Bannerlord AI

I don't get it. Are you just not supposed to ever fight in melee? Just about every time I fight on foot, even with better armor and the same weapon as an enemy, I typically slap them for 5 or 6 damage while at the same distance they hit for 50+. This momentum or length-based damage shit is awful if it's not gonna apply to the AI.

Attached: mount-and-blade-bannerlord-money-900x506.jpg (900x506, 100.03K)

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Ai ignore it, and they typically have double or triple your skill in weapons. Stick to being a javelin Chad

I assume it'd be too hard right now to make the AI calculate distance/momentum and would result in more frustration with soldiers slapping each other for little/no damage. That said the AI definitely cheats in this regard and honestly they should just take out the momentum-based stuff in SP. You pretty much have to either be mounted or ranged right now.

How do I trade/buy fiefs? Everytime I talk to a lord I cant click on the fiefs option

On the flipside, it makes fighting on foot if you get unhorsed a lot more desperate and high tension imo.
>try to flank a Vlandian unit of crossbowmen
>they snipe my horse
>fall down a river
>spearmen instantly try to rush me
>had to frantically fend them off with my sabre while wading in waist deep water before I got saved by my own cavalry
Shit was awesome

>ride by a looter on my super fast desert warhorse
>covered in the best armour in the game
>cant hit him with my sword because he perfectly predicts when to swing his peasant hammer to stun me as I ride by

Seriously why do the low tier units both melee and ranged have the same accuracy and skill as the top tier troops just with worse gear.

Why the FUCK has every other enemy lord turned into a fucking horrific blob

Attached: wtf.png (1468x1080, 2.25M)

I've noticed this. Even regular Looters are like head and shoulders above the player. Even the tutorial is unforgivingly brutal. The AI seems smarter than WB for sure but most of the difficulty for me is coming from them ignoring the damage penalty from weapon length and attack distance.

Why did they go full SJW with warrior queens who are literally all muh strong female?

Melee is definitely challenging but it's doable. Im running a full infantry Battanian band and Im doing fairly well

I found spinning seems to work. Honestly the fighting system right now, feels almost exactley like in War of the Vikings / War of the Roses, SPIN TO WIN

Hey fags I know a lot of you complain about the same shit I complain about and I found this mod

>Smithing stamina cap raised from 100 to 400
>Stamina gain raised from 5 per hour to 10 per hour
>Gain bonus party size from Leadership and Steward skill
>global multiplier to skill experience gain
>Experience gains for the player and your companions are enabled in tournaments and the arena
>Global experience multiplier for all non-hero troops. Default value is 2x experience
>Increased base workshop limit from 1 to 2
>Optional setting to change the base number of companions you can have
>Optional setting to change the bonus to your companion limit from clan tier
>Added value to give bonus militia production to castles and towns. This is aimed towards making sieges more difficult and stopping one faction from taking over.
>Added values to give bonuses to production levels of the castle Granary, Gardens, Militia Barracks and Training Fields
That last one buffs the food production of everything to support their now rather large garrisons
And last but definitely not least
>bring your entire army into a hideout

>beat a steppe bandit hideout with 50 sturgians at my side
>the end boss comes out to challenge me to a duel
>my guys have already formed a circle around him and his cronies
>instant assrape
This mod is definitely a stopgap and not that balanced but it addresses a lot of things that were going wrong, I suggest you try it.

Attached: 20200404235848_1.jpg (1920x1080, 348.21K)

Too much butter.

Mounted melee combat is fucked in this game.
>pinpoint accurate and super fast reload archers take out your mount in 2-3 hits before you even get close
>if you do get close and the enemy has anything but the shortest pocket knife, he will almost always swing it faster than you and WILL 100% interrupt your attack even if you use polearms
>hitboxes are a lot less lenient than Warband's so making your sword physically connect takes a great amount of precision, you pretty much have to look straight at the ground to be able to hit footmen next to you

I abandoned my melee char eventually and went for an easy mode horse archer. I might just go back to Warband until they hopefully fix the game.

