Holy fucking shit this game has the most retarded fucking combat system I have ever fucking seen...

Holy fucking shit this game has the most retarded fucking combat system I have ever fucking seen. I never thought I would actually want to go back to real time with pause shit. Whoever designed this game is fucking retarded.

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Why do journalists like this game?

>Game has turn-based combat
>it's shit, hence

Not just journalists


The armour system is fucking broken. It basically all comes down to that. Well, that and how easy it is for enemies to do things that stunlock you for eternity letting you sit there for ten minutes watching two shitty little enemies chip away at your health.

I like turn based combat when it's done well. Like Xcom, or the Shadowrun games. This is just turn based done badly.

yeah but the lizards are cute

I agree but that doesn't make it fun. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills with the way people praise it.

t. PoE shill
The combat in OS2 is great

The writing is what really kills it though. When nothing takes itself seriously I dont care about anything that's happening.

why is it bad

The armour system basically means you have to go all magic or all physical in your party. If you don't you will be fucked for the rest of the game. If you mix it means you have to do twice as much damage.

I'm glad it's not just me. I finally gave up on it after about four hours, the combat was just a literal chore and the complete opposite of fun. It's a shame because it looked like there was incredible depth and customization options but I couldn't get through one more encounter without killing myself. Requiring 30 minutes to take down five basic bitch grunt enemies with constant pausing and swapping is not fun.

there is an option to use two guys instead of four, and they each get buffed considerably

Nah, I always played as mixed parties and demolished everything since 99% of your battles have enemy batches with arbitrary 50/50 defences and any focused character is bound to do insane damage, magic or not, just use your physical characters against high magic armor enemies and viceversa.
Not to mention you can still by a dick and use all the several abilities that completely ignore the armor system anyway, so it's not like you ever need to do a full magic/physical party when the system doesn't even work well on the basic design premise anyway due to having several instakill tools that completely ignore armor.

The armor system is bad because it's just silly HP bloating that makes everything longer and much more boring than it already is, and on top of that you also have legit tools that allow you to ignore it completely.

Because it's bad

That still doesn't change that the combat is too slow and not fun.

Go back to your shallow jrpg turn based combat then.

Does the story actually go anywhere? I've been on the mainland for about two hours now and it feels like it's meandering and going nowhere.

I've played several JRPGs with much deeper and better designed than D:OS2.
Not like it takes a lot either, especially when Swen can't even copy old PS2 games with his dumb gimmicks.

This sort of turn based combat can work, like in shadowrun. It just doesn't work in this.

Wrong. The armor is not an issue if you keep upgrading your items as you level up. Thanks to the fucking retarded item scaling system where few level increase for an item means you get shitloads of more damage or armor. It's the worst part of the game, especially on higher difficulties where enemies have a lot more armor on them. Thievery helps you keep your party up to speed if you ever fall behind in damage.

The armor sucks but the real problem is with the constant status effects that end up becoming unpurgable in the later game.

>The armor is not an issue if you keep upgrading your items as you level up
Problem is even that is bad since the general game economy is completely fucked and crafting is nonexistent.
If the retarded level based hidden scaling on weapons weren't a thing it wouldn't even be that bad, but you also have to deal with that and spend a good part of your playthrough pickpocketing people or stealing from merchants because even a single level makes a difference and you hardly have enough money to outfit a lone wolf party, let alone a normal 4 men party.
Granted, you could still play in game journalist mode, but at that point why even bother when it's even shallower mashing and rotations than Tactician?

You barely played the game, if that
You're just giving a stock Yas Forums response you heard someone say repeatedly

If you actually played the game to any noteworthy degree, you know most encounters have mixed enemy parties, with some being fighter types having heavy physical armor, and some being mage types with heavy magical armor
The obvious intent is that you send your physical attackers against their mages, and your mages against their fighters
The only thing the game punishes is combining both damage types on one character, but you're intended to have a split damage party

You know this, but you're just looking to shitpost for people who don't

>I like turn based combat when it's done well.
> the Shadowrun games

So you like turn based combat when it's simple and predictable. There's nothing wrong with that. The combat in shadowrun is just so basic and even on hard the games are easily beaten cakewalks. In Original Sin you must have a solution oriented mindset or else you're just gonna get pummeled and die all the time. The solution is literally to git gud and use your brain.

and now imagine the same faggots are responsible for and making Baldur's Gate 3.

*Casts curse on you*

I can't believe how much they simplified the systems in DOS2 and people are STILL getting filtered over it. It just doesn't body well. The common gamer is simply not attentive enough to play a well-designed turn-based game. And if you dumb it down enough, you might as well just turn it into RTWP.

>In Original Sin you must have a solution oriented mindset
>The solution is literally to git gud and use your brain.
Spamming teleports into lava fields all day is a solution oriented mindset?
D:OS, especially the second one, is mindnumbingly mundane, it's stacking big numbers or dropping intakills like any and all RPGs ever, and not even doing that in elegant ways.

>The common gamer is simply not attentive enough to play a well-designed turn-based game.
If I wanted a well designed game, let alone a turn based one, I wouldn't play Larian's stuff in the first place.

>I-it's not bad game design! You just need to get good!

Sure. How does Larian's dick taste? The reason Shadowrun worked is because it was clear and did what made sense. Adding ridiculous cheese mechanics like says does not make the game more fun, it makes the game more frustrating and RNG.

So you really haven't played the game huh

>Spamming teleports into lava fields all day is a solution oriented mindset?
No, it's a complete BS statement considering you don't encounter lava fields all day in this game.

