's God tier.
Fucking disgusting fart-sniffing degenerates
go back to ///trash/

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The 2016 bosses were fun, though maybe too easy.

She wasn't a challenge at all on Hurt Me Plenty. Never used up my life-saving rune or 1-ups (forgot to unequip former when latter started to stack up)
I can't even remember what kind of attacks she had.
"The floor is electric lava" move hardly mattered because there were a fuckton of upper platforms I could jump on.
For being a medium difficulty, there sure was shit was a lack of any threat during my playthrough, bosses or mooks.


Attached: Marauder - Imgur.webm (960x540, 2.65M)

>he didn't play on nightmare

Yeah, Ultraviolence is the lowest difficulty that's still worthwhile. On Nightmare she can be tricky when most of the stage is covered in...whatever that damaging shit is, and you need to glory kill some enemies to get your blood punch up while dodging her projectiles.

I play games on "average" difficulty, because it's supposed to be that; not pussyfooting Easy, or ball-gripping Hard.
I had a grand time fighting bosses in Doom 2016 on Hurt Me Plenty, and actually felt threatened. Doom Eternal bosses? Not really.

Console players need not express their opinions in this thread :)

>game showers you in tutorials
>people still miss shit the game is desperately trying to tell you

When you break her shield you get a blood punch

ultra violence is the medium difficulty
hurt me plenty is easy

Pregnancy is hot, you plebian.