A lot of that is to do with the AI being high level combined with leveling up taking fucking forever for some reason. I know it's not complete but it really is a joyless grind to level up in this

is this only happening to me? It's like a few Battanian lords and I'm trying to hunt them down and kill them all but they keep popping up

Attached: caladog.png (1485x929, 1.54M)

Been using that since its first release and it keeps getting better. Thank fuck for modders.

So it's easy mode?

even the most basic foot soldiers have ridiculously inflated stats compared to the player


Attached: fucking jesus.png (1920x1036, 1.2M)

>I am Hikari
It's probably their built-in weeb filter kicking in.

Spears are extremely effective on foot as long as you keep your distance so that they can't smother you. They're also one of the only effective weapons in a crush, since even overhead swings will get caught up on shit half the time now.

>Losing to infantry on with mounted melee
I can't even imagine being this bad at video games. Mounted melee fucks AI asses even harder than in warband, especially when you get a couchable lance. But even before you get a lance, a spear or long bladed sword will absolutely destroy foot soldiers, especially when they rout and you need to ride them down.
I almost never use horse archery anymore because even with a tier 5 bow the damage is just too low to be worthwhile compared to a lance.

What the fuck do I do after getting a kingdom? Two factions control the entire map and going to war with even one of them is guaranteed suicide.

You're doing god's work user, rid the world of these monstrosities.

Are there any mods that significantly upgrade the leveling speed?

>looter on foot with butter knife outranges couched lance

>when they rout
>guess being melee is not shit when the enemy AI is literally disabled
fucking lol

Where's your feeb filter now you stupid fucking bastard?

Attached: die.png (1289x755, 765.55K)

No, it's happened to me as well. Restarting the game didn't fix it, but after restarting my computer it was normal

I found your problem, this only happens to fags

Theres a couple of them already like but im sure theres mods just for better exp if you don't want everything else.


The game is already easy, this just cuts through the tedium

>you don't want everything else.
Everything in that mod is optional actually, you can enable or disable any of those features, as well as tweak them to your liking

Every time I start Bannerlord I ask myself why am I not just playing Warband, which is the same game except with more features

Yeah, something can't be right. Basic looters in 1 and WB were level 3 or so I think and had like 50 (extremely low) weapon skill amounts. Here they're many times your level and supposed their stats are massive even at the baseline.

Honestly I wouldn't mind the inflated AI stats so much if yours were good or took less time to upgrade. I could win if my guy didn't swing a sword like it weighed 7,000 pounds and you're lucky to get 2 skill points out of multiple kills.

Post webm. If it's you just being a boring ass hit and run pussy on the flanks of the enemies, then I'm going to ignore everything you said. The fact of the matter is that in the current state of the game true cavalry charges don't exist. Heavy cavalry can't break a formation of infantry in bannerlord. I've had knights charge into looters and die immediately because armor doesn't have any meaningful stagger protection and horses also have extremely low stagger thresholds.

If there was a mod that let you bring an equal amount of troops to a bandit camp that would be good enough.

He doesn't out range you, you're just missing with the spear tip because you actually have to aim now.

No, melee is good in a rout because you can go around rapid firing the spear into enemy backs and get way more kills than a bow, even if you still have ammo at the end of the fight.
Melee is also outstanding at taking out enemy nobles and heavy cavalry since you can dehorse them in one hit with a lance and an spears do way better pierce damage against heavy armor than bows.

git gud unironically
it took me like three hours of playing the campaign to get used to it

>some farmer girl who picked herbs her entire life
>160 one handed weapon skill
ok then lol

Some units straight up have wrong stats. Some guy made a mod to fix part of them:

You know what's worse than the combat ai?
The strategy ai
>northern empire at war with not mongols
>mongols take city
>northern empire takes a shitty castle
>lose castle
>lose next city
>take another shitty castle
>lose castle
>make peace
They got completely fucked and didn't bother defending anything, just rode from village to village, recruiting tier 1 units and not attacking poorly defended cities, but fucking castles
They're so fucking incompetent holy shit

How are throwing weapons in this one?
Can you make an army focused on throwing before engaging in melee?

You can but you'll get fucked because throwing range is much shorter than bows.

Can you start your own kingdoms already?

You always could, just have to do the main quest.

