Filters out zoomers needing instant gratification with zero effort or thought

>filters out zoomers needing instant gratification with zero effort or thought

Based boomer bannerlord devs

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>catering to grindy autists
back to MHW for you, buster brown.

The game is currently a fucking mess with no balance, and fucking snowballing effect leading to one faction conquering the entire continent in less than 300 days in game. Also, soulless quests, map so big that finding a lord in particular takes real life hours, lame main quest forcing you to have a brother, lifeless towns with litterally nothing to do in it, ultra lame tournaments, tons of mechanics in Warband missing in this one... Yeah, no, I have 1000h+ in Warband but Bannerlord is simply boring, I have played it 30h and that's it, I feel like I've seen everything in the game.

Bannerlord is an empty shell.

Attached: real_game.png (1964x664, 2.24M)

This game makes it much easier to build a harem than Warband. 10/10

>empty shell
The meat of the game, big battles, is the best in the franchise
If you played warband youd remember units forming bee lines to attack constantly
Not in bannerlord, its also more stable in large battles

>best in the franchise
it's weird for you to say that about a franchise consisting of 2 games

Reminder that it btfod braindead TORtanic niggers

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Theres og mountain blade, warband, viking conquest, napo, fire and sword, and now bannerlord


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Seeing how catastrophic this game is after all these years, you have to be a special kind of retard to think that they will fix it in a year. Give them 5 additional years and PERHAPS you'll have something that could actually be considered Warband 2.0.


>zoomzooms actually complaining because the "map is too big and traveling between cities takes too long"

Imagine being so needy and incapable of rational thought that you can't see how this is a core part of the sandbox experience with various knock-on effects for the dynamic gameplay.

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>mountain blade
Retard confirmed. The game is shit and youre a fucking retard

>best fun I've had in years, playing non stop from release day
>empty shell
Lol, ok zoomer.

I'm having so much trouble with melee combat
I was a brainlet who needed the auto directional block and I dont know how to cope other than using a shield.
If I'm in a spear and shield vs spear and shield fight in the arena it just goes until a shield breaks, which takes fucking forever

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>Recommends the casual MH

kill yourself

How do you play mordhau if you can't even basic block

dude, dont sweat it. Its god damn hard

wow is that real

I'm just starting out, what do I do with 20 troops? I've just been running around chasing looters but their groups are maybe 12 at most. What is the progression I should be following to get a bigger army and bigger battles?

It's everything I expected the game to be and I'm very satisfied with it.
>getting caught with bait older than time itself
wew lad

Not really, no. Town don't look anywhere as good as they do in the early promo screen, but usually aren't nearly as dead as the picture suggests, there is usually around 100 NPC's around the map, doing their small NPC's.


>pay good money to hire female companion
>can't fuck her
umm.... okay?

Post your characters ya fucks.

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This your first day newfag?

try to find a bandit hideout on the map since you only need 8 basic soldiers to do it and you get some big xp rewards

I can just find them by walking around? Iirc in the first game they would only pop up for quests

Show your progress until now boys

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>posts white screen
I can't even be fucked to meme properly
I'm just so frustrated with my gpu bullshit

yes they re everywhere

When I make a character in this should I just go for every choice that bumps up my combat stats or is it worth putting some points into non combat stuff?

>financially already a massive success
>most people enjoying it despite the bugs
>frequent patching, loads more features coming over the next year


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Just took this in an imperial city.
The market has the most people but I felt like that's cheating

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Will upgrading from 8gb of RAM to 16gb improve much when I'm using a 970 3.5gb and an FX8350?

This is absolutely unacceptable

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>tfw had to cheat because wanted to use crossbows but it's nearly impossible to find one

Apparently you can find them off of traveling arms caravan merchants but otherwise all I found was tier 6 ones that I couldn't even use.

I'd say it's like somewhere in between

Attached: TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Launcher_2020_04_04_10_55_52_560.jpg (2560x1440, 3.11M)

All of that stuff is unbalanced. But pick as few things as possible to focus on. like riding/bow/polearm

I honestly dont think they know. They keep asking about peoples graphics settings while knowing they have 8GB ram and characteristic memory stutters

Soul vs Soul

You're lying and you know it. No point in discussing with you though, you remind me these Imperator : Rome retards who pretended during the first days that they were having a lot of fun on the game but two weeks later the game was completely deserted by every player. Kek.

But game is a failure. You are not really having fun. It's artificial fun, so it doesn't count.

Find the same area in the same city with the same time of day and then we'll talk

How do they not know? literally open the game and you'll see. The game also seems to require a SSD for some reason

Any mods that allow you to marry kids yet?

sucks to have a shit computer kek

>there is usually around 100 NPC's
LMAO why are you lying like that ? Are you that deseperate to defend the game ? There are 30 NPCs in the entire town at most and even that doesn't matters since you'll never see more than 4-5 NPCs on your screen at the same time (but more like 2 NPCs most of the time), since the streets are empty as fuck and the cities are totally lifeless.

Its easy to tell when the screenshots are presented like that, but I honestly have always struggled to tell the games apart graphically, but I dont have face recognition so I'm speculating that its connected


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I want to play as a traveling merchant, tell me how

based schizo tortanic virgin


You don't seem to have the ability to grasp that your opinion isn't factual, just because you don't like something doesn't mean others don't either. Grow up.

Buy high, sell low

I have everything on Very High, retard.

well it looks miles better on my machine, so idk what to tell you.
More Like this: guess you're just cherrypicking

>not the same area
>not the same time of day
your comparison is moot

Put points into merchant skills then travel to a few towns and the game basically tells you how to jew

>PC can run Crysis 3 and Witcher 3
>Low runs like shit
>High runs like shit
>Medium runs like shit
>Very High runs like shit
>99% all 6 cores in 20v20 battles
this is a glorified warband mod at best and their garbage engine is starting to show its age

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Ok ty I will begin my adventure now

fucking TRUE

It's on a new engine, user

I agree, i was just talking about that last night to my 2 other friends, the only time i can really tell is in large battles where it's less blobs facefucking each other and more waves of meat smacking while cav picks people off, then it's way way better.

>99% all 6 cores
then how come it runs flawlessly on my i5?

>can run on high with 100 person battles (shit lags past 300+ in a field) with no fps lag at all
>have a 3gb 1060 and a ryzen 5 3600

I don't understand how you fags aren't able to run this game.

the reason it requires an SSD I imagine is for more optimised use of virtual memory. The game just runs you dry of ram and then chugs down virtual memory from your drive. thats why hdd users are reporting 100% hdd usage