Gamestop Persona 5 Royal Review - 10/10

Literally the greatest JRPG of all time.

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>RPG with weak writing
sounds legit

Remember when a 10 from Gamespot meant something? I member

It's not even the second best game in its own series.

>Persona means the world to Michael
Probably started with 4.

>All those big flowery words in the summary

>Probably started with 5

>Bold Story
It really isn’t especially even when the only good thing was really the twist in the end

If it comes out to Switch or PC I'll consider it, but I'm not shilling out for another PS4 game.

5’s dougeon crawling was boring as hell though, and the boss changes were barely good enough to warrent a net positive

they gave 10 for the presentation basically

>some weak writing in certain instances
Is one of the instances the entire game?

But come on it's sooooo stylish, I gotta give it a 10
Btw i'm such a huge fan, and no, it doesn't matter if i started with 5,okay

Notice how every P5 zombie says Persona 5 changed their life or some shit like it gave them confidence. THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE FUCKING GAMES!!! 3 did it, 4 did it in a big way, and now 5 did it even though it's by far the worst game.

These games are designed around making life's difficult tasks seem easy. It's easy to study or work out in Persona. It's easy to make friends or hang out. A bunch of retards now accredit so much to this shitty game even if it does nothing new. JOURNALISM MUST HAVE SOME INTEGRITY. It's okay if some retard on Yas Forums starts with Persona 5 because Yas Forums users are mentally insane. A critic should at least know SOMETHING about the series before playing the 5th game. And if they did, they wouldn't be impressed by Persona 5 one bit!

>In certain instances
I knew retards were allowed to post here but at least learn to read

If you think the entirety of Persona 5 writing isn't irredeemable diarrhea, you should really rethink your life and stop consuming so much capeshit and anime. Read a book! Manga doesn't count!

>overlong 6/10 jrpg
>wooow I can live the high school life i truly deserved so cool 10/10

Don't insult mangas like that. There are plenty that are infinitely better than P5.

>villain of the week shonen anime plot
>wow, so bold and powerful, what a beautiful story about tragedy and abuse
Why are personafags so pretentious?

Only non whites seems to overrate this game, the reviewer seems to be latino

Now that you mention it, yeah. Even IRL, all the dudes I know that say its one of the best games ever are usually mixed or not white at all.

>perfect score
>had a flaw
Burn all game "journalists"

>be one of the first big JRPGs to censor themselves
>game journalists say it's the best JRPG ever and hand our 10/10s to it like candy
total coincidence amirite guise

>overwhelmingly bold story
>basically just generic highschool anime
Do those JRPG reviews watch a single anime

>Do those JRPG reviews watch a single anime
Yes, Persona 5

>has at least one bad quality
>perfect 10
This is why you never take reviews from game reviewers seriously


>Bold story
I guess it is bold to never seriously challenge the morality of brainwashing. The only character who brings up how questionable their methods are also happens to be a crazy murderer, essentially voiding anything he's ever had to say anyway. I like P5 and all but the writing for the story was kind of weak, I would never put it as a positive.

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>Powerful new story arc
>Some weak writing


10 doesn't mean it's perfect. There are no perfect games. It just does enough well to be considered 'essential'.

Remember kids. It's popular, so it's bad.

>Probably hasn't even tried to play 1 or 2

>about the author

Jesus Christ might as well have the game's producer review his game while you're at it

>some weak writing
>certain instances
lmao irl
holy fuck

P5 isn't bad, but it's not a 10/10, which you would be able to see if you weren't a mindless drone that exists only to post "Group X SEETHING" on Yas Forums

So after kamoshida’s in certain instances

Ofc it is irredeemable diarrhea but thats like the trademark of jrpgs.

Yeah, it's a solid 8.5/10 with a few flaws that heavily weight it down, but it's far from a bad game.

>'Which got him in his feelings all over again'
This person is paid money to write for a living.
He is capable of sustaining his existance by producing material like this.

Imagine playing a Persona game or watching anime in front of other people.

no that is smt4

>the reviewer seems to be latino
>all the dudes I know that say its one of the best games ever are usually mixed or not white at all.
Yas Forums - video games

Lot of seething in this thread. Try not to be poor next time

Now that Royal is out, did you like the new story and final boss?

>Overwhelmingly bold story
Compared to what? Dora the Explorer?

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This, but without even a shred of irony. Normalniggers have absolutely no standards

>which got him in his feelings
instantly hate the author, and i cannot help it.

I'm also a reviewer and gave it as close to a 10 I possibly could. The editor didn't want to give an 'anime game' a 10/10, when a lot of other more popular/'dudebro' games are about to get less than favorable reviews.

I've been playing this series since the PSP entries, and this is by far my fav.


>review before goty nominations
>not 10/10
>re-review after goty nominations
IGN are so disgustingly transparent.

>Yas Forums is STILL seething over persona 5 being a successful, well liked, and great game

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>Literally the greatest JRPG of all time.
Doesn‘t say much, still a bad „game“

How much does the SEES Armband actually raise money gay? And do they stack?

>125 hours into Persona 5 The Royal including new content
Exactly how streamlined is this game? I put in 125 hours into my first playthrough and I wasn't even at post game by that point.

They gave Chrono Cross a 10/10, and said EarthBound & FF6 were the only rpgs that deserve to be in the gaming hall of fame.

>taking gamespot seriously

They are not wrong.

They are

I like P5, I just don't think it deserves a 10/10, especially when using the story as part of the reason

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Not really

You've probably played like half an hour of Innocent Sin, right.