Has anyone here even gotten their weapon skill into the mid hundreds without cheats/mods?
I had a 20 hour save and even with 5 focus in archery and riding doing nothing but riding and shooting arrows in battle I still didn't break 100 on either.

They do need to tune charges to be more impactful, especially with how heavy horses feel now and how much more nimble foot soldiers feel.
But at the same time, with just a desert horse and some decent tactics (yes, chipping at the edges of a formation is a tactic that you should have down completely from Warband), I've managed to deliver charge and get away safely.

Remember that you get more of a bonus if you prep your thrust closer to the actual impact. Also, release before you'll actually hit your target, because riding the point in will count and helps you take full advantage of the spear's reach.

Im fine with Butterlord so far but the skill levels being all over the place is kinda jarring. A level 3 Battanian Skirmisher has more One Handed than a level 4 Battanian Veteran Skirmisher. If you upgrade them to Wildings, they don't even get much past Skirmishers

Well shit.

just stop hugging your opponent

Don't listen to this guyThrowing weapons are nearly always a one hit kill because even top level bows will only do about 90 damage compared to throwings at least 120 for decent weapons

Fucking Lucon. I tried my best to stop them getting steamrolled by the Mongols too, but they were beyond help.

Let's talk formations. I like using those, even if it's a bit useless most of the time.What is your opnions about it, does it work? I can see advantages for using circle, square and shieldwall, but what about wedge? what can i do with it?

Attached: circlejerk.jpg (1280x720, 134.74K)

>just cheat bro
No thanks.

>using melee
>not throwing one shot spears

You can fight in melee just fine. Just have a long weapon.

>The fact of the matter is that in the current state of the game true cavalry charges don't exist.
Translation: You're trash and don't know how to use troop commands. Here's a pro tip for ya:

>Step 1: Find a hill or terrain bottleneck.
>Step 2: Park your infantry and bows on the hill or bottleneck.
>Step 3: Tell your cavalry to follow you.
>Step 4: When the enemy gets close to your infantry line, lead your cavalry to their flank or rear, avoiding or engaging their cavalry depending on how much they have.
>Step 5: Tell your cavalry to charge the rear or flank of the enemy infantry and bows. If the enemy infantry haven't reached your shieldwall yet, tell your shieldwall to charge at the same time.
>Crash into the enemy infantry and start spearing or slashing them.
>Disengage as soon as the enemy infantry start turning around to fight you.
>Tell your cavalry to group up on you again.
>Charge again.
>Repeat until the enemy routs.

Cavalry is literally godmode if you're not a retard and don't send them head on into shield and spears to get chambered and blocked.

Deep square again cavalry to bog them down, that's pretty much it when it comes to actual usefulness.

Well memed, you're on your way to /r/eddit gold.

Circle and square are great for cavalry if you have the bodies. They lose momentum if they try to charge it and this is usually enough to rip the rider off their mount.
Shieldwall and Wedge are great for advancing. I used Wedges for my Skirmishers so only a few troops are in range to throw and when the enemy gets closer, the outer edges bring their throwing weapons to bear and this is usually enough to rout a charge.

How do I even install that on the cracked copy.

How do I tell what's a good workshop to build? Should I go by what's around the town or by what items have a green price number in the trade menu?

The problem is that as soon as you get near the infantry AI, they insta-turn at the player. And they will block you with their shield or will block your swing with their melee weapon. Even if I'm riding at fucking mach 3 and swinging my giant voulge with the force of a thousand suns so that it makes you think standing in its way would just break anyone's arm at the very worst, and it just gets blocked without any effort. If it's archers, they will take out your horse in just a couple hits and then you get zerg rushed.

Mounted melee is a fucking joke now. It's only any good against mounted units who can't turn their body freely or routing dudes. And that's with ploearms and long swords and two handers. Let's not even mention trying to use maces, which are shorter and slower in general. It was just fine in Warband.

The same people making these complaints are the same idiots that just hit charge all at the start of a battle and wonder why they get rolled. I remember having to explain this very strategy to morons back when Mount and Blade 1 came out and tons of people were mad they couldn't be one man armies

so, same a warband then.

Both. Don't forget, you can saturate the market with too much of one product