>people are getting bored of vanilla
>asking for burning crusade
>forget that 50% of the players are warriors
>forgetting that this item exists
you think you want it, but you dont
>people are getting bored of vanilla
>asking for burning crusade
>forget that 50% of the players are warriors
>forgetting that this item exists
you think you want it, but you dont
the only good time in worldofwarcraft was durning cataclysm befire dragonsoul release
Frogposter with the shit take, nothing new here
kys wotlk nigger and get carriedby icc gear
Real question is, what are they going to do about PvP servers and faction balance?
Everyone knows TBC gave Horde elves because they were -under-populated at the time and needed a pretty race to even it out, but now they're overpopulated and it's just going to get worse with Horde having Paladins (and better ones at that)
I've been playing Alliance on a server that floats between 60-40 to 65-35 Horde-favor and I don't complain now even though it sucks balls trying to do any farming in the open world, but if my server goes on to TBC it's gonna turn into 80-20 at best, maybe even 85-15, and the bored gankers are gonna have flying mounts. Why even bother playing Alliance on a PvP server like that?
forced faction queues that prevent server imbalances from getting too bad, it's the only way to prevent 85-15 horde to alliance realms and 99-1 alliance to horde ones.
I'm happy that I have no idea what half of those words mean.
MMOfags are cancer
Blizzard would cave in because people would cry about totally not being able to play with their friends
Not interested in classic but id love to play TBC because the pvp was the best the series has ever had, hands down no argument. Please blizz dont fuck this up.
tbc is when pvp went to shit because of pvp stats