>Duuuude! Dan Salvato is a GENIUS!! This game is brilliant!
In all seriousness though, what’s the VN that this ripped off of? I tried looking it up in interviews, but Dan is pretending that all of his ideas were original.
>Duuuude! Dan Salvato is a GENIUS!! This game is brilliant!
In all seriousness though, what’s the VN that this ripped off of? I tried looking it up in interviews, but Dan is pretending that all of his ideas were original.
Other urls found in this thread:
The visual novel that this ripped off features you slurping another dude's cum out of your girlfriend's pussy so if that's more your liking god speed to you but for us none cucks i prefer dokie dokie.
>Individual gets lauded for playing with the VN format to tell a spooky story
>Yas Forums's reaction: Which corporation did Dan Salvato steal this idea from?
You'd be surprised about what an individual is capable of OP.
holy fucking based lmaooooo
>iDubbbz's Cuckiepop
It didn't rip off anything, it's not that original of a concept.
Stupid fucking idiot.
What’s it called?
People say is this one but this VN has never come.to the west (it comes.on may I think) so I guess he either got the plot details from someone who knows Japanese or the similarities between the two are coincidences.
Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi.
just posted it
If you can’t see how you’re statement is self contradictory, then perhaps it’s time for you to stop posting.
Cool. Thanks.
Doki Doki isn't a visual novel, you fucking retard.
It's a rail-roaded game with a rail-roaded experience.
>What’s it called?
Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi
>the first act which is actually a VN is far superior to the meme sections where it tries to be different
bravo danlet
His statement would make sense if he said "anything in particular" which is exactly my stance.
isn't that most visual novels? i tend to prefer visual novels where you have choices but most of them tend to be very rigid in their story telling.
You don't understand the difference from something being derivative and being a knockoff. You're a genuine retard.
Whatever shitty weebshit people accuse DDLC of copying likely has literally zero original ideas of its own. DDLC is literally basic creepypasta shit slapped onto a generic romance VN. If you get offended that it "ripped off' some weebshit that you enjoy then you need to get taste that doesn't appeal to children in 8th grade.
The set up for the game is impossibly generic as far as VN's go, I don't think you can claim he ripped off any one VN. Only a literal brainlet would think
>Wow, a male main character reluctantly forming a harem at a Japanese school? How original!
And then presume that Salvato stole this novel concept off of some poor Japanese indie developer.
>any game that involves guns is a rip off of Asteroids
Visual novels are rail-roaded, you're thinking of ADV games.
Visual novels have branching paths in most cases, you retards. Multiple branching paths, even.
Nooo dude you don't understand, he totally stole the idea from my obscure pedophile VN that only me and the creator have ever even touched!!!
it has no setup, no world-building at all. its actually kind of interesting, its one of the few things ive seen which has characters and a plot but zero elaboration on the setting and zero context
the whole thing feels like a tech demo
Branching paths are still a form of rail-roading you retard. You just have a choice between multiple rails.
I’m talking about the Monika twist where she fucks with your save, and addresses the player directly. You stupid fucktard.
>I’m going to make baseless assumptions about a game I’m never played in order to defend something I like.
I mean, I’m not even asking you to outright accept Dan ripped off a different VN, but this is just pathetic.
Have you ever managed to fool anyone into thinking you're as intelligent as your language wants to imply?
We're still talking about VNs, right? Where did this "game" talk come from?
Based absolute retard
Oh I'm sorry, you should have been more concise with your post. But if Salvato doesn't list off any influencing titles, and your own research hasn't come up with any 4th-wall breaking VN games (you have done research right?) then I don't know under what basis are you accusing him of ripping his ideas off from elsewhere?
he got it from this translated video
also another possible big source of inspiration was Irisu Syndrome, which was pretty well known around here like 10-11 years ago. it was also a cute game with a horror twist featuring meta elements, like characters walking from off screen to attack someone inside the game's window, and notes and photos in the game's folders changing as you play.
But people are posting all the sources ITT. Can’t you read?
The 4th wall breaking yandere girl plot point come from Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi like the others anons said.
The "meta-horror" element is probably rip-off from Irisu syndrome, maybe imscarred.
The third eye/libitana whatever ARG in the files is giving me Ever17 vibes but I'm not sure.
I don't understand why you're upset
What I said was true
Leading to one or two paths with one way to progress or see something is the antithesis of a visual novel.
fuck off coomer. it was all garbage.
The reason why DDLC isn't original because it has cutesy Japanese school girls doing freaky shit like murdering each other, again that's pretty generic when it comes to VNs.
It's all the 4th wall breaking stuff, and how it utilises the game directory itself into the "gameplay" (if it can be call that), with loads of hidden encoded stuff to be found and that fun gimmick where it reads your user directory name to really spook you. You're supposed to be freaked out by the game itself, rather than just the story it contains.
Came here to post this.
I don't think you have. You should stop trying tbqh.
I dunno seems like every western writer these days does this
>Implying that's a west only issue.
