>The pressure to change ‘sex’ to ‘style’ came from both people working for Nintendo America and LGBTQ activists on Twitter. Threats were allegedly made to the Japanese division if they did not adhere to the demands of the activists. “People were called bigots and ‘transphobic’ and other such nonsense, but the biggest concern was when we received threats of revealing our personal information. We have families and we didn’t want them to be harassed over this,” the insider said.
Animal Crossing dev admits gender was removed due to LGBTQ threats
>source: my ass
That's why when you see lbgtq people on the street you need to make their life a living hell. Spit in their face, slash their tires, maybe even sucker punch them. They do not deserve a good life because they chose a life of degeneracy.
>Nintendo America
Yeah, I'm not buying another Nintendo product from now on
You will never be a woman.
people called me a stinky poopoo head. this is a THREAT and my family is NOT SAFE
Fucking yanks
>OP dev admits that he is indeed a faggot
desu even if that was the reason it was still a good decision.
saints row 2 is still the model to which all character creators should aspire, and it was made long before trans* stuff was in the mainstream.
>literally who website claims """""insider""""" gave them information despite game director saying opposite
wow sick source there
gives a fuck
Same for gamers tbqh
but a youtube comment is a real source, right?
What's the matter Yas Forums? I thought threats were just part of life on the internet and no one should take them seriously?
Honestly I do like the freedom of being able to put womens clothing on my male character.
I do it generally to look funny and mix them with male clothes, but there is really no reason to make them gender specific. You character looks like a doll, let people play dress-up as they see fit.
You will never be a man.
Source faggot
>"an insider"
>no source
Yeah, I'm thinking OP is a faggot yet again.
yes i definitely just said that, whatever gymnastics that helps you win the debate i guess
btfo #rekt
What a faggot. It's a kids game, that's the fucking demographic you suck pedophile fucks.
You will never be a real man.
Well I mean yeah Nintendo have been making dress up gender specific until very recently.
It's common sense they have been pressured by political correctness in the west to allow cross-dressing.
As I said before, who gives a shit, more freedom means more customization. You're not dressing up your little doll thing to be a sex symbol lol
don't target gamers, they'll rise up.
Blame white people, they love to kiss tranny ass.
I think you're just trying to cause drama for the sake of drama.
I literally said it's playing dress-up. Who gives a shit what clothes they wear. Kids certainly don't.
and yet pokemon doesn't allow it.
really makes you think.
>only in NOA localization
Americans will defend this
what a trash heap of a website lmao
>"LGBTQ threats"
They changed sex to style because little kids will go tee hee at the word sex.
That's all
No, he's right. Villagers wear dresses, males carry female accessories, females discuss lesbian romance stories, and your character is given dresses constantly even if you are male, and for some reason poses in flamboyant manners in the dressing room. Homosexuality should not be glorifies in the media, let alone children's media, no matter how many manchildren and feminists play and discuss it on twitter.
I'm sure you said who cares when pre k genderfluid teachers were hired to teach kids pronouns as well, but that's the difference between you and I
>kids don't care what they wear
then why the fuck is "kid forced into embarrassing costumes and hates it" and "boy gets forcefully dressed like a girl at a slumber party" a common trope in media?
I think you're just promoting to be a faggot because you want to push your lame views. The game literally gives you dresses if you're a guy. Why? Guys dont wear dresses period. Add a tranny mode for trannies. Dont push your views on children who dont have developed brains, by shoving your views to manipulate them at a early age. Play dress up on yourself since it's so fun.
why are right wingers so easy to bait bros
On the plus side I get to enjoy Flick r63.
Pretty much.
The only gamer-related uprising there will ever be is their dicks.
Why does your biological sex trigger you
No way this is real
good ol' treehouse is at it again I see.
I'm not shoving anything in their faces, I'm just letting them play.
What are you doing?
Having a strong emotional response to things is heavily correlated with right wing politics.
Bob always wore a dress. This isnt actually new in Animal Crossing, in fact its not even meant to be a dress, its just some random clothing than an animal with a giant bobble head is wearing.
not for veronica though she betrayed the gang weed.
whew, sure is tumblr in here
twitter trannies need to be gassed
I care, user. I care about the idea that special interests might be harassing developers into changing their games.
That said, the source of the claim is shit and untrustworthy. Why not capitalize on that instead?
That's actually a trait of democrats. Thus the social welfare, and accusations of the right not caring about the poor. Look it up, the right is more logic driven than the emotional left
i'm not a trumptard, but you'd have to be fucking retarded to not think these mentally ill psychopaths aren't capable of making death threats.
>you can change this later
If that is true then they’re dumb. You never ever are supposed to listen to people who give you death threats or threaten you. Also literally every mentally ill group of people (gamers) do this shit. They did it to Mashda during the Dexcut stuff, they did it to Sakurai based on characters he puts in Smash, gamers are some of the worse people on Earth
You will never be a real boy
I think its appropriate to give options, like you said maybe it's for fun or maybe that's just what they like. But regardless of RNG I've gotten more fucking dresses than normal guy clothes. It becomes a problem when it feels shoved down your throat. I'm going to still enjoy the game, but I'm also going to call it like I see it. This game was influenced by pedophiles pushing their agendas.
>Braindead series with no challenge
>Highly popular among those who have played video games for a long time
What's the fucking appeal? Every nintendo console that it appears on, there were vastly superior games you could have spent money on instead.
>That's actually a trait of democrats.
You base that entirely on your emotional response. "No, not me, it's them, it's always them!"
>Look it up, the right is more logic driven than the emotional left
Not him, but if you're a tranny you really can't insult anyone. I mean literally, you're so below everything that your opinion legitimately doesnt fucking matter but I'm sure you know that because you use the internet to project first that very reason.
>Bob always wore a dress
I wanted to try and prove you wrong so I went looking for other villagers that wore a similar type of shirt and discovered this.
And now I don't care anymore.
I don't know, I just find it hilarious that your country is literally in a fucking crisis but it's more important to complain about the words used in a videogame and calling random people in a mongoose beeeding forum trannies.
Customization and relaxing core gameplay loop, it's the same story with Sims.
Stop larping fag
im trying to ease the hatred with a simple joke my man, calm your dick
Not even bob carried this around
dilate, freak
ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ
Schools are closed so all they can do is shitpost.
if we just banned twitter screencaps/politics on this board you'd see a drastic improvement.