>D:OS, especially the second one, is mindnumbingly mundane, it's stacking big numbers or dropping intakills like any and all RPGs ever, and not even doing that in elegant ways.
Sure buddy, keep pulling things out of your ass for the Internet to see if it makes you feel better.

Dude, you haven't even played DOS2 you fucking simp.

>Will the AI decide to spam stun statuses or will it fight normally
>Will it decide to curse every member of your party constantly
>Will the random friendly NPC you need to save decide to run through fire, poison, and fuck knows what else killing themselves and forcing you to restart

All of these things you can never know. I hope you like savescumming.

>Spamming teleports into lava fields all day is a solution based mindset?
>Only 2 areas in the game have lava fields
I mean it's fine if you don't like the game but don't make up shit just to push a narrative.

He thinks saving rolls are based off of RNG lel. Well they soon will be with DOS3 i mean BG3.

>considering you don't encounter lava fields all day in this game.
Act 1 lets you keep a one time deathfog nuke, but nothing in Act 1 is hard and you still don't have Terrain Trasmutation by design so I'll give you that.
You have both easy deathfog and lava fields as early as Act 2, Act 3 LITERALLY has most of your map AND dungeons have lava sources, Act 4 has plenty of deathfog but that doesn't matter because Act 4 is a joke and you're so overpowered by then the game is already long over, not to mention the game drops any previous pretense of depth or balance by giving you the goddamn tea.
>keep pulling things out of your ass for the Internet to see if it makes you feel better.
I've made multiple run of both D:OS and D:OS2, they're incredibly primitive games without a tiny semblance of balance, because Swen's entire modus operandi is "Lol you guize like cheese in RPGs, amirite?*wink wink*".

I already know your next resort will be saying I used guides, because that's what all brainlets do, pretending everyone is as stupid as they are, but I'll remind you once more, there is nothing deep about D:OS games forcing a barebone AP system on you when the games are explicitly and deliberately designed around several cheesing methods and even without considering those, the entire game is based around shallow minmaxing that makes Diablo 2 look like quantum physics.


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>Will the enemy use an ability or won't it
>Will the enemy decide to stick to a working strategy or will it switch up
>Will my autistic side force me to savescum because I'm not good enough to save the NPCs or will I live with my consequenses like in a true RPG

These are literally what a scum would complain about after getting his ass kicked by a strategy game. If you ever end up in situations you mentioned like getting your entire party stunlocked over and over then you need to literally git gud.

The combat is the only good part of the game though
The world design, writing and story are fucking abysmal

No, the combat is the worst part with all of the other parts the icing on the terrible cake.

The only argument you have is literally the last one. Yes neutral and friendly NPC's can be dumb as fuck. At least amazingly there are very few NPC centered quests that really require you to keep the person alive. i.e the captain at fort joy and the dude being hanged in the oil fields.

Yep, just like the first one. The combat especially in coop is so much fun by itself that it carries the subpar writing and story.

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The whole balance around coop is retarded. Why the fuck would anyone want to play a CRPG in coop?

>The only argument you have is literally the last one
The first two weren't responds to arguments to begin with so they obviously can't be counter-arguments. Whoever wrote them is just so inheritly dumb and obviously haven't played the game or at least never bothered to learn it while he did.

The enemies can't spam the same ability over and over so it's a BS statement made by a simpleton brainlet who doesn't think before he talks. And if you end up getting locked down from several different sources at the same time over and over then you're playing the game wrong/badly. This isn't critique of the game. It's all about you not being smart enough to adapt to a strategy.

I'm still fucking angry that Larian went on to make BG3 instead of a Director's Cut of DoS2 like they did for DoS.
All I wanted them to do was somehow fix hybrid melee-magic classes to be functional; that one fucking fix would add so much replayability.

Because we have friends and it's a thousand times more fun to do things with people you enjoy than doing it alone. Even mediocre games becomes great if you're in good company.

You should try it sometime, surly.

Divinity probably has one of the most fun combat systems in an rpg. Did you know you can teleport enemies into unpathfindable areas.

>playing this game COOP
>one friend doesn't mind taking time to listen to NPCs, wait for me to see the story because they've all played it
>one guy has seen everything, rushing ahead independently, fucking around, teleporting people into the middle of fights
>last guy knows where all the loot is, is basically a vacuum cleaning sucking up everything

Good times

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Someone didn't bother to actually play the game...

One of the best CRPG's ever made.

filtered as a mother fuck. Wow.

try role-playing you fucking fruit
just because you can doesn't mean you need to
that's the entire point

Oh, sure, for shorter games. A really long RPG though?

I just started this and my main problem is that 9/10 fights I get in the guy just starts lobbing bombs and shit the second the text box drops and my characters are all bundled together in an unfavorable position and usually I didn't even know I was going to get into a fight. I haven't lost so far but it just seems gay to have so many ambush situations right out of the gate, atleast give me a preparation phase or some shit to position my guys you can't start chucking aoe magic at me before I even know its a fight bub

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If you have to play coop for the same game to be fun, it means the same thing as having to mod a game to be good. That is, it's not a good game.

why are you so bad at video games

>Whoever designed this game is fucking retarded.
Larian - fucking up CRPGs since 2002

>try role-playing you fucking fruit
There's roleplaying in D:OS games?

The fact that you people are getting baited by this low effort shit, honestly baffles me...

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you think everyone who dislikes a game is baiting, even though the guy listed many reasons why he doesnt like the game?