Didn't know actual unironic weeaboos actually still existed.
You will never be Japanese.
Yes, both of the examples in the post you quoted have 4th wall breaking stuff as well as more traditional school girls murdering each other.
The 4th wall break Is exactly what DDLC ripped off you tard.
But you're not the one posting the sources, you had no clue when you started this thread. You just started accusing Salvato of ripping his game off, and hoped that Yas Forums would be able to reinforce this weird bias you had against him.
Name 5 japanese games that do this
Sayori best girl
Can't imagine what it's like to get mad at random internet strangers who have done nothing to provoke you
Stay seething I guess
Yeah but does it involve having to delete character files, having spooky encoded stuff that when decoded are apparently irrelevant to DDLC itself and the way the 4th wall being broke involves the game basically committing self-harm? Breaking the 4th wall isn't an original idea for anyone either, but the way DDLC does it seems different to the one you posted where it seems the only similarity is that that a character from both games is in love with the actual player rather than their character.
>what’s the VN that this ripped off of?
Whatever was popular.
The file changing shit was already done much better by some non-VN games way before DDLC came out. The cute girls doing fucked up stuff has been around for a long ass time too. It didn't just rip-off a single VN game.
I'll admit, I do get triggered when people use the most generic of criticisms just to seem intelligent.
>the whole thing feels like a tech demo
The fuck does that even mean? Do you know what a tech demo actually is?
Denpa horror in general
Exactly, I made this thread to find the sources, as I was acutely aware of another VN that did the 4th wall break horror DDLC is so notorious for, well before it even came out, and I wanted to play it. Idk why you’re taking this so personally.
>as I was acutely aware of another VN that did the 4th wall break horror DDLC is so notorious for
Bollocks, if that was true you would have mentioned it in the OP.
Yume Nikki
Witchs house
Mogeki castle
Corpse party
You will never be Japanese you fucking retard
>Yeah but does it involve having to delete character files,
> having spooky encoded stuff that when decoded are apparently irrelevant to DDLC itself
>and the way the 4th wall being broke involves the game basically committing self-harm?
>Breaking the 4th wall isn't an original idea for anyone either, but the way DDLC does it seems different
Only if it’s your first ever VN.
It feels short, it feels unfinished, despite having a decent amount of content - because of that absence of setting. Hence it feels like a tech demo.
I can see why you're jumping at the chance to insult people's intelligence, it's projection lol
All wrong
I can't believe that games older than 10 years now. This is still the only single time a spooky meta game has suprised me
I literally fucking did. Read the OP again. I ask for the name of the VN it ripped off of.
You're retarded.
None of those are dating sims or genre subverting, jackass
Altering the files isn't important in DDLC wtf, it's done a single time. The ARG inside the "files" has nothing to do with the game.
Basically, every meta-horror tricks were already done by Eternal Darkness
Erosu Syndrome's pretty great until you accidentally press tab (to cheat) while beating off.
>/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #1359
Fucking retard, none of these games except maybe mogeki castle do that
Name 5 western dating sim/VN that do that, then?
Wait, for real? I haven't checked /vg/'s catalog in a long time.
Goddammit user all you had to say were
Saya no Uta
School Days
Towelket (not-VN)
>>Yume Nikki
>dating sim
I hate nu-Yas Forums so goddamn much.
>It feels short
Because it's an indie game.
>It feels unfinished
Why? Because of all glitches which are scripted and intentional?
>despite having a decent amount of content
Well this sounds like a contradiction of "it feels short" considering it's a visual novel, the content is its story which you said was too short.
>because of that absence of setting
The generic and basic setting is intentional due to the game's take on VNs in general, one of the characters points out the generic-ness of the games setting (something to the effect of "where is this game supposed to be set anyway? It looks Japanese but we have been speaking English this whole time". So that "absence of setting" isn't poor writing, it's entirely intentional because the setting is the fact it's a game. Any criticism of there not being enough backstory to the characters in the game would be totally missing the point of DDLC.
>Hence it feels like a tech demo.
What tech would it be demonstrating?
Yume Nikki one hundred percent tries to portray itself as something cute, only to end up creepy/surreal.
Most VNs in Japan are indie you idiot.
>what’s the VN that this ripped off of? I tried looking it up in interviews, but Dan is pretending that all of his ideas were original.
Point out where exactly you implied you were acutely aware of the game he ripped off. Because if you knew he was intentionally ripping off a game you already knew of, wouldn't the question be "what's the NAME of the VN that this ripped of off"?
What part of Yume Nikki seemed "cute" to you. It was unsettling from the very start, starting from the title screen with that 2 seconds loop theme.
>Yume Nikki one hundred percent tries to portray itself as something cute
What the fuck user. At no point does it ever try to be cute. It maintains a surrealistic, almost dreadful atmosphere throughout from beginning to end. The first thing you see in the game is Madotsuki in her room and there's nothing objectively cute about it.